Key Points:
- The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) recently eased restrictions, permitting banks to hold crypto assets without prior regulatory approval.
- Major banks, including BNY Mellon, Fidelity, and State Street, have already begun offering crypto custody services.
- While this decision presents new opportunities for banks, the OCC stresses the importance of robust risk management frameworks to address the volatility and regulatory complexities inherent in digital assets.
What is the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)?
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) is an independent bureau within the U.S. Department of the Treasury. It regulates and supervises national banks and federal savings associations, ensuring safe operations, fair access to financial services, and compliance with banking laws.
通貨長官(OCC)の事務所は、米国財務省内の独立局です。 国立銀行と連邦貯蓄協会を規制および監督し、安全な運営、金融サービスへの公正なアクセス、銀行法の遵守を確保します。
Role of the OCC:
The OCC significantly influences how traditional financial institutions interact with cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. Recent OCC rulings and guidance enable banks to:
OCCは、従来の金融機関が暗号通貨やブロックチェーンテクノロジーとどのように相互作用するかに大きく影響します。 最近のOCCの判決とガイダンスにより、銀行は以下を可能にします。
- Provide Crypto Custody Services: Securely hold and manage cryptocurrencies for clients.
- Engage in Stablecoin Activities: Support stablecoin transactions and related services.
- Utilize Blockchain for Settlement: Operate independent node verification networks (INVN) for blockchain transactions.
The OCC has clarified that national banks and federal savings associations may engage in specific cryptocurrency activities, including:
- Crypto-asset custody: Holding and managing cryptocurrencies for clients.
- Stablecoin activities: Participating in specified stablecoin-related operations.
- Distributed ledger networks: Participation in independent node verification networks (e.g., using distributed ledger technologies).
This clarification removes the previous requirement for prior regulatory approval for these activities. However, the OCC emphasizes the need for strong risk management controls for all banking activities, both traditional and novel. This aims to streamline the process for banks entering the crypto space and ensure consistent OCC treatment regardless of the underlying technology.
クリプトアセットの監護権:クライアントのための暗号通貨の保持と管理。スタブコインアクティビティ:指定されたstablecoin関連オペレーションへの参加。 ただし、OCCは、伝統的および小説の両方で、すべての銀行業務活動に対して強力なリスク管理制御の必要性を強調しています。 これは、暗号スペースに入る銀行のプロセスを合理化し、基礎となる技術に関係なく、一貫したOCC処理を確保することを目的としています。
Major financial institutions, such as BNY Mellon, Fidelity, and State Street, are already providing crypto custody services, offering secure storage and compliance solutions for institutional and retail investors. This presents significant opportunities for banks but also necessitates careful consideration and management of associated risks.
BNY Mellon、Fidelity、State Streetなどの主要な金融機関は、既に暗号保管サービスを提供しており、機関投資家や小売投資家に安全なストレージとコンプライアンスソリューションを提供しています。 これは銀行に大きな機会を提供しますが、関連するリスクの慎重な検討と管理も必要です。
Why it Matters:
The OCC's stance on cryptocurrency is vital for mainstream adoption. By allowing regulated banks to offer crypto-related services, it fosters a bridge between traditional finance (TradFi) and decentralized finance (DeFi), enhancing accessibility and security for institutional and retail investors alike.
暗号通貨に関するOCCの姿勢は、主流の採用に不可欠です。 規制された銀行が暗号関連のサービスを提供できるようにすることにより、従来の金融(TRADFI)と分散財務(DEFI)の間の橋渡しを促進し、機関投資家と小売投資家のためのアクセシビリティとセキュリティを強化します。