フロントページ > 情報ニュース > 金融革命: テザーとフューズが提携し、トゥルキエと中東でデジタル資産教育を推進

Revolutionizing Finance: Tether and Fuze Partner to Promote Digital Asset Education in Turkey and the Middle East

金融革命: テザーとフューズが提携し、トゥルキエと中東でデジタル資産教育を推進

リリース: 2024/04/16 23:29 読む: 517

原作者:Inside Bitcoins


In an innovative move to shape the future of finance, Tether, the leading force in the digital assets industry, and Fuze, a premier digital infrastructure provider, have announced a strategic alliance through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This partnership is set to propel the educational landscape regarding digital assets, focusing on pivotal markets in Turkey and the Middle East.


Unlocking New Opportunities in Digital Finance


The MoU between Tether and Fuze signifies a transformative phase in enhancing the understanding and widespread adoption of digital assets across Turkey and the broader Middle East. The initiatives stemming from this collaboration will tackle various educational facets, ranging from compliance and regulatory frameworks to the practical application of digital assets in everyday financial operations.


Educational Campaigns and Workshops to Foster Adoption


Central to their strategy, Tether and Fuze are launching a series of educational campaigns and workshops. These efforts aim to cultivate the adoption of key digital assets such as Bitcoin, Blockchain technology, and Stablecoins like Tether (USDT). By doing so, they intend to facilitate smoother cross-border payments and showcase the benefits of digital asset utilization in terms of efficiency and compliance.


Enhancing Local Expertise and Compliance


Moreover, the partnership will focus on crafting specialized programs and workshops designed to deepen the knowledge of digital assets among local financial institutions and individuals. These educational endeavors are crafted to align with the ever-evolving regulatory standards, ensuring that all practices are compliant and up-to-date with the latest financial regulations.


Driving Digital Asset Utilization in Daily Transactions


The initiatives will also emphasize the practical benefits of using digital assets for daily transactions, particularly for merchants and businesses. This approach is intended to enhance the visibility and adoption of digital assets, engaging local and regional banks and financial institutions to educate them about the strategic benefits of integrating stablecoins and other digital assets into their customer offerings.


Leadership Insights on the Collaborative Effort


Paolo Ardoino, CEO of Tether, remarked on the collaboration: “Joining forces with Fuze, we are excited to be at the forefront of bringing digital assets closer to individuals and businesses across Turkey, the Middle East, and North Africa. Our partnership goes beyond technological integration; it’s about equipping society with the knowledge and tools to confidently navigate the future of finance.”

Tether の CEO、Paolo Ardoino 氏は今回の提携について次のように述べています。「Fuze と協力して、トルコ、中東、北アフリカの個人や企業にデジタル資産を近づける最前線に立つことができて興奮しています。私たちのパートナーシップは技術統合を超えたものです。それは、金融の未来を自信を持ってナビゲートするための知識とツールを社会に提供することです。」



Mo Ali Yusuf, Co-Founder and CEO of Fuze, echoed these sentiments:

Fuze の共同創設者兼 CEO である Mo Ali Yusuf 氏も次のように述べています。

We are delighted to collaborate with Tether as we both believe that digital assets are the building blocks for the future of finance. By enlightening all levels of stakeholders, we are speeding up the progression of the digital assets landscape, ensuring comprehensive benefits from secure and trusted digital asset management.

私たちはデジタル資産が金融の未来の構成要素であると信じているため、Tether と協力できることを嬉しく思っています。あらゆるレベルの利害関係者を啓発することで、私たちはデジタル資産の状況の進歩を加速し、安全で信頼できるデジタル資産管理からの包括的なメリットを確保します。

This strategic partnership between Tether and Fuze is poised to make significant strides in the education and adoption of digital assets in Turkey and the Middle East, highlighting the commitment of both organizations to empower a new era of financial literacy and inclusion in the region.


Dogecoin20: Revolutionizing Meme Coins with Sustainability and Staking Rewards

Dogecoin20: 持続可能性とステーキング報酬でミームコインに革命を起こす

In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, Dogecoin has claimed its throne as the premier meme coin, celebrated for its philosophy of “Do Good Every Day” and reigning supreme in the meme coin category on CoinMarketCap. Despite its popularity, Dogecoin’s inherent inflationary structure and the absence of incentives for long-term holding have left certain investors seeking alternatives.

ダイナミックな暗号通貨の世界で、Dogecoin は最高のミーム コインとしての王座を主張し、その「Do Good Every Day」の哲学が称賛され、CoinMarketCap のミーム コイン カテゴリで最高の地位に君臨しています。その人気にもかかわらず、ドージコインの本質的なインフレ構造と長期保有に対するインセンティブの欠如により、一部の投資家は代替手段を模索しています。

Enter Dogecoin20, a novel contender in the realm of meme coins, setting a new course towards sustainability. This Ethereum blockchain-based version of Dogecoin is not just a nod to Elon Musk’s favored digital currency but a leap towards an eco-friendly future for meme coins.

Dogecoin20 は、ミームコインの分野における新たな競争相手であり、持続可能性に向けて新たな道を切り開いています。このイーサリアム ブロックチェーン ベースのドージコイン バージョンは、イーロン マスク氏愛用のデジタル通貨への敬意を示すだけでなく、ミーム コインの環境に優しい未来への飛躍です。

Dogecoin20 is not merely following in the footsteps of its predecessor; it is pioneering a path by merging the beloved characteristics of meme coins with practical, long-term value. This is primarily achieved through the introduction of on-chain staking mechanisms, allowing participants to earn rewards by staking their tokens to bolster the network’s security.

Dogecoin20 は単に前任者の足跡をたどっているだけではありません。ミームコインの人気の特徴と実用的で長期的な価値を融合させることで道を開拓しています。これは主に、オンチェーン ステーキング メカニズムの導入によって実現され、参加者はネットワークのセキュリティを強化するためにトークンをステーキングすることで報酬を獲得できます。

This initiative is poised to redefine the meme coin sector by offering something previously unseen: a tangible utility that encourages and rewards long-term engagement. With a total supply of 140 billion tokens, 25% of which are available in the ongoing presale, Dogecoin20 presents a lucrative opportunity for early adopters. This strategy, coupled with its commitment to sustainability, positions Dogecoin20 as a formidable rival to the original meme coin king.

この取り組みは、これまで見たことのないもの、つまり長期的な関与を奨励し報いる具体的なユーティリティを提供することで、ミームコインセクターを再定義する準備ができています。総供給量は 1,400 億トークンで、そのうちの 25% が進行中のプレセールで入手可能であるため、Dogecoin20 は早期導入者にとって有利な機会となります。この戦略は、持続可能性への取り組みと相まって、Dogecoin20 を元のミームコイン王に対する恐るべきライバルとして位置づけています。

Dogecoin20’s roadmap is clear and ambitious, aiming to propel the meme coin into a greener, more sustainable future. By aligning the whimsical spirit of meme coins with environmental consciousness and stakeholder rewards, Dogecoin20 stands out as one of the market’s most promising cryptocurrencies.

Dogecoin20 のロードマップは明確かつ野心的で、ミームコインをより環境に優しく、より持続可能な未来へと推進することを目指しています。ミームコインの気まぐれな精神を環境への配慮や関係者の報酬と調和させることで、Dogecoin20 は市場で最も有望な暗号通貨の 1 つとして際立っています。

Visit Dogecoin20




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