表紙 > 情報ニュース > 市場のボラティリティの中で投資家がPEPEコインを分析

Investors Analyze PEPE Coin Amid Market Fluctuations


リリース: 2024/07/03 06:09 読む: 262




Investors Analyze PEPE Coin Amid Market Volatility


In the volatile crypto market, a fundamental strategy involves buying at low prices and selling at high prices. Despite this principle, many investors struggle to implement it. Often, they sell cryptocurrencies at lower prices during dips and purchase them back at higher prices, essentially nullifying their gains. Therefore, acquiring suitable projects during these dips is crucial. While some altcoins incur significant losses, others demonstrate potential for growth. The decision ultimately rests with investors.


PEPE Coin: A Standout Altcoin

PEPE Coin: 傑出したアルトコイン

PEPE Coin emerged as a notable altcoin in the previous year, achieving impressive gains. This year, it has also garnered significant attention among meme coins. However, it was not immune to the recent BTC price drop, resulting in losses for its investors.

PEPE Coinは前年に注目すべきアルトコインとして浮上し、目覚ましい利益を上げました。今年はミームコインの中でも大きな注目を集めています。しかし、最近のBTC価格下落の影響を免れなかったわけではなく、投資家に損失をもたらしました。

Whales, large investors who hold substantial amounts of cryptocurrency, play a significant role in the market. When examining the activity of PEPE whales, a noteworthy observation is the increase in the number of addresses holding between 100,000 and 10 million PEPE Coins. Despite the price decline, this whale group expanded its holdings by 3%. The overall increase in demand in recent days suggests that whales may have found support levels.

大量の暗号通貨を保有する大規模投資家であるクジラは、市場で重要な役割を果たしています。 PEPE クジラの活動を調査すると、10 万から 1,000 万枚の PEPE コインを保持するアドレスの数が増加していることが注目に値します。価格の下落にも関わらず、このクジラグループは保有量を 3% 拡大しました。ここ数日の全体的な需要の増加は、クジラがサポートレベルを見つけた可能性があることを示唆しています。

In addition to the surge in addresses holding significant amounts of PEPE Coins, the network has also experienced a substantial recovery in the number of daily active addresses. During the same period, the count of daily active addresses increased by 105%, while the creation of new addresses for trading tripled.

大量の PEPE コインを保持するアドレスの急増に加えて、ネットワークでは毎日のアクティブ アドレスの数も大幅に回復しました。同じ期間に、毎日のアクティブ アドレスの数は 105% 増加し、取引用の新しいアドレスの作成数は 3 倍になりました。

The combination of whale accumulation, robust network activity, and the recent rebound in BTC price may bolster investor confidence.


PEPE Coin Price Prediction


While renewed investor interest is positive, the key factor to monitor is the price trajectory. Meme coins are particularly popular among new investors due to their high volatility, which offers the potential for quick gains during uptrends. Conversely, during downtrends, meme coins can experience steep losses that can be detrimental to inexperienced investors.


Regarding the price, the DMI (Directional Movement Index) suggests that a swift recovery period has yet to commence. If a decline occurs, the price could potentially test $0.000010. However, if the BTC price closes above $63,000 and the network activity remains strong, along with continued whale interest, higher peaks around $0.000012 or more could be in play.

価格に関しては、DMI(Directional Movement Index)は、迅速な回復期間がまだ始まっていないことを示唆しています。下落が生じた場合、価格は 0.000010 ドルを試す可能性があります。ただし、BTC価格が63,000ドルを超えて終了し、ネットワーク活動が引き続き好調で、クジラへの関心が継続する場合、0.000012ドル以上の高値が存在する可能性があります。

It's important to note that this article was originally published on COINTURK NEWS.

この記事はもともと COINTURK NEWS に掲載されたものであることに注意することが重要です。


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