(24-hour Dogecoin price trend)
Dogecoin Surges by 7%
As of January 22, 2025, at 04:00 UTC, the value of Dogecoin (DOGE) stood at $0.38376695063056. Over the preceding 24-hour period, DOGE witnessed a significant trading volume of $9,557,576,816.8574, marking a notable increase of 7.06316417% in its price.
2025 年 1 月 22 日 04:00 UTC の時点で、ドージコイン (DOGE) の価値は 0.38376695063056 ドルでした。過去 24 時間で、DOGE は 9,557,576,816.8574 ドルという大幅な取引高を記録し、価格が 7.06316417% という顕著な上昇を記録しました。
Regarding supply, Bitcoin (BTC) has a circulating supply of 14,771,934,638,371.00, while Dogecoin's circulating supply is also significant at 14,771,934,638,371.00. However, DOGE does not have a maximum supply, unlike BTC's 21 million coin limit.
供給量に関しては、ビットコイン (BTC) の流通供給量は 14,771,934,638,371.00 ですが、ドージコインの流通供給量も 14,771,934,638,371.00 と重要です。ただし、BTCの2,100万コイン制限とは異なり、DOGEには最大供給量がありません。
The total supply of DOGE stands at 14,771,934,638,371.00. Based on this supply and the current market price, the circulating market capitalization for Dogecoin is estimated to be approximately $5,668,980,311,081.40.
DOGE の総供給量は 14,771,934,638,371.00 です。この供給量と現在の市場価格に基づいて、ドージコインの流通時価総額は約 5,668,980,311,081.40 ドルと推定されます。
This recent price surge indicates a positive trend for Dogecoin. Investors are advised to monitor the market closely for further developments and evaluate their investment strategies accordingly.