Bankrupt Crypto Exchange Cryptopia Refunds $225 Million to Account Holders
Cryptopia, a defunct crypto exchange, has initiated the first phase of its distribution plan by returning approximately $225 million in cryptocurrency to over 10,000 account holders.
Liquidators have been working to identify and compensate users since Cryptopia's bankruptcy in 2020. The initial distribution includes Bitcoin (BTC) and Dogecoin (DOGE) funds.
Grant Thornton, the firm overseeing Cryptopia's liquidation, highlighted that this stage represents only a fraction of the total users entitled to compensation. An estimated 960,000 accounts may be eligible for future distributions.
クリプトピアの清算を監督する会社グラント・ソーントン氏は、この段階は補償を受ける資格のある全ユーザーのほんの一部に過ぎないと強調した。推定 960,000 のアカウントが将来の分配の対象となる可能性があります。
"The complex process involved rebuilding the hacked exchange and reconciling transactions from almost 960,000 users," said Grant Thornton.
Account holders are urged to register on the claims portal to receive future distributions. Grant Thornton will provide notice of the cut-off date for registration in the near future.
Cryptopia's bankruptcy resulted from a hack in 2019, leading to losses of around $16 million. In May 2019, liquidators estimated that creditors were owed an estimated $4.2 million.
クリプトピアは2019年のハッキングによって破産し、約1600万ドルの損失を出した。 2019年5月、清算人は債権者が推定420万ドルを負っていると見積もった。