フロントページ > 情報ニュース > 市場変化の中でドージコインの不確実な将来

The Uncertain Future of Dogecoin Amidst Market Changes


リリース: 2024/01/15 06:06 読む: 931



You can also read this news on COINTURK NEWS: The Uncertain Future of Dogecoin Amidst Market Changes

このニュースは COINTURK NEWS でもお読みいただけます: 市場変化の中でのドージコインの不確実な将来

It was not a great day for cryptocurrencies, but a new era for the markets began last week with the approval of an ETF. The current downturn or weakness, however, could discourage those who were mistaken today about the end of the slump when BTC was below $20,000 from their hopes for 2024. Investors who trade with excessive emotion are highly affected by positive/negative developments.


Dogecoin (DOGE)

ドージコイン (DOGE)

The king of meme coins is still the largest by market value, but it has not been delivering for a long time. It’s been about 2 years since we heard that the developers were working on their own smart contract solution. The Dogecoin Foundation did not create the expected impact during this period, and its reactivation did not yield much beyond a few headlines on the first day. Elon Musk does not care about it or the rest of the crypto as much as before, and the outlook for DOGE is not better than the market overall.

ミームコインの王様は依然として市場価値で最大ですが、長い間配信されていません。開発者が独自のスマート コントラクト ソリューションに取り組んでいると聞いてから約 2 年が経ちました。ドージコイン財団はこの期間中に期待されたほどの影響を与えず、その再開は初日にいくつかの見出しを飾っただけで、大きな成果は得られませんでした。イーロン・マスク氏は、DOGEやその他の仮想通貨には以前ほど関心を持っておらず、DOGEの見通しは市場全体よりも良いというわけではない。

The problem is that DOGE is a speculative asset. It does not produce any benefit, and for its story to continue, it needs the involvement of influencers who can direct large crowds. If this does not happen, the social dominance, interest, and headlines of 2021 may not be repeated.

問題は、DOGE が投機資産であることです。それは何の利益も生み出さず、物語を継続するには、大勢の人々を誘導できるインフルエンサーの関与が必要です。これが起こらなければ、2021 年の社会的優位性、関心、見出しは繰り返されないかもしれません。

From this perspective, if we are not going to see a new 2021, DOGE will not have a daily volume of 40 billion dollars and will have to aim for 0.3 dollars instead of 1 dollar.


Dogecoin Analysis


Long-term views are the result of comprehensive observations. The aforementioned issue bluntly confronts the investor with the reality that Dogecoin is moving away from its glorious days. Take a good look below, why is this chart showing miner reserves constantly depleting? Despite the general market rise, why are miners constantly busy with sales?


DOGE reserves, which were at 10.05 billion at the beginning of 2022, have declined to 4.32 billion in about 2 years. It is a fact that the change in sentiment and events that stifle potential have affected the biggest DOGE holders. They have reduced their reserves by nearly 8% in just 90 days and continue to do so at every opportunity.

2022年初めに100億5000万だったDOGEの準備金は、約2年で43億2000万に減少した。感情の変化や可能性を抑圧するような出来事が最大のDOGE保有者たちに影響を与えているのは事実だ。彼らはわずか 90 日間で埋蔵量を 8% 近く削減しており、今後もあらゆる機会に削減を続けています。

Important indicators such as social volume and search volume also show that interest in DOGE is waning. Moreover, the growing interest in newer meme coins like PEPE and BONK has weakened Dogecoin. Investors aware of the long-term risks may have to wait for the days when Dogecoin will shine again. During periods of prolonged rise, liquidity will eventually visit assets like Shib and Doge for rapid ascents, but this does not seem to be happening in the short term.

ソーシャルボリュームや検索ボリュームなどの重要な指標も、DOGE への関心が薄れていることを示しています。さらに、PEPEやBONKのような新しいミームコインへの関心の高まりにより、ドージコインは弱体化しました。長期的なリスクを認識している投資家は、ドージコインが再び輝く日を待たなければならないかもしれない。長期にわたる上昇期間中、流動性は最終的にシブやドージのような資産を訪れ、急速に上昇するでしょうが、これは短期的には起こらないようです。

The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: The Uncertain Future of Dogecoin Amidst Market Changes

この投稿は COINTURK NEWS に最初に掲載されました: 市場変化の中でのドージコインの不確実な将来




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