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A Potential Look at Dogecoin


リリース: 2024/01/28 06:22 読む: 344



You can also read this news on COINTURK NEWS: A Potential Look at Dogecoin

このニュースは COINTURK NEWS でも読むことができます: ドージコインの潜在的な考察

Dogecoin has consistently been one of the most attention-grabbing meme coins for investors. Its shining period, as well as the open support from Elon Musk, brought about a powerful phase that could place this meme coin within the top 10. What potential scenarios indicate for the future of DOGE, which investors hope might one day reach 1 Dollar, is a topic of interest.


A Potential Look at Dogecoin


Dogecoin (DOGE), as of the time of writing, continues to hold its position as the 10th cryptocurrency by market value and is only 500 million dollars behind the 9th ranked AVAX.

この記事の執筆時点で、ドージコイン (DOGE) は時価総額で 10 位の仮想通貨としての地位を維持しており、9 位の AVAX との差はわずか 5 億ドルです。

When looking at the rankings, it’s important to remember that this could be temporary and rapid changes in position can occur due to the constant capital flow in the market.


As of the time of writing, DOGE has a market value of 11.38 billion dollars, holding 0.72% of the overall cryptocurrency market cap, which is valued at 1.567 trillion dollars.


At the time of writing, Dogecoin’s price is 0.07953 dollars, with 142.827 billion DOGE in circulation. Let’s take a look at what kind of change a specific capital inflow could bring to DOGE.

この記事の執筆時点で、ドージコインの価格は 0.07953 ドルで、1,428 億 2,700 万 DOGE が流通しています。具体的な資本流入がDOGEにどのような変化をもたらすかを見てみましょう。

Considering the changes in supply and demand, as well as fund movements, Dogecoin experiences volatile price movements. On the other hand, looking at Bitcoin, it holds approximately 52% of the total market value and appears to be worth around 820 billion dollars.


If Dogecoin were to gain an additional 1% of the total current cryptocurrency market value, its market cap would increase by about 15.67 billion dollars, reaching a level of 27.07 billion dollars. Assuming the circulating supply remains constant, DOGE’s price could rise to 0.1895 dollars at that moment.

ドージコインが現在の仮想通貨市場総額のさらに 1% を獲得した場合、その時価総額は約 156 億 7000 万ドル増加し、270 億 7000 万ドルのレベルに達します。循環供給が一定のままだと仮定すると、DOGEの価格はその時点で0.1895ドルまで上昇する可能性がある。

Commentary on Dogecoin


Furthermore, Dogecoin also faces challenging periods due to the continuous increase in circulating supply. The increasing supply can lead to a price drop or cause the price to remain stable. As a reason for this, over the last 5 years, a fixed rate of 5 billion DOGE from mining or an inflation rate of 3.5% has been reported.

さらに、ドージコインは、流通供給量が継続的に増加しているため、困難な時期にも直面しています。供給の増加により、価格が下落することもあれば、価格が安定することもあります。その理由として、過去 5 年間、採掘による 50 億 DOGE の固定金利または 3.5% のインフレ率が報告されています。

When compared with other meme coins in the total cryptocurrency ecosystem, Dogecoin has been performing much better than its competitors. Consequently, investor interest has never waned.


When the calendars showed the year 2021 and prices reached ATH, a pullback had started across the entire market. During this period, the pullback in DOGE was much less significant.

カレンダーが2021年を示し、価格がATHに達したとき、市場全体で下落が始まりました。この期間中、DOGE の下落はそれほど大きくありませんでした。

Depending on the trust DOGE has, perhaps with new support from Elon Musk, if this trend continues, DOGE could indeed carve out a new 1% dominance from the total existing cryptocurrency market value.


The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: A Potential Look at Dogecoin

この投稿は COINTURK NEWS に最初に掲載されました: ドージコインの潜在的な考察


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