フロントページ > 情報ニュース > 仮想通貨市場が急騰:ビットコインが強気相場をリード、アルトコインがそれに続く

Surge in Crypto Markets: Bitcoin Leads Bull Run, Altcoins Follow


リリース: 2023/12/09 16:05 読む: 788



The cryptocurrency market, led by Bitcoin (BTC), continues to maintain its bull run, with some altcoins seeing double-digit increases in the last 24 hours. The excitement created by the Spot Bitcoin ETF and dovish Fed comments have led investors to riskier assets, bringing cryptocurrencies to unprecedented levels in recent years. The current positive momentum, combined with the expectation of a potential rally following the Bitcoin block reward halving next year, contributes to the price increases.


Altcoins Rising Under Bitcoin Leadership


Bitcoin is leading the upward wave and is approaching a new peak not seen in the last two years. The largest cryptocurrency recently broke its 2023 record with $44,700, reflecting the strong mood in the market. At the moment, BTC’s price has increased by 1.64% in the last 24 hours, trading at $44,225, with a 15.99% decrease in trading volume to $23.80 billion in the last 24 hours.


The price of Ethereum (ETH), the largest altcoin, is trading at $2,365, with a 0.40% decrease in the last 24 hours, while its trading volume has significantly decreased by 27.12% to $11.48 billion. In contrast, the price of the giant altcoin XRP has reached $0.6866 with a 5.75% increase, and its trading volume has increased by 14.19% to $2.05 billion in the last 24 hours.


Solana (SOL) continues to attract attention with its recent increase among altcoins. SOL has risen to $74.21 with a significant increase in the last 24 hours. It also reached its highest level in 2023 at $75.27 in the last 24 hours. The positive investor sentiment in the market has also stimulated memecoins. Notably, the price of Dogecoin (DOGE), the largest memecoin, has risen to $0.1034 with a 7% increase, despite a 5.54% decrease in its trading volume to $1.08 billion. The price of Shiba Inu, the second largest memecoin, has reached $0.00001038 with a 4.83% increase, removing a zero from its price and marking a historic moment for the memecoin.

アルトコインの中でもソラナ(SOL)は近年上昇傾向にあり注目を集め続けています。 SOLは過去24時間で大幅に上昇し、74.21ドルまで上昇しました。また、過去24時間で2023年の最高値である75.27ドルに達した。市場における投資家の前向きな心理もミームコインを刺激しました。特に、最大のミームコインであるドージコイン(DOGE)の価格は、取引量が5.54%減少して10億8000万ドルとなったにもかかわらず、7%上昇して0.1034ドルに上昇した。 2番目に大きいミームコインであるShiba Inuの価格は4.83%上昇して0.00001038ドルに達し、価格からゼロが取り除かれ、ミームコインにとって歴史的な瞬間を迎えました。

The recent market-wide surge has resulted in a 2.07% increase in the total value of the cryptocurrency market, reaching an impressive figure of $1.65 trillion. However, despite this increase, the fear and greed index being at 82 and signaling “excessive greed” suggests that investors need to be cautious.

最近の市場全体の高騰により、仮想通貨市場の総額は 2.07% 増加し、1 兆 6,500 億ドルという驚異的な数字に達しました。しかし、この上昇にもかかわらず、恐怖と貪欲指数は82で「過度の貪欲」を示しており、投資家が注意する必要があることを示唆しています。

Highlighted Altcoins of the Day


Cardano (ADA) is at the forefront of altcoins participating in the rally across the cryptocurrency market. ADA, which has risen over 26% in the last 24 hours, is approaching the $0.60 threshold. The altcoin is currently trading at $0.5915. ADA’s price has increased by 52.67% in the last 7 days.

カルダノ (ADA) は、暗号通貨市場全体のラリーに参加するアルトコインの最前線にいます。 ADAは過去24時間で26%以上上昇し、0.60ドルの閾値に近づいている。アルトコインは現在0.5915ドルで取引されている。 ADA の価格は過去 7 日間で 52.67% 上昇しました。

Among the highlighted altcoins of the day, BitTorrent (BTT) comes in second place. BitTorrent’s BTT is trading at $0.000001023 with a 24.80% increase in the last 24 hours. With the recent increase in BTT, a zero was removed from the altcoin’s price. Furthermore, the altcoin’s price has increased by approximately 120% in the last 7 days.

この日注目されたアルトコインの中で、BitTorrent (BTT) が 2 位になりました。 BitTorrent の BTT は $0.000001023 で取引されており、過去 24 時間で 24.80% 上昇しました。最近のBTTの上昇により、アルトコインの価格からゼロが削除されました。さらに、アルトコインの価格は過去 7 日間で約 120% 上昇しました。

Another notable altcoin of the day is Avalanche‘s AVAX. AVAX’s price has increased by 18.77% in the last 24 hours, trading above the $30 threshold at $32.01. Data shows that AVAX’s price has increased by over 140% in the last 7 days.

この日のもう 1 つの注目すべきアルトコインは、Avalanche の AVAX です。 AVAXの価格は過去24時間で18.77%上昇し、32.01ドルで30ドルの基準を超えて取引されている。データによると、AVAX の価格は過去 7 日間で 140% 以上上昇しました。

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/surge-in-crypto-markets-bitcoin-leads-bull-run-altcoins-follow/

続きを読む: https://en.coin-turk.com/surge-in-crypto-markets-bitcoin-leads-bull-run-altcoins-follow/


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