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Exploring Low-Cost Cryptocurrencies with High Profit Potential


リリース: 2024/02/03 06:28 読む: 239



You can also read this news on COINTURK NEWS: Exploring Low-Cost Cryptocurrencies with High Profit Potential

このニュースは COINTURK NEWS でもお読みいただけます: 高い収益の可能性を備えた低コストの暗号通貨の探索

When it comes to cryptocurrencies, small entrepreneurs who are new to the industry tend to shy away from investing due to the high price of Bitcoin, while they are inclined to turn to cryptocurrencies that can yield large profits with small investments. In this context, cryptocurrencies that are under $0.10 seem to be attracting the attention of this group of investors. So, which of the hundreds of altcoins out there can investors follow?


Shiba Inu (SHIB)

Shiba Inu (SHIB)

Shiba Inu (SHIB) is perhaps one of the two best-known cryptocurrencies in the world, sharing this title with Dogecoin. Investors have always kept their attention on SHIB. Recently, Ali Martinez stated that SHIB could rise to $0.010 or even $0.011 in the upcoming period.

柴犬 (SHIB) はおそらく世界で最も有名な 2 つの暗号通貨のうちの 1 つであり、ドージコインと同じタイトルを持っています。投資家は常にSHIBに注目してきました。最近、アリ・マルティネス氏は、SHIBが今後の期間で0.010ドル、さらには0.011ドルまで上昇する可能性があると述べました。

On the other hand, CoinCodex’s artificial intelligence-based learning algorithms indicate that a rally could occur in February, projecting that the price could be at $0.00003132 within a month, which is 246.12% higher than its current price of $0.000009049.


Dogecoin (DOGE)

ドージコイン (DOGE)

The undisputed leader of dog-themed meme coins, Dogecoin (DOGE), has been on everyone’s mind ever since Elon Musk mentioned it, and it seems that the optimistic atmosphere around cryptocurrency has started to positively affect its price.


On January 30, there was a 1,100% increase in the number of active Doge addresses, indicating that investors new to the market or those who have not previously invested in DOGE are turning their attention to the meme coin.


Setting aside the next 30 days, according to AI, there is a possibility of a price increase for DOGE in the upcoming period. In just a one-week price forecast, DOGE is expected to rise from its current price of $0.07951 to $0.081156.

AI によると、今後 30 日間はともかく、今後の期間に DOGE の価格が上昇する可能性があります。わずか 1 週間の価格予測では、DOGE は現在の価格 0.07951 ドルから 0.081156 ドルに上昇すると予想されます。

Cronos (CRO)

クロノス (CRO)

Cryptocom‘s native token Cronos (CRO) hosted a sudden and significant increase following various integrations at the end of 2023.

Cryptocom のネイティブ トークン Cronos (CRO) は、2023 年末のさまざまな統合に続き、突然大幅な増加をホストしました。

Additionally, artificial intelligence algorithms predict that the price will continuously rise over the next six months, except for the end of the period, and will significantly exceed $0.08169. This could be a signal of an impending rally.


Floki Inu (FLOKI)

Floki Inu (FLOKI)

Floki Inu (FLOKI), while lagging behind other dog-themed meme coins, seems to be continuing to progress.

Floki Inu (FLOKI) は、他の犬をテーマにしたミームコインに遅れをとっているものの、進歩を続けているようです。

Recently, like its competitors, Floki has been moving in parallel with the crypto market. Since January 1, it had a negative outlook over the past 30 days, losing 25% of its value. However, in the last 24 hours, Floki’s price increased by 0.29% to $0.00002819, showing a positive outlook.

最近、競合他社と同様に、Floki も仮想通貨市場と並行して活動を行っています。 1月1日以来、過去30日間で見通しはマイナスとなり、価値の25%を失った。しかし、過去 24 時間で、Floki の価格は 0.29% 上昇して 0.00002819 ドルとなり、前向きな見通しを示しています。

On the other hand, AI’s prediction for FLOKI looks positive. According to AI’s forecast, a one-month rise to $0.00003087 and a one-year rise to $0.00006017 are anticipated, which could potentially bring an increase of over 100%.

一方で、FLOKI に対する AI の予測は前向きに見えます。 AI の予測によると、1 か月で 0.00003087 ドル、1 年で 0.00006017 ドルの上昇が予想されており、100% を超える上昇が見込まれる可能性があります。

The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Exploring Low-Cost Cryptocurrencies with High Profit Potential

この投稿は COINTURK NEWS に最初に掲載されました: 高い収益の可能性を備えた低コストの暗号通貨の探索


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