フロントページ > 情報ニュース > ミームコイン強気、ペペ、ドージコイン、柴犬の価格が急騰、ミームコンバットは75万ドルに迫る

Pepe, Dogecoin & Shiba Inu Prices Soar as Meme Coins Turn Bullish & Meme Kombat Nears $750,000


リリース: 2023/10/27 02:16 読む: 554

原作者:CoinPedia News


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The meme coin market is continuing to thrive this week, with coins like Pepe (PEPE), Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) seeing price surges. Dogecoin (DOGE) has also risen sharply, leading many investors to speculate that these three coins could post intra-year highs if the momentum continues. This resurgence has also paved the way for new meme coins like Meme Kombat (MK) to make a splash, with its presale raising over $740,000 already.

ミームコイン市場は今週も引き続き活況を呈しており、ペペ(PEPE)、ドージコイン(DOGE)、柴犬(SHIB)などのコインの価格が急騰している。ドージコイン(DOGE)も急騰しており、多くの投資家はこの勢いが続けばこれら3つのコインが年内最高値を更新する可能性があると推測している。この復活は、Meme Kombat (MK) のような新しいミームコインが話題になる道も切り開き、プレセールではすでに 74 万ドル以上を集めています。

Pepe Coin Price Explodes as Meme Coin Market Booms


PEPE has seen a dramatic pump in the past week, with its price increasing by over 90%.


After struggling to break the 50-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) on the daily chart, PEPE finally breached it on Monday.


This breakthrough sparked a rally that saw PEPE’s price spike to $0.00000126 earlier today, reaching its highest value since August 15.


Although the token’s price has pulled back slightly, investor sentiment remains firmly bullish, with further rises expected.


With the Relative Strength Index (RSI) sitting at 76, buying pressure remains elevated, although there is a risk that PEPE may now be in overbought territory.


However, if market conditions remain favourable, there’s a growing belief that PEPE could return to the next critical resistance zone around $0.0000015, which hasn’t been tapped since July.


Shiba Inu & Dogecoin Rally as Investors Hope for Further Gains


Shiba Inu and Dogecoin, the world’s two largest meme coins, have also been caught up in the renewed hype and bullish sentiment around the meme coin sector.

世界の二大ミームコインであるShiba InuとDogecoinも、ミームコインセクターをめぐる新たな誇大宣伝と強気の感情に巻き込まれている。

SHIB saw a massive breakout last week, with its price rising from $0.0000066 to today’s high of $0.0000082.


This 24% surge can be largely attributed to positive crypto market forces, rather than anything directly related to the Shiba Inu ecosystem.


Similarly, Dogecoin has rallied from $0.057 last Thursday to $0.0727 today, representing a 26% surge.


Like SHIB, DOGE has also benefited from positive sentiment in the crypto market – evidenced by the Crypto Fear & Greed Index soaring to a near two-year high.


This resurgence of interest in meme coins has helped push the overall meme coin market cap to over $16.8 billion, according to CoinMarketCap data.


As speculative hype returns to the crypto sector, meme coins seem poised to continue riding the bullish wave.


New Meme Kombat Token Gains Traction During Viral Presale & Raises $740,000


With the meme coin space continuing to heat up, a new entrant called Meme Kombat (MK) is generating substantial buzz during its presale phase.


Meme Kombat is a promising meme coin in the world of GambleFi, fusing decentralized finance (DeFi) and on-chain betting.

Meme Kombat は、分散型金融 (DeFi) とオンチェーンベッティングを融合した、GambleFi の世界で有望なミームコインです。

The platform centers around a battle arena where users can bet on fights between popular meme coin mascots like DOGE, SHIB, Wojak, and Pepe the Frog.

このプラットフォームは、ユーザーが DOGE、SHIB、Wojak、Pepe the Frog などの人気のミーム コイン マスコット間の戦いに賭けることができるバトル アリーナを中心にしています。

Winners of bets are rewarded in MK – Meme Kombat’s native ERC-20 token.

ベットの勝者には、Meme Kombat のネイティブ ERC-20 トークンである MK で報酬が与えられます。

With investors becoming increasingly interested in meme coins, Meme Kombat looks primed to benefit from a boost in demand.


Its hybrid model taps into several growing niches, setting it apart from the hundreds of meme coins that flood the market each week with no actual use case.

そのハイブリッド モデルは、いくつかの成長するニッチ市場を活用しており、実際の使用事例もなく毎週市場に溢れる数百ものミーム コインとは一線を画しています。

Adding to Meme Kombat’s appeal even further is that MK holders can stake their tokens and earn yields of 112% per year – while also benefiting from the gambling system.

Meme Kombat の魅力をさらに高めるのは、MK 保有者がトークンを賭けて年間 112% の利回りを獲得できることです。同時にギャンブル システムの恩恵も受けられます。

This innovative dual-earning approach is expected to be a key driver of demand once MK makes its open market debut later this year.

この革新的な二重収益アプローチは、MK が今年後半に一般市場にデビューすると、需要の主要な推進力になると予想されます。

At the time of writing, Meme Kombat has just passed the $740,000 mark in its presale as investor interest mounts.

投資家の関心が高まる中、この記事の執筆時点で、Meme Kombat のプレセール価格は 74 万ドルを超えたところです。

The project is also gaining viral momentum on social media channels, with Meme Kombat’s Telegram community growing to 2,600+ members.

このプロジェクトはソーシャル メディア チャネルでも勢いを増しており、Meme Kombat の Telegram コミュニティのメンバーは 2,600 人以上に成長しています。

Investors can buy MK tokens through the ongoing presale for just $0.1667 using ETH or USDT – although this price point is only available for one more week.

投資家は進行中のプレセールを通じて、ETH または USDT を使用してわずか 0.1667 ドルで MK トークンを購入できますが、この価格ポイントはあと 1 週間しか利用できません。


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