Venture investor, founder of Pomp Investments Bitcoin private credit fund Anthony Pompliano has taken to his X account to send a message about Satoshi Nakamoto and the Bitcoin halving to his numerous followers.
ベンチャー投資家であり、ビットコインプライベートクレジットファンドであるPomp Investmentsの創設者であるアンソニー・ポンプリアーノ氏は、自身のXアカウントを利用して、サトシ・ナカモトとビットコイン半減期についてのメッセージを多数のフォロワーに送信した。
He jokingly tweeted that the enigmatic Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto missed a big opportunity to set the halving day as April 20. This day is known as the weed day and more recently, as the Dogecoin Day, even though the iconic meme cryptocurrency was not released in April.
彼は、謎めいたビットコイン創始者サトシ・ナカモトは、半減期の日を4月20日に設定する大きな機会を逃したと冗談めかしてツイートした。この日は、象徴的なミーム暗号通貨がリリースされなかったにも関わらず、雑草の日として知られ、最近ではドージコインの日として知られている。 4月。
Satoshi missed a big opportunity to have the halving on 4/20.
— Pomp 🌪 (@APompliano) April 19, 2024— ポンプ🌪 (@APompliano) 2024年4月19日
Thus, Pompliano implied that Satoshi Nakamoto had missed an opportunity to integrate its brainchild even deeper into the minds of average people. Bitcoin was made to oppose fiat money and the traditional banking system in the first place, but weed has been known to be a symbol of “opposing the system” for decades now. It has been also legalized in many countries already.
Bitcoin community insists Satoshi made no mistake
Responding to Pompliano’s tweet, many in the BTC community tweeted that the Bitcoin halving event missed the 4/20 day only for the U.S. because of the local time zone as it is ahead of the U.K. and the EU.
Image via XX経由の画像
Users tweeted that for the aforementioned countries, the halving took place not on April 19 but on April 20. One user tweeted that Satoshi Nakamoto was based in Europe, therefore he certainly kept that 4/20 day in mind.
Crypto community celebrates DOGE day
While before cryptocurrencies appeared, April 20 was just the weed day, over the past few years it also became the Dogecoin day now celebrated by the DOGE community around the world.
暗号通貨が登場する前は、4 月 20 日は単なる雑草の日でしたが、ここ数年でドージコインの日にもなり、現在では世界中の DOGE コミュニティによって祝われています。
Wishing all a happy #Dogeday, #Floki sends his regards! 🐾Let's paws for a moment and appreciate the good times and memes we've enjoyed together in our community! 🧡
皆様の幸せな #Dogeday を祈って、#Floki がよろしくお伝えします! 🐾ちょっと前足を伸ばして、コミュニティで一緒に楽しんだ楽しい時間やミームに感謝しましょう! 🧡
— FLOKI (@RealFlokiInu) April 20, 2024— FLOKI (@RealFlokiInu) 2024 年 4 月 20 日
Numerous cryptocurrency platforms, including one of the most popular meme coins Floki, have published tweets to congratulate their communities on the Dogecoin day.
最も人気のあるミームコインの 1 つである Floki を含む多くの暗号通貨プラットフォームが、ドージコインの日にコミュニティを祝うツイートを公開しました。