(24-hour Dogecoin price trend)
Dogecoin Price Analysis
As of February 6, 2025, 04:00 UTC, the price of Dogecoin (DOGE) stands at $0.25937330656126. In the past 24 hours, the trading volume has reached $2184954960.1751. The price of DOGE has experienced a downward trend, declining by -1.21848958% within the last day.
2025年2月6日の時点で、04:00 UTCの時点で、Dogecoin(Doge)の価格は0.259373330656126ドルです。過去24時間で、取引量は2184954960.1751に達しました。 Dogeの価格は下降傾向を経験しており、最終日に-1.21848958%減少しています。
Coin Supply Metrics
- Circulating Supply: 147923676383.71 DOGE
- Maximum Supply: Unlimited
- Total Supply: 147923676383.71 DOGE
Market Valuation
循環供給:147923676383.71 Dogemaximum Supply:UnlimitedTotal Supply:147923676383.71 Dogemarket Aluation
The market capitalization of Dogecoin at the time of this analysis is $38367453062.339. This value represents the total current worth of all DOGE coins in circulation.