첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 관심을 끌기 위한 전투: 새로운 암호화폐의 사전 판매 vs. Dogecoin의 예상 급등

Battle for Attention: New Cryptocurrency’s Presale Versus Dogecoin’s Anticipated Surge

관심을 끌기 위한 전투: 새로운 암호화폐의 사전 판매 vs. Dogecoin의 예상 급등

풀어 주다: 2023/12/12 06:17 읽다: 629

원저자:Captain Altcoin

원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/65775522bc6a2505ca9666b6

관심을 끌기 위한 전투: 새로운 암호화폐의 사전 판매 vs. Dogecoin의 예상 급등


  • Dogecoin’s (DOGE) Open Futures contracts Surge to $600 million.
  • Dogecoin(DOGE)의 공개 선물 계약이 6억 달러로 급증했습니다.

  • Market capitalization on Dogecoin has also risen by $3 billion since October.
  • Dogecoin의 시가총액도 10월 이후 30억 달러 증가했습니다.

  • VC Spectra’s presale raises 862.5% profit.

Dogecoin’s recent surge has continued, leading to a sharp growth of over half a billion in its Open Futures contracts. The increase in Dogecoin prediction mirrors the explosive growth of VC Spectra, an investment platform that offers quarterly dividends and buybacks. 

Dogecoin의 최근 급등은 계속되어 공개 선물 계약에서 5억 개가 넘는 급격한 성장을 가져왔습니다. Dogecoin 예측의 증가는 분기별 배당금과 자사주 매입을 제공하는 투자 플랫폼인 VC Spectra의 폭발적인 성장을 반영합니다.

Before VC Spectra’s public presale, it raised $2.4 million in a private seed sale. Yet, does SPCT show enough potential to become a top ICO project? Let’s discuss.


>>지금 SPCT 토큰을 구매하세요

VC Spectra: Profitable, Long-term Investing Made Easy

VC Spectra (SPCT) is an investor’s delight that eases the ins and outs of finding valuable projects in the crypto industry. The platform leverages blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, and seasoned venture capitalists when finding short and long-term opportunities with high reward potential.

VC Spectra(SPCT)는 암호화폐 업계에서 가치 있는 프로젝트를 쉽게 찾을 수 있도록 도와주는 투자자의 즐거움입니다. 플랫폼은 보상 잠재력이 높은 단기 및 장기 기회를 찾을 때 블록체인 기술, 인공 지능 및 노련한 벤처 자본가를 활용합니다.

VC Spectra’s (SPCT) hedge funds focus on several areas within the digital asset industry. From new and emerging projects to established sectors with consistent and stable profits. The platform also invests in staking, lending, and arbitrage trading. With VC Spectra, investors need not worry about risk management as the platform thoroughly studies each potential investment.

Community members on VC Spectra enjoy special access to exclusive investments and private ICOs. Furthermore, they receive quarterly dividends and buybacks from 40% of VC Spectra’s profits. The platform shares financial rewards depending on the size of one’s SPCT holdings.

VC Spectra (SPCT) also gives users an improved chance of success when investing in crypto projects via its platform. Furthermore, it offers a seamless trading experience with several trading strategies. Finally, the platform gives a custom trading experience, contributing to a higher comfort level for its users.

VC Spectra(SPCT)는 또한 플랫폼을 통해 암호화폐 프로젝트에 투자할 때 사용자에게 향상된 성공 기회를 제공합니다. 또한 다양한 거래 전략을 통해 원활한 거래 경험을 제공합니다. 마지막으로, 플랫폼은 맞춤형 거래 경험을 제공하여 사용자에게 더 높은 편안함을 제공합니다.

VC Spectra has caught the market by surprise, as evidenced by the sharp popularity of its blockchain ICO. Interested investors have bought over 90 million SPCT tokens since the start of its presale. Stage 1 buyers have also raised 862.5% interest as SPCT surged to its current value of $0.077. When SPCT rises to $0.08, it will get listed on top centralized and decentralized trading platforms.


>>지금 SPCT 토큰을 구매하세요

Open Futures on Dogecoin Soars to $600 Million

Dogecoin의 공개 선물이 6억 달러로 치솟습니다

The dollar value locked in active futures and perpetual futures tied to Dogecoin (DOGE) soared to $625 million in a week. Furthermore, this was the highest value Dogecoin Open Futures had reached since November 2022.

The increase comes amid Dogecoin’s recent bullish performance that started in November. DOGE was trading at $0.06884 on November 1. By November 25, DOGE had surged by 14.6% to $0.07895. Due to the soaring bullishness in the crypto market, DOGE’s value increased further, rising by 21.4% to $0.09592 by December 7.

이러한 증가는 11월부터 시작된 Dogecoin의 최근 강세 성과에 따른 것입니다. DOGE는 11월 1일 $0.06884에 거래되었습니다. 11월 25일까지 DOGE는 $0.07895로 14.6% 급등했습니다. 암호화폐 시장의 상승세로 인해 DOGE의 가치는 더욱 증가하여 12월 7일까지 21.4% 증가한 $0.09592를 기록했습니다.

More investors have opted to buy Dogecoin (DOGE) due to growing market bullishness caused by anticipation of spot ETF approvals. This caused Dogecoin to recover from its 2023 losses. Like several top altcoins, Dogecoin’s (DOGE) market capitalization has risen since mid-October, growing by over $3 billion.

Analysts expect the current market bullishness to remain. This could further increase Dogecoin prediction due to increased DOGE trading activity. Furthermore, DOGE could end the year trading at $0.11592, rising by 20.8%. If Dogecoin prediction goes up again, it could be one of the top investments of 2023.

Learn more about the VC Spectra presale here:

여기에서 VC Spectra 사전 판매에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.

Presale | Website | Telegram | Twitter

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The post Battle for Attention: New Cryptocurrency’s Presale Versus Dogecoin’s Anticipated Surge appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

주의를 위한 전투: 새로운 암호화폐의 사전 판매 대 Dogecoin의 예상 급증이 CaptainAltcoin에 처음 등장했습니다.

주요 주제

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