フロントページ > 情報ニュース > イーロン・マスクの不可解なツイートがSHIB、XRP、DOGEへの熱狂を呼び起こす

Elon Musk's Cryptic Tweet Raises SHIB, XRP, DOGE Armies' Enthusiasm


リリース: 2023/12/27 15:54 読む: 256




Elon Musk, chief executive of Tesla, SpaceX and several other innovative enterprises, owner of X/Twitter social media platform continues to engage with the cryptocurrency community. Even though he remains only a fan of Dogecoin, his tweets often attract the attention of various other crypto communities — in particular, XRP, Shiba Inu, Bitcoin and many others.

Tesla、SpaceX、その他いくつかの革新的な企業の最高経営責任者であり、X/Twitter ソーシャル メディア プラットフォームの所有者であるイーロン マスク氏は、暗号通貨コミュニティとの関わりを続けています。彼は依然としてドージコインのファンにすぎませんが、彼のツイートは他のさまざまな暗号コミュニティ、特に XRP、柴犬、ビットコイン、その他多くのコミュニティの注目を集めることがよくあります。

This time, Elon Musk published a cryptic tweet, prompting an enthusiastic response from representatives of various coins’ armies.




— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 26, 2023

— イーロン・マスク (@elonmusk) 2023 年 12 月 26 日

Crypto army loves Elon Musk


Musk published a cryptic tweet consisting of “1” symbols with the logo of his X platform showing through, made of “8” digits and ending with a few words. Therefore, the whole message can be read as “X is a prime, with 1800 digits.”

マスク氏は、Xプラットフォームのロゴが透けて見える「1」の記号で構成され、「8」桁で構成され、いくつかの単語で終わる謎めいたツイートを公開した。したがって、メッセージ全体は「X は 1800 桁の素数です」と解釈できます。

Various crypto-themed Twitter accounts, including that of cofounder of Dogecoin Billy Markus (known as “Shibetoshi Nakamoto” on Twitter) responded to Musk. Markus’s comment in particular was about artificial intelligence, though.


Elon Musk sticks with Dogecoin


Despite various accounts themed with different popular cryptocurrencies, such as XRP, SHIB and many others, constantly trying to get Elon Musk’s attention, he remains silent in return and does not seem to show interest in altcoins.


In one of his tweets a few years ago, Musk admitted that he only holds Bitcoin, Ethereum and Dogecoin. But he seems to prefer DOGE out of these three cryptocurrencies, often referring to it as “the currency of the people” and posting memes with Dogecoin. In the past, his tweets had a massive and instantaneous impact on the Dogecoin price as the meme coin soared.

マスク氏は数年前のツイートの中で、ビットコイン、イーサリアム、ドージコインしか保有していないことを認めた。しかし、彼はこれら 3 つの仮想通貨の中で DOGE を好むようで、しばしばそれを「人々の通貨」と呼び、ドージコインを使ったミームを投稿しています。過去には、ミームコインが急騰するにつれて、彼のツイートはドージコインの価格に瞬時に大きな影響を与えました。

However, with time, the “Elon Musk” effect on Dogecoin diminished and became only short-lived. Aside from supporting DOGE in his tweets, Musk has integrated the leading meme cryptocurrency as a payment option into online Tesla and SpaceX stores, where one can buy merchandise with DOGE.


Ripple CTO tags Musk in provocative tweet


As reported by U.Today recently, Ripple chief technology officer David Schwartz mentioned Elon Musk in his post, stating an oft-repeated (and untrue) narrative that Musk is wealthy enough, with a net worth of $250 billion, that if he gave $1 million to every person on Earth, he would still have plenty of money left.


The goal of this was to check how the “Community Notes” feature works on X/Twitter, Schwartz explained.

この目的は、「コミュニティ ノート」機能が X/Twitter でどのように機能するかを確認することであったとシュワルツ氏は説明しました。


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