フロントページ > 情報ニュース > イーロン・マスク氏、テスラが間もなくDOGEの受け入れを開始すると明らかに

Elon Musk reveals that Tesla will soon start accepting DOGE


リリース: 2024/03/15 15:04 読む: 689




The CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk, has dropped another bombshell that’s got both the crypto and automotive industries excited. He hinted that the day isn’t far when you could buy your shiny new Tesla with Dogecoin (DOGE), a meme coin that started as a joke but is now laughing all the way to the bank. This news comes from Musk himself, who has long been a cheerleader for DOGE, calling it his favorite cryptocurrency due to its “cool” factor.


Dogecoin: From Meme to Mainstream

Musk’s has been vocal about his support for Dogecoin since 2019, frequently lighting up social media with his thoughts on the crypto. Although his initial posts didn’t majorly affect DOGE’s value, his relentless promotion eventually paid off, with the cryptocurrency reaching a peak of nearly $0.74 in 2021. It’s evident that Musk’s words carry weight within the crypto community, with DOGE and Bitcoin’s prices often reacting to his statements.


This phenomenon was observed again recently during Musk’s visit to Tesla’s gigafactory in Berlin. When asked about the possibility of buying a Tesla with DOGE, Musk responded positively, indicating plans to facilitate such transactions. He elaborated on his support for DOGE, attributing it to the cryptocurrency’s popularity among the working-class employees at Tesla and SpaceX. Musk’s advocacy for DOGE comes from his perception of it as the “people’s crypto,” accessible and supported by ordinary people, in contrast to Bitcoin, which he feels is favored by the elite.

この現象は最近、マスク氏がベルリンにあるテスラのギガファクトリーを訪問した際に再び観察された。 DOGEでテスラを購入する可能性について尋ねられたマスク氏は前向きに答え、そのような取引を促進する計画を示唆した。同氏はDOGEへの支持について詳しく説明し、テスラとスペースXの労働者階級の従業員の間での仮想通貨の人気を挙げた。マスク氏がDOGEを支持するのは、エリート層に好まれていると感じているビットコインとは対照的に、DOGEは一般の人々によってアクセスでき、支持されている「人民の暗号通貨」であるとの認識から来ている。

Interestingly, Tesla briefly accepted Bitcoin in 2021, but the arrangement was short-lived due to environmental concerns related to Bitcoin’s proof of work consensus mechanism, which DOGE also uses. This raises questions about the environmental impact of potential DOGE transactions for purchases.

興味深いことに、テスラは2021年に一時的にビットコインを受け入れましたが、DOGEも使用しているビットコインの作業証明コンセンサスメカニズムに関連した環境上の懸念により、この取り決めは短命に終わりました。これは、DOGE による購入取引の可能性が環境に及ぼす影響について疑問を生じさせます。

Despite these concerns, the market reacted positively to Musk’s latest DOGE endorsement, with the cryptocurrency’s price seeing a notable uptick. This enthusiasm underscores the significant influence Musk wields in the crypto space. The prospect of Tesla accepting DOGE has sparked speculation about the cryptocurrency reaching the $1 mark, a milestone that would significantly boost its market capitalization.


Musk’s Influence and the Future of Dogecoin

Musk, often dubbed the “Doge father,” has made it clear that his support for DOGE is unwavering. His recent statements have not only fueled investor enthusiasm but have also highlighted the growing acceptance of Dogecoin in the corporate world. Luxury car manufacturer Ferrari has also started accepting DOGE as payment in the U.S., signifying the meme coin’s rising credibility.

マスク氏の影響力とドージコインの将来 「ドージの父」とも呼ばれるマスク氏は、ドージへの支持が揺るぎないことを明らかにした。彼の最近の発言は、投資家の熱意を刺激しただけでなく、企業社会におけるドージコインの受け入れの広がりを浮き彫りにしました。高級車メーカーのフェラーリも米国での支払いとしてDOGEの受け入れを開始しており、ミームコインの信頼性が高まっていることを示している。

Dogecoin’s journey from a humorous meme to a top memecoin based on market capitalization is a testament to the unpredictable nature of the crypto market. Its increasing user base and acceptance among businesses proves that DOGE is much more than a fleeting joke. And Tesla’s potential move to accept DOGE as payment for its products marks another step towards the cryptocurrency’s mainstream adoption.

ドージコインが時価総額に基づいてユーモラスなミームからトップのミームコインに至るまでの道のりは、暗号通貨市場の予測不可能な性質の証拠です。ユーザー ベースの増加と企業間での受け入れは、DOGE が一時的なジョーク以上のものであることを証明しています。そして、テスラが製品の支払いとしてDOGEを受け入れるという潜在的な動きは、暗号通貨の主流の採用に向けた新たな一歩を示しています。


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