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Google Takes Action Against Scammers of Fake Crypto Apps


リリース: 2024/04/07 04:47 読む: 713



Google has filed a lawsuit against scammers who allegedly distributed fake crypto apps via its Google Play store, as reported by CNBC.

CNBCの報道によると、Googleは、Google Playストア経由で偽の暗号アプリを配布したとして詐欺師に対して訴訟を起こした。

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インスタント 100,000 Aka トークンを請求 $100 無料の新しい Memecoin、ChikaMoji.lol で今すぐエアドロップを請求

The legal action, initiated in the Southern District of New York on April 4, reflects Google’s commitment to combating crypto scams and establishing a legal precedent for user protection.


Google has filed a lawsuit against individuals accused of orchestrating a fraudulent scheme involving fake investment and crypto exchange apps on Google Play. The defendants, identified as Yunfeng Sun and Hongnam Cheung, allegedly posted at least 87 counterfeit apps on the platform.

Google、仮想通貨詐欺師容疑者に対して法的措置を講じる Googleは、Google Play上の偽投資や仮想通貨交換アプリに関わる詐欺計画を画策したとして告発された個人に対して訴訟を起こした。被告はYunfeng Sun氏とHongnam Cheung氏とされ、少なくとも87個の偽造アプリをプラットフォームに投稿したとされている。

According to Google’s complaint, the defendants provided false information about their identities, locations, and the nature of their apps. Halimah DeLaine Prado, Google’s general counsel, stressed the significance of the lawsuit in combating crypto fraud, which has led to substantial losses in the US.


Prado underscored Google’s commitment to utilizing its resources to protect users and deter fraudulent activities. The legal action involves civil claims under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act and breach of contract claims.


The lawsuit outlines various methods employed by the defendants to attract users to their fake apps, including text messaging campaigns, online videos, and affiliate marketing strategies.


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インスタント 100,000 Aka トークンを請求 $100 無料の新しい Memecoin、ChikaMoji.lol で今すぐエアドロップを請求

Google’s Response to Crypto App Scams

Despite their seemingly legitimate appearance, users of counterfeit crypto apps were reportedly unable to withdraw their funds, and some were even deceived into paying additional fees. The complaint against the alleged scammers also details attempts to legitimize the apps, such as facilitating small initial withdrawals and issuing news releases. However, users encountered difficulties when trying to retrieve larger investments, receiving no response.

仮想通貨アプリ詐欺に対する Google の対応一見正規に見えるにもかかわらず、偽造仮想通貨アプリのユーザーは資金を引き出すことができず、騙されて追加料金を支払わされた人もいると伝えられています。詐欺師とされる者らに対する告訴状には、少額の初回引き出しを容易にしたり、ニュースリリースを発行したりするなど、アプリを正規化しようとする試みも詳しく記載されている。しかし、ユーザーはより大きな投資を回収しようとすると困難に遭遇し、応答が得られませんでした。

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In response to these deceptive practices, Google has bolstered its cybersecurity measures. This includes forming partnerships with law enforcement agencies and establishing a dedicated team to identify fraud. The company claims to have incurred damages exceeding $75,000 due to investigative efforts and safety enhancements.

こうした不正行為に対抗して、Google はサイバーセキュリティ対策を強化しました。これには、法執行機関とのパートナーシップの形成や、詐欺を特定するための専任チームの設立が含まれます。同社は、調査活動と安全性の強化により、7万5000ドルを超える損害が発生したと主張している。

Through legal action, Google seeks damages and a permanent injunction to prevent the defendants and their affiliates from accessing Google services or creating accounts. This lawsuit is part of Google’s broader strategy to safeguard its users and maintain the integrity of its platform in the face of rising online scams and cybersecurity threats.


Important: Please note that this article is only meant to provide information and should not be taken as legal, tax, investment, financial, or any other type of advice.

重要: この記事は情報提供のみを目的としており、法律、税金、投資、財務、その他の種類のアドバイスとして受け取られるべきではないことに注意してください。


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