表紙 > 情報ニュース > Whale、Binance で大規模な取引を行う

Whale Conducts Significant Transactions on Binance

Whale、Binance で大規模な取引を行う

リリース: 2024/06/28 21:05 読む: 378



Whale、Binance で大規模な取引を行う

Whale Conducts Large PEPE and Ethereum Transactions on Binance

A prominent whale in the cryptocurrency market has executed significant transactions involving PEPE and Ethereum (ETH) on the Binance exchange. This whale's substantial movements of cryptocurrency could influence market prices.

クジラ、Binance で大規模な PEPE とイーサリアム取引を実行仮想通貨市場の著名なクジラが、Binance 取引所で PEPE とイーサリアム (ETH) に関わる重要な取引を実行しました。このクジラによる仮想通貨の大幅な動きは市場価格に影響を与える可能性がある。

Whale Activity

Whales are individuals or entities holding vast amounts of a cryptocurrency and possess the capacity to sway market prices through their asset movements. Their actions are closely monitored due to their potential to cause substantial price fluctuations. Recently, a notable whale drew attention by conducting large PEPE and ETH transactions on Binance.


Over the past two days, this whale transferred 1.4 trillion PEPE tokens, equivalent to $18.01 million, to Binance. Subsequently, they withdrew 1,436 ETH, worth $4.94 million, from the exchange. These transactions are viewed as part of a strategic plan. According to EmberCN, the whale may intend to sell PEPE tokens for ETH.

過去 2 日間で、このクジラは 1,801 万ドルに相当する 1 兆 4,000 億 PEPE トークンをバイナンスに送金しました。その後、彼らは取引所から 494 万ドル相当の 1,436 ETH を引き出しました。これらの取引は戦略計画の一部とみなされます。 EmberCN によると、クジラは ETH の PEPE トークンを販売するつもりである可能性があります。

Motivation Behind the Strategy

The whale is likely attempting to diversify its portfolio by transferring the meme coin PEPE to Binance and withdrawing ETH. They may perceive ETH to have greater value or stability in the current market climate compared to PEPE.

戦略の背後にある動機 クジラは、ミームコイン PEPE をバイナンスに移管し、ETH を引き出すことでポートフォリオを多様化しようとしている可能性があります。彼らは、現在の市場環境においてPEPEと比較してETHの価値や安定性が高いと認識しているかもしれません。

Market Implications

These large-scale transactions have had a noticeable impact on cryptocurrency prices. At the time of writing, Ethereum trades at $3,450, while the price of PEPE coin, speculated to be sold by the whale, stands at $0.00001244. The whale may have anticipated a price increase in ETH following the launch of spot Ethereum ETFs.


Cryptocurrency Market Strategy

Notably, the whale's shift from the recently peaking meme coin PEPE to ETH aligns with a common cryptocurrency market strategy of moving from rapidly rising assets to those with less momentum or potential for growth.



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