フロントページ > 情報ニュース > 3 ミームコインは 2024 年に SHIB を上回るパフォーマンスを発揮する

3 meme coins to outperform SHIB in 2024

3 ミームコインは 2024 年に SHIB を上回るパフォーマンスを発揮する

リリース: 2024/02/21 06:06 読む: 629



While recent months have seen major cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) take the spotlight – and with good reason, given the string of recent developments on the crypto market, but also in terms of regulations and technology – the so-called meme coins have yet to lose their prominence. 

ここ数カ月間、ビットコイン (BTC) やイーサリアム (ETH) などの主要な仮想通貨が注目を集めていますが、これには十分な理由があります。これは、仮想通貨市場における最近の一連の発展だけでなく、規制やテクノロジーの面でも同様です。ミームコインと呼ばれるコインはまだその存在感を失っていない。

In fact, with investors getting more optimistic and driving more money into the crypto market and drawing more attention to it, meme coins are likely to see their relevance – and prices – surge. 


Finally, with the Bitcoin halving – likely to drive the value of many coins and tokens up – and April 1 – likely to help at least some meme coins find new all-time highs – happening almost back-to-back, Finbold decided to look at some of the best internet-joke-based cryptocurrencies other than the famous Shiba Inu (SHIB).


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Dogecoin (DOGE)

ドージコイン (DOGE)

Having a conversation about meme coins likely to perform in any given year would be difficult without mentioning the original dog-themed cryptocurrency and the biggest one of its class with a market cap of more than $12 billion – Dogecoin (DOGE).


The decade it spent on the crypto market already proved Dogecoin’s staying power, and given that it surpassed 1 million daily transactions this February, it also proved its continued relevance.


DOGE has another uncommon boon watching its back – it is favored by the billionaire Elon Musk and, indeed, it received a major boost from him last April when he temporarily changed the logo of his social media platform, X, into a picture of a shiba inu dog.

DOGE には、もう 1 つの珍しい恩恵があります。億万長者のイーロン・マスク氏が愛用しており、実際、昨年 4 月にマスク氏が自身のソーシャル メディア プラットフォーム X のロゴを一時的に芝生の絵に変更したことで、同氏から大きな後押しを受けました。イヌ犬。

While it isn’t guaranteed Musk will pull off a similar joke this April, there is a decent chance that hopes that he will prove enough to drive the already high interest in the cryptocurrency even higher.


Dogecoin price chart


In terms of recent performance, Dogecoin has mostly been on a decline so far in 2024. Despite this, the most recent trend has been volatile but positive, and the meme coin is 8.72% in the green in the last 30 days and 6.76% in the last week.

最近のパフォーマンスに関して言えば、ドージコインは 2024 年に入ってからほぼ下落傾向にあります。それにもかかわらず、最近の傾向は不安定ながらもプラスであり、ミームコインは過去 30 日間で 8.72% が緑色、過去 30 日間で 6.76% が緑色となっています。先週。

The last 24 hours of trading saw DOGE price rise 0.05% to $0.09.


Pepecoin (PEPE)


When it came out in the spring of 2023, Pepecoin (PEPE) – a frog-themed meme coin – took the crypto community by storm and led to the creation of several millionaires, with one allegedly managing to turn a mere $26 into well over $1 million.

2023 年の春に登場したとき、カエルをテーマにしたミームコインであるペペコイン (PEPE) は暗号通貨コミュニティを席巻し、数人の億万長者を生み出し、中にはわずか 26 ドルを 1 ドルをはるかに超える大金を手に入れた人もいました。百万。

While PEPE’s initial surge was as short-lived as it was dramatic, it retained its relevance for meme coin enthusiasts, meaning it still boasts a chance to be a major beneficiary of the expected crypto bull market in 2024. 


In fact, Pepecoin already received a significant boon in 2024 as its audience of potential traders was greatly expanded after Robinhood (NASDAQ: HOOD) released it for its EU customers earlier in February.

実際、ロビンフッド (NASDAQ: HOOD) が 2 月初めに EU 顧客向けにペペコインをリリースした後、潜在的なトレーダーの対象者が大幅に拡大したため、ペペコインは 2024 年にすでに大きな恩恵を受けています。

Pepecoin price chart


PEPE has also been performing decently in the first months of the year and is up 5.32% over the previous 30 days – despite taking a significant plunge early in February. 

PEPE も今年の最初の数か月間は順調に推移しており、2 月初めに大幅な下落を見せたにもかかわらず、過去 30 日間で 5.32% 上昇しました。

The most recent 7 days of trading have been particularly strong, and the meme coin is 10.67% in the green – largely due to the Robinhood listing. The last 24 hours of trading, however, saw it drop 2.50% to $0.000001177.


Bonk (BONK)


Bonk (BONK), the original meme coin of the Solana blockchain – whose native token SOL is a major contender for the title of one of the best performers of 2024 – is another cryptocurrency likely to surge significantly this year.

Solana ブロックチェーンのオリジナル ミーム コインである Bonk (BONK) は、そのネイティブ トークン SOL が 2024 年のベスト パフォーマーの称号の有力な候補となっていますが、今年大幅に高騰する可能性が高いもう 1 つの仮想通貨です。

The unassuming dog-themed token won its spot in the minds of crypto enthusiasts after it was discovered that each Solana Saga phone contained approximately $10 worth of it. This, paired with BONK’s 2023 surge, created an unusual arbitrage opportunity as the cryptocurrency found on the phone exceeded its retail value.

犬をテーマにしたこの控えめなトークンは、ソラナ サーガの各携帯電話に約 10 ドル相当のトークンが含まれていることが判明した後、暗号通貨愛好家の間でその地位を獲得しました。これは、BONK の 2023 年の急騰と相まって、携帯電話で見つかった暗号通貨が小売価格を超えたため、異例の裁定取引の機会を生み出しました。

This, in turn, drove BONK’s price up – and it is, indeed, still 11,383.35% above its launch price – and helped the Saga smartphones sell out.

これにより、BONK の価格が上昇し、実際、まだ発売価格を 11,383.35% 上回っています。そして、Saga スマートフォンの売れ行きを後押ししました。

BONK price chart


More recently, Bonk’s price calmed down somewhat, though it did record positive performance in the last 30 days, having surged 8.98% in the timeframe. Additionally, it is 0.75% in the green in the last 7 days, but as much as 4.34% in the red in the last 24 hours. Its press time price stands at $0.00001254.

最近では、ボンクの価格は若干落ち着きましたが、過去 30 日間では期間内に 8.98% 上昇し、プラスのパフォーマンスを記録しました。さらに、過去 7 日間では 0.75% が緑色でしたが、過去 24 時間では 4.34% もの赤色になっています。プレス時の価格は $0.00001254 です。

Finally, BONK is likely to receive another major boost in the coming months as the Solana mobile team recently announced it is working on a new smartphone.

最後に、Solana モバイル チームが最近新しいスマートフォンの開発に取り組んでいることを発表したため、BONK は今後数か月間でさらに大きな後押しを受ける可能性があります。

Disclaimer: The content on this site should not be considered investment advice. Investing is speculative. When investing, your capital is at risk.

免責事項: このサイトのコンテンツは投資アドバイスとみなされるべきではありません。投資は投機的なものです。投資する場合、資本はリスクにさらされます。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/3-meme-coins-to-outperform-shib-in-2024-tbt80314.html

出典: https://thebittimes.com/3-meme-coins-to-outperform-shib-in-2024-tbt80314.html


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