(24-hour Dogecoin price trend)
Dogecoin Surges to $0.34, Fueled by News and Speculation
As of January 14, 2025, 3:00 PM, the price of Dogecoin (DOGE) has surged to $0.34332518119876. Over the past 24 hours, the trading volume of DOGE has reached a staggering $3806909745.5447. This represents a significant 5.27305496% increase in the coin's value within the last day.
2025年1月14日午後3時の時点で、ドージコイン(DOGE)の価格は0.34332518119876ドルまで急騰しています。過去 24 時間で、DOGE の取引高は驚異的な 3806909745.5447 ドルに達しました。これは、過去 1 日でコインの価値が 5.27305496% も大幅に増加したことを表します。
The latest surge in the price of Dogecoin can be attributed to a combination of factors. One key driver has been the continued interest from investors and enthusiasts who believe in the long-term potential of the cryptocurrency. Additionally, recent news and speculation have played a role in boosting the demand for DOGE.
ドージコインの価格の最近の急騰は、さまざまな要因の組み合わせによるものと考えられます。主な原動力の 1 つは、仮想通貨の長期的な可能性を信じる投資家や愛好家からの継続的な関心です。さらに、最近のニュースや憶測も DOGE の需要を高める役割を果たしています。
According to industry experts, there are several factors that could contribute to the continued growth of Dogecoin in the future. One key factor is the support from influential individuals, such as former U.S. President Donald Trump. Trump's recent announcement that he would be investing in DOGE sent shockwaves through the cryptocurrency market and led to a surge in the coin's price.
Another factor that could support the growth of Dogecoin is its increasing adoption as a payment method. Several businesses and organizations have begun to accept payments in DOGE, which has made the cryptocurrency more accessible and convenient to use.
ドージコインの成長を支える可能性のあるもう1つの要因は、支払い方法としての採用の増加です。いくつかの企業や組織が DOGE での支払いを受け入れ始めており、これにより仮想通貨がよりアクセスしやすく、使いやすくなりました。
However, it is important to note that the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and subject to unpredictable fluctuations. While the recent surge in the price of DOGE is encouraging, investors should exercise caution and conduct thorough research before making any investment decisions.