(24-hour Dogecoin price trend)
Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Commentary
As of October 4, 2024, at 00:00 UTC, Dogecoin (DOGE) is valued at $0.10413427343622. Over the past 24 hours, its trading volume has reached $924,095,347.16745, representing a decrease of -1.85599789%.
2024 年 10 月 4 日、00:00 UTC の時点で、ドージコイン (DOGE) の価値は 0.10413427343622 ドルです。過去 24 時間の取引高は 924,095,347.16745 ドルに達し、-1.85599789% の減少に相当します。
Supply Statistics
Dogecoin has a circulating supply of 146,214,356,383.71, with a maximum supply of infinity and a total supply of 146,214,356,383.71. Its current market capitalization is approximately $15.23 billion.
Dogecoin の循環供給量は 146,214,356,383.71 で、最大供給量は無限で、総供給量は 146,214,356,383.71 です。現在の時価総額は約152億3000万ドル。
Recent Price Performance
Over the past day, Dogecoin has experienced a slight decline in value, decreasing by -1.85599789%. This follows a period of relative stability for DOGE, which has been trading within a narrow range for the past few weeks.
過去 1 日間で、ドージコインの価値はわずかに下落し、-1.85599789% 減少しました。これは、過去数週間狭いレンジ内で取引されてきたDOGEの比較的安定した時期に続くものです。
Market Sentiment
The market sentiment for Dogecoin remains Mixed. Some investors remain optimistic about its long-term potential due to its strong community support and growing adoption as a payment option. However, concerns about its unlimited supply and potential for inflation continue to weigh on its value.
Future Outlook
The future price of Dogecoin remains uncertain. While some analysts believe it has the potential to reach higher prices, others caution that its unlimited supply may limit its long-term growth potential. The cryptocurrency market is notoriously volatile, and it is important for investors to conduct their own research and exercise caution before investing.