(24-hour Dogecoin price trend)
Dogecoin Price and Key Metrics (as of December 8, 2024, 3 PM UTC)
ドージコインの価格と主要指標 (2024 年 12 月 8 日午後 3 時 (UTC) 時点)
According to the latest market data, Dogecoin (DOGE) stands at a price of $0.46797803735702. This represents a 6.40142392% increase over the past 24 hours.
最新の市場データによると、ドージコイン(DOGE)の価格は0.46797803735702ドルです。これは、過去 24 時間で 6.40142392% の増加を表します。
Key Metrics:
- 24-hour trading volume: $10541288920.284
- Circulating supply: 147111216383.71
- Maximum supply: Not available
- Total supply: 147111216383.71
- Market capitalization: $68844818316.45
Market Dynamics:
24 時間取引量: $10541288920.284 流通供給量: 147111216383.71 最大供給量: 利用不可総供給量: 147111216383.71 時価総額: $68844818316.45 市場ダイナミクス:
Dogecoin has experienced a surge in value over the past 24 hours, driven by a combination of factors. These include increased investor confidence, the overall positive sentiment in the cryptocurrency market, and possibly community-driven hype.
ドージコインは、さまざまな要因の組み合わせにより、過去 24 時間で価値が急騰しました。これらには、投資家の信頼の高まり、暗号通貨市場における全体的な肯定的なセンチメント、そしておそらくコミュニティ主導の誇大広告が含まれます。
The price increase has been accompanied by a surge in trading volume, indicating heightened interest in the cryptocurrency. However, it is important to note that the market for Dogecoin can be volatile, and its value may fluctuate rapidly.
Related Information:
- Bitcoin (BTC) Price: $N/A
- Bitcoin (BTC) Circulating Supply: 147111216383.71
ビットコイン (BTC) 価格: $N/AB ビットコイン (BTC) 流通供給量: 147111216383.71