表紙 > 情報ニュース > DOGEの価格が高騰しています! Xの支払い噂が引き金となった

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DOGEの価格が高騰しています! Xの支払い噂が引き金となった

リリース: 2024/06/20 12:42 読む: 293



DOGEの価格が高騰しています! Xの支払い噂が引き金となった

Resilience in Crypto Market: Dogecoin (DOGE) Buoys Amidst Volatility

仮想通貨市場の回復力: ボラティリティの中でドージコイン (DOGE) が好調

In the midst of recent market volatility, Dogecoin (DOGE) has exhibited resilience against the bearish sentiment engulfing much of the cryptocurrency landscape. While most digital assets have suffered substantial losses, the memecoin has managed to stay in the green.

最近の市場のボラティリティの真っ只中、ドージコイン (DOGE) は、仮想通貨業界の大部分を覆っている弱気な感情に対して回復力を示しています。ほとんどのデジタル資産が大幅な損失を被っている一方で、ミームコインはなんとか利益を維持しています。

This unexpected price action has sparked curiosity and speculation regarding the underlying factors driving this uptrend. This report delves into recent developments surrounding DOGE that may help explain its current price surge.

この予想外の値動きは、この上昇トレンドを推進する根本的な要因についての好奇心と憶測を引き起こしました。このレポートは、現在の価格高騰の説明に役立つ可能性のある DOGE を取り巻く最近の動向を詳しく掘り下げています。

Potential for DOGE Payments on

DOGE 支払いの可能性

Bitcoinist reports that one of the most significant factors contributing to Dogecoin's recent price rally is heightened speculation that DOGE payments may soon be integrated into the platform, previously known as Twitter.

Bitcoinist の報告によると、ドージコインの最近の価格上昇に寄与する最も重要な要因の 1 つは、ドージコインの支払いが以前は Twitter として知られていたプラットフォームに間もなく統合されるのではないかという憶測の高まりである。

Excitement surrounding this possibility has fueled significant demand for the meme crypto, pushing its price higher. The speculation began when a prominent member of the Dogecoin community shared a post suggesting that DOGE payments were "coming soon" to .

この可能性をめぐる興奮がミーム暗号への大きな需要を刺激し、その価格を押し上げている。この憶測は、Dogecoin コミュニティの著名なメンバーが DOGE への支払いが「間もなく行われる」ことを示唆する投稿を共有したときに始まりました。

Community members expressed excitement akin to when they first purchased Dogecoin. The post quickly gained traction within the community, leading to a surge in interest and trading volume for the cryptocurrency.

コミュニティのメンバーは、初めて Dogecoin を購入したときと同じような興奮を表明しました。この投稿はすぐにコミュニティ内で注目を集め、仮想通貨への関心と取引量が急増しました。

As a result, Dogecoin's 24-hour trading volume has spiked significantly. This increased activity has coincided with its price increase, even as the broader crypto market has experienced substantial declines.


The enthusiasm surrounding the potential integration of DOGE payments on has served as a major catalyst for this positive price movement.

DOGE 支払いの統合の可能性をめぐる熱意が、このプラスの価格変動の主な触媒として機能しました。

Support from Influential Figures


In addition to speculation, support from influential figures in the crypto space has also played a role in Dogecoin's recent price performance.


Notably, BitMex founder Arthur Hayes, a renowned crypto billionaire, has publicly expressed his support for Dogecoin. Hayes revealed that he currently holds DOGE and views the current market downturn as an opportunity to accumulate more of the altcoin.


Hayes stated that he is "taking advantage of this choppy sideways to down price action" in the market to add to his Dogecoin and another altcoin, Pendle.


"I love this choppy shitcoin price action. I am adding to my stash of PENDLE and DOGE," Hayes said.


Given Hayes' influence within the crypto community, his endorsement of Dogecoin has further bolstered confidence in the cryptocurrency. His positive outlook and strategic buying during the downturn have provided additional support for DOGE's price.



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