フロントページ > 情報ニュース > 何百万ものXRPが強気反転を開始しますか?イーサリアム(ETH)が予想外の復活、ドージコイン(DOGE)がブレイクアウトを確認

Millions of XRP To Start Bullish Reversal? Ethereum (ETH) Makes Unexpected Comeback, Dogecoin (DOGE) Confirms Breakthrough


リリース: 2024/09/21 08:30 読む: 335



Whales Accumulate XRP, Signaling Potential Breakout


Over the past ten days, whales have acquired over 380 million XRP, valued at approximately $228 million. This accumulation suggests that XRP may be poised for a bullish breakout. Historically, large holders' substantial accumulation often reflects their anticipation of a price surge in the future. Whales' recent activity indicates significant interest in XRP at its current price levels, which could drive upward momentum in the short to medium term.

過去 10 日間で、クジラは 3 億 8,000 万 XRP (約 2 億 2,800 万ドル相当) を獲得しました。この蓄積は、XRPが強気のブレイクアウトの準備ができている可能性があることを示唆しています。歴史的に見て、大口保有者の多額の蓄積は、将来の価格高騰への期待を反映していることが多い。ホエールズの最近の活動は、現在の価格レベルでのXRPへの大きな関心を示しており、これにより短期から中期的に上昇の勢いが高まる可能性があります。

XRP Price Analysis


Examining the XRPUSDTXRP/USDT Chart by TradingView, we observe that XRP is currently trading within a symmetrical triangle pattern. This technical formation often precedes a breakout in either direction. As the price consolidates, coiling close to the triangle's upper trendline, a breakout becomes increasingly likely.


An upward breakout would likely trigger additional buying interest, propelling XRP towards its higher price targets. Currently trading near $0.58, XRP remains slightly below key moving averages. Multiple attempts to break above the 50 EMA, which typically acts as resistance in downtrends, have been unsuccessful.


A definitive break above this level could signal a shift in momentum from bearish to bullish. The substantial whale purchases could provide the necessary liquidity and buying pressure to initiate a breakout.


Assuming bullish momentum persists, XRP may initially challenge $0.70, followed by $0.64, if it successfully overcomes the $0.60 resistance level. Conversely, a failure to break out or a rejection at current resistance levels could lead to a retreat towards lower support levels around $0.55 or even $0.50 before attempting another breakout.


Ethereum Regains Momentum


Ethereum's unexpected rally above the descending channel formation and the 50 EMA hints at a potential shift in momentum in favor of buyers. This sudden movement, after weeks of uncertainty, has surprised market participants. ETH's display of strength suggests the possibility of a price reversal in the short term.

イーサリアムが下降チャネル形成と50EMAを超えて予想外に上昇したことは、買い手に有利な勢いに変化する可能性を示唆している。数週間にわたる不確実性の後、この突然の動きは市場参加者を驚かせた。 ETHの強さの表示は、短期的には価格反転の可能性を示唆しています。

Ethereum's price has surpassed the 50 EMA, a critical level separating bullish and bearish market directions. A sustained close above this barrier raises the prospects of ETH transitioning from a declining trend to a more optimistic growth-oriented phase.


In the near future, three crucial price levels warrant attention. The immediate resistance lies at $2700, which also aligns with the 100 EMA. Breaking above this level, indicating a medium-term market trend reversal, would reinforce the bullish case for ETH.

近い将来、3 つの重要な価格レベルに注目が必要です。当面の抵抗線は 2700 ドルにあり、これも 100 EMA と一致しています。このレベルを超えると、中期的な市場トレンドの反転が示され、ETHの強気の見方が強化されるでしょう。

The 200 EMA, situated at $2,880, represents a long-term resistance level for ETH. Traders will assess this level to determine if the asset is poised for a genuine bullish breakout or a temporary reversal.

2,880ドルに位置する200 EMAは、ETHの長期的な抵抗レベルを表します。トレーダーはこのレベルを評価して、その資産が真の強気ブレイクアウトの準備ができているか、それとも一時的な反転の準備ができているかを判断します。

A breakout above this barrier would likely boost market confidence and potentially attract increased inflows.


The psychological resistance level of $3300 has historically been a formidable barrier. Overcoming this level could signal a significant turning point, stimulating buying interest and assisting ETH in regaining its higher valuations from earlier in the year.

3,300 ドルという心理的抵抗レベルは、歴史的に非常に大きな障壁でした。この水準を克服できれば重要な転換点を示し、購入意欲を刺激し、ETHが年初からの高い評価を取り戻すのに役立つ可能性がある。

Dogecoin Strengthens


Dogecoin has confirmed a breakthrough above the 50 EMA, a critical level for its current market trajectory. This suggests that a price reversal may be imminent. As the chart shows, DOGE has successfully crossed this moving average, which often serves as a key indicator of trend direction.

ドージコインは、現在の市場軌道にとって重要なレベルである50EMAを超える突破を確認しました。これは、価格反転が差し迫っている可能性があることを示唆しています。チャートが示すように、DOGE はトレンドの方向性を示す重要な指標として機能するこの移動平均を見事に超えています。

A move above the 50 EMA has historically marked the end of downtrends and the potential initiation of longer-term uptrends. This discovery holds significance for Dogecoin, as it could signal the start of a bullish reversal in the near future.


After months of sluggish price action, this recent development may inject much-needed optimism into the market. The next significant resistance levels to watch are $0.118 and $0.133.

何か月も値動きが鈍かった後、この最近の動向は市場に切望されていた楽観的な見方をもたらすかもしれない。次に注目すべき重要な抵抗レベルは、0.118 ドルと 0.133 ドルです。

DOGE's next challenge will be the $0.118 level, marked by the 100 EMA. Surpassing this threshold would indicate increasing market confidence and a more robust drive towards consistent price appreciation.

DOGE の次の課題は、100 EMA でマークされる 0.118 ドルのレベルです。この閾値を超えることは、市場の信頼が高まり、一貫した価格上昇に向けたより強力な推進力が高まっていることを示しています。

The 200 EMA, positioned at $0.133, represents a significant long-term target for DOGE. Breaking above this level would likely confirm a complete trend reversal, setting the stage for further growth and potentially reigniting interest in the meme-based cryptocurrency among a broader audience.

200 EMA は 0.133 ドルに位置し、DOGE にとって重要な長期目標を表しています。このレベルを超えると完全な傾向の反転が確認される可能性が高く、さらなる成長への準備が整い、より幅広い層の間でミームベースの暗号通貨への関心が再燃する可能性があります。


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