フロントページ > 情報ニュース > メメコインの勢いが失墜! DOGE、SHIB、FLOKIの価格が急落?

Memecoins Losing Momentum! As DOGE, SHIB, And FLOKI Prices Experience A Plunge?

メメコインの勢いが失墜! DOGE、SHIB、FLOKIの価格が急落?

リリース: 2023/11/10 16:48 読む: 710

原作者:CoinPedia News


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The market has gained massive bullish momentum as the industry has achieved its market valuation of $1.4T in today’s early trading hours. Further, the price of Bitcoin holds its price strong above the $36,500 level, indicating a bullish influence in the space.

今日の取引時間前半で業界の市場評価額 1.4 兆ドルを達成し、市場は大幅な強気の勢いを増しています。さらに、ビットコインの価格は36,500ドルの水準を超えて堅調に推移しており、この分野における強気の影響力を示している。

On the other hand, Memecoins have recorded a correction as the top coins have experienced a drop in their values. Top coins display a negative trend in their charts, with the prices presently experiencing a correction.


Dogecoin Price Analysis:


The DOGE price has recorded a drop of approximately 4% in its value within the past day, indicating a bear power in the market for this category. The category leader traded sideways before breaking out of its resistance level at $0.06148.

DOGE 価格は過去 1 日で約 4% の下落を記録しており、このカテゴリーの市場で弱気の勢力が強いことを示しています。このカテゴリーのリーダーは、0.06148ドルの抵抗レベルを突破する前に横ばいで取引されました。

Following this, the price gained massive price action, resulting in the price breaking out of multiple resistance levels. Further, Dogecoin broke out of its key resistance level at $0.06931.


After which, the coin continued to surge, but the price was rejected at $0.07648 and then experienced a correction in value as the bulls lost momentum. On the positive side, the 50-day EMA acts as a dynamic support to the price, indicating a possibility of a bullish reversal soon.

その後、コインは上昇を続けましたが、価格は0.07648ドルで拒否され、その後、強気派が勢いを失ったため、価値の修正が発生しました。良い面としては、50 日間 EMA が価格の動的なサポートとして機能し、近いうちに強気反転する可能性を示しています。

The MACD displays a constant red histogram, indicating a bearish influence in the market. Further, the averages show a decline in the chart, suggesting the price to continue falling in the coming time.

MACD は一定の赤いヒストグラムを表示し、市場における弱気の影響を示しています。さらに、平均はチャートの下落を示しており、価格が今後も下落し続けることを示唆しています。

If bulls hold power and break out of their resistance level at $0.07648, the price will regain momentum and make a run to test its upper resistance level of $0.07803 soon.


On the flip side, if a trend reversal occurs, the price will lose momentum, start trading negatively, and test its support level of $0.07250. Moreover, if the bears gain power, the price will further drop and test its lower support level of $0.06931 in the coming week. 


Floki Price Analysis:


Floki’s price has dropped over 8% in value within the past day, making it one of the top losers of the day. The price constantly traded sideways since the month started, indicating a neutral trend for this memecoin in the market.

フローキの価格は過去 1 日で価値が 8% 以上下落し、その日の最大の値下がり銘柄の 1 つとなりました。月が始まって以来、価格は常に横ばいで取引されており、市場におけるこのミームコインの中立的な傾向を示しています。

The FLOKI price was seen trading in a consolidated range between $0.00001629 and $0.00002046 for a brief period, after which the market pumped and the price surged, breaking out of its key resistance level.


After recording a six-month high at $0.00004001, the memecoin lost momentum, breaking the support level at $0.00003305. The price has been hovering close to the level since.


The MACD has displayed a volatile sentiment since the month started, indicating significant price volatility for the coin in the market. Further, the average shows a neutral trend, suggesting an uncertainty in future price action.


If the bulls push the price above the resistance level of $0.00003305, the price will continue to gain momentum and make a run to test its upper resistance level of $0.00004001 soon.


Conversely, if the bears overpowered the bulls, the price will lose momentum and fall to test its support level at $0.00002698 soon. Moreover, if the bears continue to dominate the market, it will further plunge and test its lower support level of $0.00002046 in the coming days.


Shiba Inu Price Analysis:


The Shiba Inu price followed the footsteps of the category leader and displayed a similar price action. SHIB price has recorded a correction of over 3% in value within the past day.

柴犬の価格はカテゴリーリーダーの足跡をたどり、同様の値動きを示しました。 SHIB価格は過去1日以内に3%を超える値上がりを記録しました。

The SHIB price has gained over 22% in value within the past month, indicating an increasing interest of investors in the coin. Further, the price has displayed massive volatility as the market has started to gain momentum.

SHIB の価格は過去 1 か月間で 22% 以上値上がりしており、このコインに対する投資家の関心が高まっていることを示しています。さらに、市場が勢いを増し始めたため、価格は大幅な変動を示しています。

The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) has displayed significant price volatility since the month started, indicating a bear-bull power in the market. Further, the averages show a flatline, suggesting a mixed sentiment in the market.


If the SHIB price pushes itself above the resistance level of $0.00000851, the memecoin will regain momentum and prepare to test its upper level of $0.00000875 in the coming days.


On the other hand, if the bulls fail to hold the price at that level, the price will experience a drop in its value and prepare to test its support level of $0.00000813 soon. Moreover, if the bears gain control over the market, the Shiba Inu price will further fall and test its lower support level of $0.00000758 this month.




Overall, the Memecoin category has displayed a strong positive uptrend as major coins have gained significant value in their respective price. The category is predicted to undergo massive price action in the coming time as these coins breaking new ATH is inevitable.

全体として、主要なコインがそれぞれの価格で大幅な価値を獲得したため、Memecoin カテゴリは強いプラスの上昇傾向を示しています。これらのコインが新しいATHを突破することは避けられないため、このカテゴリーは今後大規模な価格変動が起こると予測されています。


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