フロントページ > 情報ニュース > ドージコインの元になった犬、カボスが18歳で死去

Kabosu, Dog Who Inspired Dogecoin Dies at 18


リリース: 2024/05/25 17:37 読む: 404




Kabosu, the Face of Dogecoin, Passes Away


Kabosu, the beloved Shiba Inu who became the face of the Dogecoin cryptocurrency, passed away peacefully in her sleep on Friday at the age of 14.


Internet Star


Her owner, Atsuko Sato, announced the heartbreaking news on her blog, stating that Kabosu "fell into a deep sleep" on Friday morning. The 18-year-old dog had been battling liver disease and leukemia since 2022.


Sato expressed her gratitude to Kabosu's fans for their unwavering support throughout her life. "She quietly passed away in her sleep while I caressed her," she wrote, adding, "I think Kabo-chan was the happiest dog in the world. And I was the happiest owner."

佐藤さんは、かぼすさんの生涯を通じての変わらぬサポートに対し、かぼすさんのファンに感謝の意を表した。 「カボちゃんは私が愛撫している間、眠っている間に静かに息を引き取りました」と書き、「カボちゃんは世界で一番幸せな犬だったと思います。そして私は最も幸せな飼い主でした」と付け加えた。

Meme Inspiration


Kabosu's true birthday remains unknown, but Sato, a teacher from Sakura, east of Tokyo, estimated her age at 18. In 2008, Sato rescued Kabosu from a puppy mill. Two years later, she captured a now-iconic photo of Kabosu crossing her paws on a sofa with a quizzical expression and posted it on her blog.

かぼすの本当の誕生日は不明だが、東京の東、佐倉市の教師である佐藤さんは彼女の年齢を18歳と推定した。2008年、佐藤さんは子犬製造所からかぼすを救出した。 2年後、彼女はソファの上で怪訝な表情で足を組むかぼすの今では象徴的な写真を撮り、ブログに投稿した。

The image quickly spread across online platforms like Reddit, becoming a viral meme that "spread from college bedrooms to office email chains." The memes featured "goofy broken English" to express the dog's inner thoughts.


Dogecoin Genesis


Kabosu's image later became an NFT digital artwork, which sold for $4 million. It also inspired the creation of Dogecoin, a cryptocurrency that began as a joke by two software engineers.

カボスの画像は後にNFTデジタルアートワークとなり、400万ドルで販売されました。また、これは、2 人のソフトウェア エンジニアによる冗談として始まった暗号通貨である Dogecoin の作成にも影響を与えました。

Dogecoin, which has gained support from celebrities such as Snoop Dogg and Gene Simmons, has grown to become the eighth most valuable cryptocurrency, with a total market value of $23 billion.


Elon Musk's Endorsement


Tech billionaire Elon Musk has been a vocal supporter of Dogecoin, referring to it as "the people's crypto." In May 2021, Musk polled his followers on whether Tesla should accept Dogecoin as payment.

ハイテク億万長者のイーロン・マスク氏はドージコインを声高に支持しており、ドージコインを「人民の暗号通貨」と呼んでいる。 2021年5月、マスク氏はテスラが支払いとしてドージコインを受け入れるべきかどうかについてフォロワーにアンケートを行った。

A year later, Musk changed the then Twitter icon to Kabosu's face, an event that Sato said she had become accustomed to as "unbelievable" events became commonplace.


Legacy of Giving


A crypto organization dedicated to the Doge meme, Own the Doge, crowdfunded a $100,000 statue of Kabosu and her sofa, which was unveiled in November 2022 in a park in Sakura.


According to the BBC, Sato and the Doge have donated significant sums of money to international charities, including over a million dollars to Save the Children. The NGO revealed that this was "the single largest crypto contribution" it had ever received.

BBCによると、佐藤氏と総督は国際慈善団体に多額の寄付をしており、その中にはセーブ・ザ・チルドレンへの100万ドル以上も含まれているという。 NGOは、これがこれまでに受け取った「単一の最大の暗号寄付」であることを明らかにした。

Sato will hold a "farewell gathering" for Kabosu on Sunday.



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