(24-hour Dogecoin price trend)
Dogecoin Price Surge: Latest Value and Performance
As of February 8, 2025, at 02:00 UTC, Dogecoin (DOGE) is trading at $0.25281823545747. In the past 24 hours, DOGE has experienced an increase of 2.69861837%, making it one of the best-performing cryptocurrencies in the market.
2025年2月8日の時点で、02:00 UTCで、Dogecoin(Doge)は0.25281823545747で取引されています。過去24時間で、Dogeは2.69861837%の増加を経験しており、市場で最もパフォーマンスの高い暗号通貨の1つとなっています。
Trading Volume
The 24-hour trading volume for Dogecoin has reached $2027871357.4968, indicating a high level of activity for the digital asset.
Circulating Supply and Market Value
The current circulating supply of Dogecoin stands at 147949976383.71 DOGE, representing approximately 96% of the total supply. Dogecoin has a total supply of 147949976383.71 DOGE and a maximum supply of unspecified.
Dogecoinの現在の循環供給は、147949976383.71 Dogeにあり、総供給の約96%を占めています。 Dogecoinの総供給量は147949976383.71 Dogeと最大供給の不特定です。
With a circulating supply of 147949976383.71 DOGE, the market capitalization of Dogecoin is estimated to be $37404451965.303.
147949976383.71 DOGEの循環供給により、DogeCoinの時価総額は37404451965.303と推定されています。
Performance Analysis
Over the last 24 hours, Dogecoin has shown a steady upward trend, maintaining a positive momentum in the cryptocurrency market. The increase in trading volume suggests an increased interest from investors and traders.
Dogecoin's recent price surge highlights the growing popularity and adoption of this digital asset. With its increasing value and active trading community, DOGE remains an attractive investment option for both retail and institutional investors.