フロントページ > 情報ニュース > ニューヨーク仮想通貨規制当局、XRPとDOGEを「グリーンリスト」から除外 – これはVCスペクトルにどのような影響を与えるのか?

New York’s Crypto Regulatory Body Excludes XRP and DOGE from the ‘Greenlist’—What Are the Implications for VC Spectra?

ニューヨーク仮想通貨規制当局、XRPとDOGEを「グリーンリスト」から除外 – これはVCスペクトルにどのような影響を与えるのか?

リリース: 2023/09/24 04:09 読む: 994



New York’s cryptocurrency regulatory body, NYFSA, has made a significant decision by excluding XRP (XRP) and Dogecoin (DOGE) from its coveted ‘Greenlist.’ This move has stirred discussions and raised questions about its potential impact on other top altcoins, including VC Spectra (SPCT). 

ニューヨークの仮想通貨規制機関であるNYFSAは、誰もが欲しがる「グリーンリスト」からXRP(XRP)とドージコイン(DOGE)を除外するという重要な決定を下し、この動きは議論を巻き起こし、VCを含む他のトップアルトコインへの潜在的な影響についての疑問を引き起こしたスペクトル (SPCT)。

Discover the implications of this regulatory stance for VC Spectra and how it may influence investors’ choice of the best coins to invest in October.

VC Spectraに対するこの規制上のスタンスの影響と、それが投資家による10月の投資に最適なコインの選択にどのような影響を与える可能性があるかを発見してください。



Here’s Why New York’s Regulatory Institutions Reject Dogecoin and XRP


Dogecoin (DOGE) and XRP (XRP) have been removed from the so-called “green list” due to their failure to meet the criteria established by the New York Financial Supervisory Authority (NYFSA) on September 19.


This move highlights the increasing scrutiny and regulation within the cryptocurrency sector in the United States as regulatory authorities seek to establish clear guidelines and standards for digital assets. Dogecoin and Ripple’s removal from the green list implies they may face more stringent regulatory requirements, ultimately hurting their status as top crypto coins.


XRP (XRP) 米国の別の法的機関との戦い

XRP (XRP), a cryptocurrency associated with Ripple, continues to face legal challenges in the United States. The cryptocurrency has been embroiled in a legal battle with various regulatory bodies in the U.S., primarily the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). In the latest XRP news today, the token faces the NYFSA as it removes the crypto from its green list. However, it appears that the news did not affect the XRP crypto price. 


After the announcement on September 21, the XRP crypto price has all but recovered to the upper support region of $0.52. This comes right after XRP crypto price dropped to its monthly low of $0.46 on September 12. 


Experts attribute the growing trust of investors in the token after its win against the SEC earlier in August as the perpetrator of the token’s resilience.


Dogecoin (DOGE): From Millionaire Maker To Destroyer In A Month

ドージコイン (DOGE): 1 か月で億万長者メーカーから破壊者へ

Elon Musk’s involvement and influence on Dogecoin (DOGE) have been the subject of significant speculation and discussion within the cryptocurrency community. The revelation of Musk’s financial contributions to DOGE’s development, along with rumors of his advisory role within the Dogecoin Foundation, added fuel to the ongoing debate about his impact on the DOGE price prediction.

ドージコイン (DOGE) に対するイーロン・マスクの関与と影響は、仮想通貨コミュニティ内で重要な憶測と議論の対象となっています。 DOGEの開発に対するマスク氏の金銭的貢献の暴露と、ドージコイン財団内での彼の顧問的役割の噂は、DOGEの価格予測に対するマスク氏の影響についての進行中の議論に油を注いだ。

However, despite these developments and Musk’s association with Dogecoin, the cryptocurrency experienced a 6.34% decline in value between August 29 and September 21, dropping its price from $0.067 to $0.063. This decline is partly due to the ongoing lawsuit against Musk and the removal of Dogecoin from the NYFSA’s green list on September 19.


According to experts, this might not be the best time to buy Dogecoin as its future remains bearish. If, however, you are keen to buy Dogecoin, you should know that DOGE has lost momentum over the past few days, and trading volume is in the reds.


VC Spectra (SPCT), however, presents an excellent investment avenue. So, do not buy Dogecoin just yet; check out what SPCT has to offer. 

しかし、VC Spectra (SPCT) は優れた投資手段を提供します。したがって、まだドージコインを購入しないでください。 SPCT が提供するものを確認してください。

VC Spectra (SPCT) Captures Investors From DOGE, XRP And Rises 300%

VC Spectra (SPCT) が DOGE、XRP から投資家を獲得し 300% 上昇

VC Spectra (SPCT) has been making significant waves in the cryptocurrency market, attracting investors from the best altcoins like DOGE and XRP. With a remarkable rise of 312.5% during Stage 3 of its presale, SPCT has garnered attention for its impressive performance. 

VC Spectra (SPCT) は暗号通貨市場に大きな波を起こしており、DOGE や XRP などの最高のアルトコインからの投資家を魅了しています。 SPCTは、プレセールのステージ3で312.5%という驚異的な上昇を記録し、その目覚ましいパフォーマンスで注目を集めました。

In the past, SPCT has shown similar performance, with its private presale raising $2.4 million and the ongoing public presale registering a 32% ROI for investors in Stage 3 as the token hit $0.033 from $0.025.


Investors are increasingly turning to SPCT due to its innovative approach to blockchain asset management and its commitment to providing access to exclusive presales and ICOs. This decentralized hedge fund has demonstrated substantial potential, drawing comparisons with established cryptocurrencies like DOGE and XRP.

SPCT のブロックチェーン資産管理への革新的なアプローチと、独占的なプリセールや ICO へのアクセスを提供する取り組みにより、投資家はますます SPCT に注目しています。この分散型ヘッジファンドは、DOGE や XRP などの確立された暗号通貨との比較を行い、大きな可能性を示しています。

As VC Spectra continues to gain momentum, it offers investors a unique opportunity to participate in the growth of a promising blockchain venture. Its robust selection process, expert evaluation, and deflationary token model contribute to its appeal as the best crypto to invest in October.

VC Spectra は勢いを増し続けており、有望なブロックチェーンベンチャーの成長に参加するユニークな機会を投資家に提供しています。その堅牢な選択プロセス、専門家の評価、デフレトークンモデルは、10月に投資するのに最適な仮想通貨としての魅力に貢献しています。

About SPCT presale here:

SPCT プレセールについてはこちら:

Website: https://vcspectra.io/ 

ウェブサイト: https://vcspectra.io/

Telegram: https://t.me/VCSpectra 

電報: https://t.me/VCSpectra

Twitter: https://twitter.com/spectravcfund

Twitter: https://twitter.com/spectravcfund

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