フロントページ > 情報ニュース > クジラが2億3,000万のDOGEトークンをロビンフッドに移動させましたが、DOGEの価格はピークに達しましたか?

A Single Whale Moved 230 Mln DOGE Tokens To Robinhood, Has DOGE Price Topped?


リリース: 2023/12/28 16:38 読む: 561




Dogecoin (DOGE) whales can’t seem to sit still. Several high-net-worth investors holding millions of dollars worth of DOGE moved their holdings in the last seven days, prompting speculation about the crypto’s outlook in the near term.

ドージコイン (DOGE) クジラはじっとしていられないようです。数百万ドル相当のDOGEを保有する数人の富裕層投資家が過去7日間で保有株を移動し、短期的なDOGEの見通しについての憶測を呼んでいる。

A large DOGE whale investor sent 230 million DOGE — worth more than 21.6 million at current prices — from an unidentified wallet to crypto trading platform Robinhood on Wednesday, potentially to lock in on profits from earlier purchases. The transaction was flagged by blockchain tracker Whale Alert.

DOGEクジラの大口投資家は水曜日、以前の購入で得た利益を確定させる目的で、正体不明の財布から仮想通貨取引プラットフォームのロビンフッドに2億3000万DOGE(現在の価格で2160万以上相当)を送金した。このトランザクションは、ブロックチェーントラッカーのWhale Alertによってフラグが立てられました。

Whales are investors who hoard huge amounts of digital assets. Whale behavior is often under the radar of crypto watchers, as their crypto purchases can shake the markets. An influx into exchanges signals the investor intends to sell the asset, although it’s difficult to tell what happens with tokens once it’s been shifted to exchanges just by looking at blockchain data.


Whale Moves Dogecoin Worth $26 Mln Despite Price Rally


In this case, on-chain data revealed that 230 million DOGE tokens were transferred from the private address “DDu…wKF” to a Robinhood-linked address “DHQ…3oU”. As of writing, the whale in question held more than 2.8 billion tokens, worth over $26 million at current prices.


The moves of this whale are particularly noteworthy as whoever owns the wallet seems to have nailed the timing. DOGE has been in the green territory since last month, having risen more than 2% in the last seven days and a staggering 20.71% in the past 30 days.

このクジラの動きは特に注目に値し、財布の所有者は誰でもタイミングをうまく捉えたようです。 DOGEは先月以来緑色の領域にあり、過去7日間で2%以上上昇し、過去30日間では驚異的な20.71%上昇した。

What’s Next For DOGE?

DOGE の次は何でしょうか?

On Tuesday, CoinGape reported whales had moved roughly 438 million DOGE tokens amid a decline in the meme coin’s prices, with the market capitalization of DOGE sliding by 0.27% to $13.10 billion. At press time, the DOGE price stood at $0.093, up 1.9% in the last 24 hours.


However, the recent whale transactions indicate that at least some investors who bought the meme coin at lower prices are looking to book profits. Only time will tell where DOGE heads from here.

しかし、最近のクジラ取引は、ミームコインを低価格で購入した少なくとも一部の投資家が利益確定を狙っていることを示している。 DOGEがここからどこへ向かうのかは時間が経てば分かるだろう。











The post A Single Whale Moved 230 Mln DOGE Tokens To Robinhood, Has DOGE Price Topped? appeared first on CoinGape.

一頭のクジラが2億3000万のDOGEトークンをロビンフッドに移動、DOGE価格は最高値に達したか?最初に CoinGape に登場しました。


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