フロントページ > 情報ニュース > ドージコインの急増: 普及の拡大とオンチェーンの指標についての詳細

The Surge of Dogecoin: A Deep Dive into Its Growing Adoption and On-Chain Metrics

ドージコインの急増: 普及の拡大とオンチェーンの指標についての詳細

リリース: 2023/11/28 20:09 読む: 603



The largest memecoin and the 8th largest altcoin, Dogecoin (market-trembles-bitcoin-drops-below-25k-impacting-altcoins/”>DOGE), continues to grow in adoption two years after the coronavirus pandemic, with people overcoming the shutdowns by investing billions in non-serious, joke-intended altcoins. On-chain data reveal the continued expansion of the Dogecoin network.


Dogecoin’s On-Chain Metrics Continue to Sound Alarms


According to the data tracked by on-chain analysis company IntoTheBlock, the number of wallet addresses holding DOGE has surpassed the 5 million mark for the first time. The number of active wallet addresses on the network has more than doubled, reaching 168,000, the highest level seen since March 2022.

オンチェーン分析会社IntoTheBlockが追跡したデータによると、DOGEを保持するウォレットアドレスの数が初めて500万のマークを超えた。ネットワーク上のアクティブなウォレット アドレスの数は 2 倍以上となり、2022 年 3 月以来の最高レベルとなる 168,000 に達しました。

The number of confirmed transactions on the Dogecoin network has also reached the highest level of the year for the first time since June, with an incredible increase of a thousand percent in the last 10 days.


While the figures related to the network are becoming increasingly significant, the concentration of DOGE ownership remains a major concern. According to BitInfoCharts data, fewer than 5,000 wallet addresses control more than 80% of the circulating DOGE supply. This implies that a relatively small number of investors have control over the price of DOGE, raising concerns that a move to sell by this influential group could cause a sharp decline in the altcoin’s price.

ネットワークに関連する数値はますます重要になってきていますが、DOGE 所有権の集中は依然として大きな懸念事項です。 BitInfoCharts データによると、5,000 未満のウォレット アドレスが、流通する DOGE 供給量の 80% 以上を制御しています。これは、比較的少数の投資家がDOGEの価格をコントロールしていることを意味しており、この影響力のあるグループによる売却の動きがアルトコインの価格の急落を引き起こす可能性があるとの懸念が高まっている。

Current Price Situation of DOGE


DOGE’s market value has risen nearly 11 billion dollars this month, a 14% increase, and is currently at 10.95 billion dollars. The increasing adoption and usage of the altcoin are generally interpreted as opening the door to higher market values.


With the latest data, DOGE has seen a 4.78% drop in the last 24 hours, trading at 0.07712 dollars. The data shows that the altcoin has had a very limited increase of 0.12% in the last 7 days, but has risen by 11.92% in the last 30 days.


  • Dogecoin’s adoption continues to surge post-pandemic.
  • ドージコインの採用はパンデミック後も急増し続けています。

  • On-chain metrics indicate growing network activity.
  • オンチェーン メトリクスは、ネットワーク アクティビティの増加を示します。

  • Ownership concentration poses risks to DOGE’s price stability.
  • 所有権の集中はDOGEの価格安定にリスクをもたらします。

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/the-surge-of-dogecoin-a-deep-dive-into-its-growing-adoption-and-on-chain-metrics/

続きを読む: https://en.coin-turk.com/the-surge-of-dogecoin-a-deep-dive-into-its-growing-adoption-and-on-chain-metrics/


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