(24-hour Dogecoin price trend)
Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Update as of February 18, 2025
As of 05:00 AM UTC on February 18, 2025, the live Dogecoin (DOGE) price stands at $0.26010384002476. The 24-hour trading volume for DOGE is $1367780003.7578, indicating a significant amount of market activity.
2025年2月18日の午前5時現在、Live Dogecoin(Doge)の価格は0.26010384002476です。 DOGEの24時間の取引量は1367780003.7578ドルで、市場活動のかなりの量を示しています。
Key Price Movements
In the past 24 hours, Dogecoin's price has fluctuated noticeably. It has experienced a decrease of -2.79382887%, bringing the current value to $0.26010384002476. This suggests that there has been some selling pressure in the market.
過去24時間で、Dogecoinの価格は顕著に変動しました。 -2.79382887%の減少が発生しており、現在の値は0.26010384002476になります。これは、市場に販売圧力があったことを示唆しています。
Circulation and Supply
The circulating supply of DOGE currently stands at 148088216383.71. The maximum supply for DOGE is not specified, and the total supply is also listed as 148088216383.71. This indicates that all of the available DOGE tokens are currently in circulation.
Dogeの循環供給は現在14808216383.71にあります。 DOGEの最大供給は指定されておらず、合計供給も14808216383.71としてリストされています。これは、利用可能なすべてのDogeトークンが現在流通していることを示しています。
Market Capitalization
The market capitalization for Dogecoin, calculated by multiplying the current price by the circulating supply, is currently $38518313743.82. This metric reflects the total value of all circulating DOGE tokens.
Associated Inquiries
This price update includes relevant information regarding:
- Dogecoin's live price
- 24-hour trading volume
- Percentage change in the past 24 hours
- Circulating supply, maximum supply, and total supply
- Market capitalization
Please note that this price update is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. Cryptocurrency prices can be highly volatile, and investors should always conduct their own research before making any financial decisions.