表紙 > 情報ニュース > イーロン・マスク氏が興味深いツイートでXRPとドージコインコミュニティからの反応を引き起こす

Elon Musk Triggers Reaction From XRP and Dogecoin Community With Intriguing Tweet


リリース: 2024/03/17 22:33 読む: 603




Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has once again captured the attention of the cryptocurrency community, this time with a statement that has become iconic within the realm of digital assets.


Musk, known for his penchant for memes and playful engagement, recently invoked the statement "The most entertaining outcome is often the most likely," which has sparked excitement among enthusiasts of XRP and Dogecoin alike.


Tesla CEO's recent tweet, "The most entertaining outcome — as if we're in a soap opera — is the most likely," which contains an expression he has previously used about Dogecoin, has resonated with cryptocurrency fans.


The most entertaining outcome – as if we’re in a soap opera – is the most likelyERM

メロドラマの中にいるかのように、最も面白い結果は、ERM である可能性が最も高いです。

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 17, 2024

— イーロン・マスク (@elonmusk) 2024 年 3 月 17 日

During the week, Dogecoin prices rose after Musk indicated that Dogecoin payments for Tesla cars might be something he would like the electric car giant to do.


At the time of writing, Dogecoin was down 11.11% in the last 24 hours to $0.1444, mirroring the broader market declines. XRP was likewise down 5.27% in the last 24 hours to $0.607.

執筆時点では、ドージコインは過去24時間で11.11%下落して0.1444ドルとなり、市場全体の下落を反映している。 XRPも同様に過去24時間で5.27%下落し、0.607ドルとなった。

Expression with history


Musk's post was similar to an earlier comment about Dogecoin, a dog-themed cryptocurrency that started as a joke but gained a massive following. In the past, Musk suggested that Dogecoin's surprising success was an example of life's ironies.


In a session on the app Clubhouse in 2021, Musk said, "Fate loves irony. The most entertaining outcome is often the most likely and arguably the most entertaining outcome and the most ironic outcome would be that Dogecoin becomes the currency of Earth in the future."

2021年のアプリClubhouseのセッションでマスク氏は、「運命は皮肉が大好きだ。最も面白い結果は、多くの場合、最も可能性が高く、間違いなく最も面白い結果であり、最も皮肉な結果は、ドージコインが将来地球の通貨になることだろう」と語った。 。」

Thus, Elon Musk's latest tweet, which included a portion of this statement but did not mention any cryptocurrency, elicited comments from the XRP and Dogecoin communities.


For the Dogecoin community, it served as a reminder of Musk's iconic statement on Dogecoin. "XRP cryptowolf," an XRP community member, reacted, "This is exactly why meme coins are going parabolic."

ドージコインコミュニティにとって、これはドージコインに関するマスク氏の象徴的な発言を思い出させるものとなった。 XRPコミュニティメンバーの「XRP cryptowolf」は、「これがまさにミームコインが放物線を描く理由だ」と反応した。


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