フロントページ > 情報ニュース > イーサリアムとエバーロッジの価格予測: ドージコイン財団メンバーが警告を発する

Ethereum and Everlodge price prediction: Dogecoin Foundation member issues warning

イーサリアムとエバーロッジの価格予測: ドージコイン財団メンバーが警告を発する

リリース: 2023/11/28 21:05 読む: 596



A Dogecoin Foundation member recently issued a warning to the crypto community. Meanwhile, Ethereum (ETH) and Everlodge (ELDG) are relatively firm. 


Dogecoin: the crypto warning


The Dogecoin Foundation, an organization dedicated to developing and promoting the meme-inspired coin, has a familiar presence in the scene. 


You might also like: Dogecoin (DOGE) millionaire wallets declined by 40% in 2023 

こちらもお勧めです: ドージコイン (DOGE) 億万長者のウォレットは 2023 年に 40% 減少

Misha Boar, a member of the Dogecoin Foundation, recently issued a warning, pointing to the growing number of phishing scams in the industry. He advised his audience to withdraw funds from “dogechain dot info” and other centralized exchanges.

ドージコイン財団のメンバーであるミーシャ・ボア氏は最近、業界でフィッシング詐欺が増加していることを指摘して警告を発した。彼は視聴者に「dogechain dot info」やその他の集中型取引所から資金を引き出すようアドバイスした。

While this statement sparked a debate, DOGE prices remain in an uptrend. DOGE prices rose from $0.070 to $0.074 in three days from Nov. 4. 

この発言は議論を引き起こしたが、DOGE価格は依然として上昇傾向にある。 DOGE の価格は、11 月 4 日からの 3 日間で 0.070 ドルから 0.074 ドルに上昇しました。

Based on this, analysts are bullish on the coin, forecasting it to reach $0.098 by December 2023.


Ethereum: rising exchange outflows 


While the warning from the Dogecoin Foundation has sparked conversation, it’s crucial to consider broader market dynamics, especially for coins like Ethereum (ETH). 


In recent Ethereum news, it was noted that more ETH were moving from centralized exchanges. 


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こちらもお勧めです: Near FoundationとEigen Labsが提携してイーサリアムのロールアップを強化

According to IntoTheBlock, approximately $210 million worth of ETH left centralized exchanges (CEXs) in late October; the highest in seven days since August.

IntoTheBlock によると、約 2 億 1,000 万ドル相当の ETH が 10 月下旬に集中取引所 (CEX) から流出しました。 8月以来7日ぶりの高水準となった。

Meanwhile, ETH prices rose from $1,799 on Oct. 31 to $1,878 on Nov. 7. 


Analysts are optimistic, predicting ETH to reach $2,335.71 in Q4 of 2023.


Everlodge could outperform Dogecoin and Ethereum 


Everlodge presale is in progress. The project aims to address challenges in the real estate market. 


It is establishing a unique niche with innovative solutions that could disrupt traditional real estate practices and improve global accessibility.


In the real estate market, entry barriers are typically high, limiting access to wealthy individuals. 


Everlodge aims to overcome this by digitizing and minting luxurious villas or hotels into non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which are later fractionalized.


This approach enables investors of all income levels to become fractional owners of properties.


Minted NFTs should rise in sync with the associated real-world property. 


ELDG holders can join the Rewards Club, granting them free nightly stays in Everlodge properties that can be resold.

ELDG 保有者はリワーズ クラブに参加でき、再販可能なエバーロッジの物件に無料で 1 泊滞在できるようになります。

In stage 6 of the Everlodge presale, ELDG is available for $0.023. 

Everlodge プレセールのステージ 6 では、ELDG は 0.023 ドルで購入できます。

Experts predict ELDG to reach $0.038 by the end of the presale. 


Visit Everlodge


Read more: Crypto analysts bullish on Cardano and Bitcoin, Everlodge to rally

続きを読む: 仮想通貨アナリストはカルダノとビットコインに強気、エバーロッジは反発へ

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