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Prediction of a 130% Increase for Dogecoin


リリース: 2023/07/19 22:12 読む: 397



Kaleo, a closely watched cryptocurrency analyst and trader, has announced that he expects a massive parabolic price movement for Dogecoin (DOGE), the biggest memecoin that made its mark in 2021. According to the analyst, DOGE is preparing for a fast and strong breakout.

注目されている仮想通貨アナリスト兼トレーダーのカレオ氏は、2021年に名を残した最大のミームコインであるドージコイン(DOGE)の大規模な放物線状の価格変動を予想していると発表した。アナリストによると、DOGEは迅速かつ強力なブレイクアウトの準備をしているという。 。

Prediction of a 130% Increase for Dogecoin


Cryptocurrency analyst Kaleo stated that Dogecoin, which is competing with Shiba Inu (SHIB), could make a significant rally after breaking the bear market resistance line. According to Kaleo, this breakout could take Dogecoin to a level last seen in November 2022, indicating the end of the bull market in the cryptocurrency market.


Looking at the price chart shared by Kaleo, it can be seen that Dogecoin is predicted to experience a sharp rise above $0.16, which is a potential increase of over 130% from its current price of $0.069. The analyst also mentioned that Dogecoin has broken its long-term diagonal resistance against Bitcoin (DOGE/BTC), supporting its bullish outlook.

Kaleo が共有する価格チャートを見ると、Dogecoin は 0.16 ドルを超える急激な上昇が予測されていることがわかります。これは、現在の価格 0.069 ドルから 130% 以上上昇する可能性があります。同アナリストはまた、ドージコインがビットコイン(DOGE/BTC)に対する長期的な対角抵抗線を突破し、その強気な見通しを裏付けているとも言及した。

Warning: “Bitcoin Could Re-Test $26,000”

警告: 「ビットコインは26,000ドルを再テストする可能性がある」

After analyzing Dogecoin, Kaleo also looked at Bitcoin and believes that the largest cryptocurrency is preparing for a sharp and fast downward movement after a prolonged consolidation above $30,000. The analyst warned investors with the following statement:


The longer we stay in the $30,000 range, the less likely it seems to have a sudden rise. I have seen a few tweets about the Department of Justice (DOJ) taking action and seizing some BTC. Therefore, I expect the price to fall back to the 200-day EMA (exponential moving average) and create a buying opportunity. I will take advantage of this buying opportunity by increasing my BTC holdings.


Kaleo’s Bitcoin chart suggests that the largest cryptocurrency will revisit the $26,000 level before returning to its current trading range, providing a buying opportunity.

The post Prediction of a 130% Increase for Dogecoin appeared first on COINTURK NEWS.

カレオのビットコインチャートは、最大の仮想通貨が現在の取引範囲に戻る前に26,000ドルのレベルに再訪し、購入の機会を提供することを示唆しています。 Dogecoin の 130% 増加の予測という投稿は COINTURK NEWS に最初に掲載されました。




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