フロントページ > 情報ニュース > Kasobu Dog、DOGE、SHIB のインスピレーションが失われていますが、コインは影響を受けていますか?

Kasobu Dog, Inspiration Behind DOGE And SHIB Died, Coin Impacted?

Kasobu Dog、DOGE、SHIB のインスピレーションが失われていますが、コインは影響を受けていますか?

リリース: 2024/05/25 02:36 読む: 741



  1. Kasobu, the inspiration and the face of popular memecoins, Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, died in the early morning of May 24.
  2. The owner has expressed her grief through a poem and organized a farewell event on Sunday afternoon.
  3. After the death of Kasobu, DOGE and SHIB both experienced a downfall in the price.

The Dogecoin X account shared a post to announce the death of Kasobu, a dog who represented the faces of DOGE and SHIB. Kasobu had made a significant impact on the cryptocurrency industry throughout its living and will continue to do so even after death.

人気のミームコイン、ドージコインと柴犬のインスピレーションであり、顔でもあったカソブが5月24日早朝に亡くなりました。所有者は詩を通して悲しみを表現し、日曜日の午後にお別れのイベントを企画しました。カソブの死後、DOGEはDogecoin X アカウントは、DOGE と SHIB の顔を表す犬、Kasobu の死を発表する投稿を共有しました。 Kasobu は生涯を通じて仮想通貨業界に大きな影響を与えており、死後も影響を与え続けるでしょう。

Today Kabosu, our community's shared friend and inspiration, peacefully passed in the arms of her person. The impact this one dog has made across the world is immeasurable. She was a being who knew only happiness and limitless love. Please keep her spirit and her family in…— Dogecoin (@dogecoin) May 24, 2024

今日、私たちのコミュニティの共通の友人であり、インスピレーションを与えてくれたカボスが、腕の中で安らかにこの世を去りました。この一匹の犬が世界中に与えた影響は計り知れません。彼女は幸福と限りない愛だけを知っている存在だった。彼女の精神と家族を守ってください… — Dogecoin (@dogecoin) 2024 年 5 月 24 日

She was always known for her liveliness, happiness, and limitless love. It is important to remember her always to support the continuous growth of meme coins based on her.


Owner of Kasobu Expressed Deep Grief


The owner of Kasobu wrote a heart-felt poem in her native language, Japanese, to express her sorrow and grief on the death of her beloved dog “Kasobu.”


In the poem, she expressed that yesterday was a normal day, Kasobu had the usual dinner, followed her routine of sleeping next to her. But then on a beautiful morning, when birds were singing, she passed away quietly at the age of 18.


Source: Kabochan.blog


The owner shared her image with her poem.


In her 18 years of living, she has always been loving, and the owner thanked her for being there for her. The owner always considered her a person rather than a dog. The owner still considers her living, smiling, and wagging her tail.


At the end of the poem, she asks Kasobu to stay close to them and always be with them.


Farewell to Kasobu


The owner has organized a farewell party on Sunday, May 26, afternoon, to relieve all the happy memories. The event will be held at Flower Kaori in Kotsu no Mori, Narita City.


Impact on Doge Coin and Shiba Inu

Doge CoinとShiba Inuへの影響

In the first half of the day, after the death revelation of Kasobu, DOGE experienced a decline of around 1%, but in the second half of the day, it recovered to some extent.


At press time, DOGE was trading at $0.15918, 0.28% lower than the previous day. The DOGE is expected to continue to trend lower.

本稿執筆時点で、DOGEは前日比0.28%安の0.15918ドルで取引されていた。 DOGE は引き続き低下傾向にあると予想されます。

SHIB also experienced a decline in prices after the death of Kasobu. At press time, SHIB was trading at $0.00002400, experiencing a decline of 2.36%.


However, the declining trend should not continue for a long time. Even after the death of inspiration, the communities should continue to grow, and the memecoins should live forever.



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