(24-hour Dogecoin price trend)
Dogecoin (DOGE) Holds Steady Amidst Market Uncertainty
As of February 21, 2025, 09:00 UTC, the current price of Dogecoin (DOGE) stands at $0.25374109899212. Over the past 24 hours, the cryptocurrency has experienced a slight decline of -0.28343584%.
2025年2月21日、09:00 UTCの時点で、DogeCoin(DOGE)の現在の価格は0.25374109899212ドルです。過去24時間にわたって、暗号通貨は-0.28343584%のわずかな減少を経験しています。
Within the same time frame, DOGE's trading volume has been modest, amounting to $1104088615.7349. This suggests that the market for Dogecoin remains relatively stable.
The current circulating supply of Dogecoin stands at 148131676383.71 DOGE, with no disclosed maximum or total supply. This potentially unlimited supply could impact the long-term value of the cryptocurrency.
DogeCoinの現在の循環供給は、148131676383.71 Dogeにあり、最大または総供給は開示されていません。この潜在的に無制限の供給は、暗号通貨の長期的な価値に影響を与える可能性があります。
Despite its decentralized nature, Dogecoin's price has historically exhibited a strong correlation to movements in the broader cryptocurrency market, particularly Bitcoin (BTC). BTC's own recent volatility may be contributing to the current fluctuations in Dogecoin's value.
その分散型の性質にもかかわらず、Dogecoinの価格は歴史的に、より広範な暗号通貨市場、特にビットコイン(BTC)の動きと強い相関関係を示してきました。 BTC独自の最近のボラティリティは、Dogecoinの価値の現在の変動に貢献している可能性があります。
Retail investors continue to express enthusiasm for Dogecoin due to its accessible price point and its association with the Shiba Inu meme. However, institutional adoption of DOGE remains limited, which could restrict its future growth prospects.
小売投資家は、アクセスしやすい価格帯とShiba Inu Memeとの関係により、Dogecoinに対する熱意を表明し続けています。ただし、Dogeの制度的採用は依然として限られたままであり、将来の成長の見通しを制限する可能性があります。
As with any cryptocurrency investment, it is crucial to approach Dogecoin with due diligence. Investors should carefully consider the potential risks and rewards before allocating any funds. Market volatility, regulatory changes, and the speculative nature of cryptocurrencies all pose potential threats to capital invested in DOGE.