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This Solana Meme Coin Is Outperforming Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, And PEPE Combined


リリース: 2023/11/22 07:12 読む: 842



Meme coins have become a prominent part of the crypto industry and hardly a market recovery goes by that there isn’t at least one meme coin outshining the crypto market gains. This time around, it is a meme coin on the Solana network that is outperforming the space, leaving behind even the likes of heavy hitters such as Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and PEPE.

ミームコインは仮想通貨業界の重要な部分となっており、仮想通貨市場の利益を上回るミームコインが少なくとも1つも存在しないほど市場が回復することはほとんどありません。今回は、Dogecoin、Shiba Inu、PEPE などの強打者さえも引き離し、そのスペースをしのぐソラナ ネットワーク上のミーム コインです。

Solana-Based BONK Meme Coin Rises 1,700%


After initially putting on an incredible run earlier this year, the Solana-based BONK meme coin had seemingly faded back into obscurity. The coin’s price eventually fell around 80% of its previous all-time high and traded low for the better part of the year.

ソラナベースの BONK ミームコインは、今年初めに驚異的な成績を収めた後、再び忘れ去られたかに見えました。最終的にコインの価格は過去最高値の約80%まで下落し、今年の大部分は安値で取引された。

However, this bearish run would end in October as soon as the crypto market began to recover once again. The price would eventually go from $0.00000019 toward the end of October to $0.000000768 by the time the month of November began. It was already up 300% by then but the rally was only in its beginning stages.

しかし、仮想通貨市場が再び回復し始めるとすぐに、この弱気相場は10月に終わるでしょう。最終的に、価格は 10 月末にかけて 0.00000019 ドルから、11 月が始まるまでに 0.000000768 ドルまで上昇します。その時点ですでに300%上昇していましたが、上昇はまだ初期段階にすぎませんでした。

On Monday, November 20, the BONK price made a new all-time high of $0.00000539 according to data from CoinGecko. This represents an over 1,700% increase from its cycle lows, making it the top-performing meme coin in the last 30 days.


Likewise, BONK has seen a tremendous jump in its trading volume. In mid-October, the meme coin was doing less than $2 million in daily trading volume. However, as of Tuesday, November 21, BONK’s trading volume is sitting above $100 million, up almost 11% in the last day alone. This signifies the renewed interest in the coin, suggesting that the rally was backed up by good fundamentals.

同様に、BONK の取引量は大幅に増加しました。 10月中旬、ミームコインの1日の取引高は200万ドル未満だった。しかし、11月21日火曜日の時点で、BONKの取引高は1億ドルを超えており、前日だけでほぼ11%増加した。これはコインへの関心が再び高まっていることを示しており、上昇が良好なファンダメンタルズに支えられていることを示唆している。

Dogecoin And Shiba Inu Fall Behind


As the price of the BONK meme coin has surged, other meme coins have not performed as well. While they have seen some good headwinds, they have largely underperformed compared to BONK. To put this in perspective, the price of BONK is down 105.45 in the last week. At the same time, the price of Dogecoin is up only 2.5% in the same time period.


Shiba Inu and PEPE are performing even worse in this timeframe. The former is currently seeing 2.7% losses on the weekly chart, while the latter is down 3.9% in the same time period. Another top meme coin, FLOKI, is down 6.8% as well.


The BONK recovery can be attributed to the price of Solana which is up over 400% this year alone. SOL’s price reached as high as $62 before correcting back downward, and the interest in the token trickled down to other ecosystem cryptos.

BONK の回復は、今年だけで 400% 以上上昇したソラナ価格に起因すると考えられます。 SOL の価格は 62 ドルまで上昇し、その後下方修正され、このトークンへの関心は他のエコシステムの暗号通貨にも波及しました。


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