(24-hour Dogecoin price trend)
Dogecoin Price Update and Market Analysis
As of February 22, 2025, 01:00 UTC, the live price of Dogecoin (DOGE) is $0.2465911284863, representing a 24-hour trading volume of $1,579,830,604.9265. Over the past 24 hours, DOGE has experienced a price decrease of 2.11986069%.
2025年2月22日、01:00 UTCの時点で、DogeCoin(DOGE)のライブ価格は0.2465911284863ドルで、1,579,830,604.9265ドルの24時間取引量を表しています。過去24時間にわたって、Dogeは2.11986069%の価格引き下げを経験しています。
Supply and Market Capitalization
The circulating supply of DOGE stands at 148,140,836,383.71, with a maximum supply yet to be determined. The total supply of DOGE is 148,140,836,383.71. Dogecoin's current market capitalization is $36,530,216,018.763.
Dogeの循環供給は148,140,836,383.71で、最大の供給はまだ決定されていません。 Dogeの総供給は148,140,836,383.71です。 Dogecoinの現在の時価総額は36,530,216,018.763ドルです。
Additional Information
- Price Movement: Over the past 24 hours, Dogecoin's price has fluctuated within a range of $0.2445754282467 to $0.2482158042437.
- Market Dominance: DOGE's market dominance, which measures its share of the total cryptocurrency market, is currently at 0.42%.
- Trending News: Recent news and developments may be influencing the price of DOGE. It is always recommended to stay updated on the latest industry news and events.
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