フロントページ > 情報ニュース > ソラナが弱い: MATIC ブルズは持続的な上昇に自信を欠いている – 次は何ですか?

Solana Displaying Weakness: MATIC Bulls Not Confident of Continued Upswing—What’s Next?

ソラナが弱い: MATIC ブルズは持続的な上昇に自信を欠いている – 次は何ですか?

リリース: 2023/12/27 22:00 読む: 722

原作者:CoinPedia News


ソラナが弱い: MATIC ブルズは持続的な上昇に自信を欠いている – 次は何ですか?

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The crypto markets have gained massive attention in recent times as the prices of popular tokens have soared heavily. While the Bitcoin price continues to trade sideways, other altcoins have managed to rise notably. Besides, BTC dominance continues to drop, which suggests the altcoins could continue to maintain a healthy upswing ahead. However, the current market trend suggests the crypto market is letting out huge warnings, as listed below.


Different Memecoins are Gaining Attention 


Memecoins have been an interesting part of the crypto markets as they have displayed extreme volatility in a very short time frame. While the top memecoins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have chosen to trade with minimal attention, newly launched tokens like BONK displayed a monstrous rally, surpassing PEPE. 

ミームコインは、非常に短い時間枠で極端なボラティリティを示すため、暗号通貨市場の興味深い部分となっています。 DogecoinやShiba Inuのようなトップミームコインは最小限の注意を払って取引することを選択しましたが、BONKのような新しく発売されたトークンはPEPEを超える驚異的な上昇を示しました。

Therefore, it suggests the market participants have now become less patient in earning profits as they foresee massive gains in these tokens. Moreover, they tend to post ‘insane memecoin PNLs’ suggesting the newbies or the beginners are looking for quick gains more than sustained gains. 


Top Performer Solana Displays Weakness


With a more than 1000% jump from the lows of around $9.97, the Solana price managed to mark new yearly highs above $126. This upswing attracted huge liquidity, with the market cap rising from below $300 million to over $50 billion. However, the price is facing significant bearish actions after marking the highs, which is a big matter of concern at the moment.

ソラナ価格は約 9.97 ドルの安値から 1000% 以上上昇し、126 ドルを超える年間最高値を更新することができました。この上昇により巨額の流動性が集まり、時価総額は3億ドル未満から500億ドル以上に上昇した。しかし、価格は高値を付けた後に大幅な弱気の動きに直面しており、それが現時点での大きな懸念事項となっている。

After recording consecutive bullish candles for nearly 6 days, the SOL price faced notable upward pressure, marking the lows close to $100. Although the price defended the support, the bulls are failing to rise above the pivotal resistance at $115. Therefore, the Solana bulls, who are displaying weakness at the moment, are flashing huge warnings for the markets.


Strongest Player, Polygon Not Showing Continued Strength


Polygon has forecasted itself as one of the strongest players since the start of the 2021 bull run. Although the bear squeezed more than 85% of its gains, it rebounded strongly and recovered more than 60% of its losses within a couple of months. The MATIC price has been trying hard to rise above $1 multiple times but has failed to do so.

Polygon は、2021 年の強気相場が始まって以来、最も強力なプレーヤーの 1 つになると予測しています。弱気派は利益の85%以上を圧縮したが、力強く反発し、数カ月以内に損失の60%以上を回復した。 MATIC価格は何度も1ドルを超えようと懸命に努力してきましたが、上昇することができませんでした。

The MATIC price has soared again above $1 with the recent price action after carrying out a parabolic recovery. Despite the volume remaining under bullish influence, it continues to drop significantly. This weakness could point towards the bull’s inability to maintain a continued upswing, which may eventually mark the upswing as a fakeout.


Therefore, the yearly close can be considered extremely crucial, as a bullish close may eventually squash the bearish narrative. But if the markets remain consolidated until the yearly close, a diverse trend may be expected in the coming days. 



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