表紙 > 情報ニュース > 投資家がバイナンスから主要トークンを引き出す

Investor Withdraws Major Tokens from Binance


リリース: 2024/07/04 10:05 読む: 741




Significant Token Withdrawals from Binance amidst Market Correction


Following an optimistic start to the week, the cryptocurrency market experienced a sudden downturn, resulting in a 2.5% decline and bringing prices below $60,000. This downturn triggered panic and selling pressure, wiping out $100 billion from the market in the past 24 hours. However, certain investors appear to be positioning themselves for a potential market upswing.


Major Withdrawals from Binance


In response to the market decline, an investor has withdrawn tokens worth $59.41 million from Binance. The largest withdrawal consisted of 9,425 ETH, valued at $30.92 million, indicating anticipation surrounding ETH ETFs. The investor also withdrew 957.7 billion PEPE and 583.7 billion SHIB, valued at $9.82 million and $9.63 million, respectively.

市場の下落を受けて、投資家はバイナンスから5941万ドル相当のトークンを引き出した。最大の引き出しは9,425 ETH(3,092万ドル相当)であり、ETH ETFに対する期待を示しています。同投資家はまた、それぞれ982万ドルと963万ドル相当の9,577億PEPEと5,837億SHIBを引き出した。

Other notable withdrawals included:


  • 438,700 RNDR ($3.13 million)
  • 5.187 million MATIC ($2.81 million)
  • 104,100 LINK ($1.47 million)
  • 39,100 AVAX ($1.08 million)
  • 2.762 million GRT ($550,000)

These strategic withdrawals suggest that the investor is attempting to capitalize on the declining market conditions.

438,700 RNDR (313 万ドル)518 万 7000 MATIC (281 万ドル)104,100 LINK (147 万ドル)39,100 AVAX (108 万ドル)276 万 2000 GRT (55 万ドル)これらの戦略的撤退は、投資家が市況の悪化を利用しようとしていることを示唆しています。

Performance of SHIB and PEPE


Examining the performance of the meme coins involved in the transactions reveals that SHIB was trading at $0.00001638, a 5% drop in the past 24 hours. Its market cap stands at $9.6 billion, ranking 13th on CoinMarketCap. PEPE, another meme coin, experienced a 9.62% decrease, bringing its price to $0.00001021 and reducing its market cap to $4.2 billion. Despite this, PEPE remains the third-ranked meme coin.

取引に関与したミームコインのパフォーマンスを調べると、SHIBが0.00001638ドルで取引されており、過去24時間で5%下落したことが明らかになった。その時価総額は96億ドルで、CoinMarketCapでは13位にランクされています。別のミームコインであるPEPEは9.62%下落し、価格は0.00001021ドルとなり、時価総額は42億ドルに減少しました。それにもかかわらず、PEPE は依然として 3 位にランクされているミームコインです。

Investor Insights


The investor's actions provide insights into their strategy:


  • Withdrawing large amounts of ETH demonstrates confidence in future ETF approvals.
  • Significant moves in meme coins like SHIB and PEPE suggest a plan to benefit from their volatility.
  • The withdrawal of a diverse range of tokens exhibits a balanced approach to mitigating risks.
  • Timing withdrawals during market dips may be a tactic to repurchase at lower prices.

These insights highlight the strategic reasoning behind large-scale withdrawals during market downturns and offer valuable information for other investors.




The recent market correction has witnessed significant token withdrawals from Binance, reflecting strategic moves by investors. This activity underscores the complexities and opportunities within the ever-evolving cryptocurrency market.



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