首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 注意力之戰:新加密貨幣的預售與狗狗幣的預期激增

Battle for Attention: New Cryptocurrency’s Presale Versus Dogecoin’s Anticipated Surge


發布: 2023/12/12 06:17 閱讀: 629

原文作者:Captain Altcoin





  • Dogecoin’s (DOGE) Open Futures contracts Surge to $600 million.
  • 狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的未平倉期貨合約飆升至 6 億美元。

  • Market capitalization on Dogecoin has also risen by $3 billion since October.
  • 自 10 月以來,狗狗幣的市值也增加了 30 億美元。

  • VC Spectra’s presale raises 862.5% profit.
  • VC Spectra 的預售提高了 862.5% 的利潤。

Dogecoin’s recent surge has continued, leading to a sharp growth of over half a billion in its Open Futures contracts. The increase in Dogecoin prediction mirrors the explosive growth of VC Spectra, an investment platform that offers quarterly dividends and buybacks. 

狗狗幣最近的飆升仍在繼續,導致其開放期貨合約急劇增長超過 5 億美元。狗狗幣預測的增加反映了 VC Spectra 的爆炸性增長,這是一個提供季度股息和回購的投資平台。

Before VC Spectra’s public presale, it raised $2.4 million in a private seed sale. Yet, does SPCT show enough potential to become a top ICO project? Let’s discuss.

在 VC Spectra 公開預售之前,它透過私人種子銷售籌集了 240 萬美元。然而,SPCT 是否表現出足夠的潛力成為頂級 ICO 項目?來!我們討論一下。


>>立即購買 SPCT 代幣

VC Spectra: Profitable, Long-term Investing Made Easy

VC Spectra:獲利的長期投資變得容易

VC Spectra (SPCT) is an investor’s delight that eases the ins and outs of finding valuable projects in the crypto industry. The platform leverages blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, and seasoned venture capitalists when finding short and long-term opportunities with high reward potential.

VC Spectra (SPCT) 是投資者的最愛,它簡化了在加密行業尋找有價值項目的細節。該平台利用區塊鏈技術、人工智慧和經驗豐富的創投家來尋找具有高回報潛力的短期和長期機會。

VC Spectra’s (SPCT) hedge funds focus on several areas within the digital asset industry. From new and emerging projects to established sectors with consistent and stable profits. The platform also invests in staking, lending, and arbitrage trading. With VC Spectra, investors need not worry about risk management as the platform thoroughly studies each potential investment.

VC Spectra (SPCT) 的對沖基金專注於數位資產產業的多個領域。從新興專案到具有持續穩定利潤的成熟產業。該平台還投資質押、借貸和套利交易。借助 VC Spectra,投資者無需擔心風險管理,因為該平台會深入研究每項潛在投資。

Community members on VC Spectra enjoy special access to exclusive investments and private ICOs. Furthermore, they receive quarterly dividends and buybacks from 40% of VC Spectra’s profits. The platform shares financial rewards depending on the size of one’s SPCT holdings.

VC Spectra 的社群成員享有獨家投資和私人 ICO 的特殊存取權。此外,他們還從 VC Spectra 40% 的利潤中獲得季度股息和回購。該平台根據個人持有 SPCT 的規模分享經濟獎勵。

VC Spectra (SPCT) also gives users an improved chance of success when investing in crypto projects via its platform. Furthermore, it offers a seamless trading experience with several trading strategies. Finally, the platform gives a custom trading experience, contributing to a higher comfort level for its users.

VC Spectra (SPCT) 也為用戶透過其平台投資加密專案提供了更大的成功機會。此外,它還提供多種交易策略的無縫交易體驗。最後,該平台提供客製化交易體驗,為用戶帶來更高的舒適度。

VC Spectra has caught the market by surprise, as evidenced by the sharp popularity of its blockchain ICO. Interested investors have bought over 90 million SPCT tokens since the start of its presale. Stage 1 buyers have also raised 862.5% interest as SPCT surged to its current value of $0.077. When SPCT rises to $0.08, it will get listed on top centralized and decentralized trading platforms.

VC Spectra 讓市場大吃一驚,其區塊鏈 ICO 的火爆就證明了這一點。自預售開始以來,有興趣的投資者已購買了超過 9,000 萬個 SPCT 代幣。隨著 SPCT 飆升至當前價值 0.077 美元,第一階段買家的興趣也提高了 862.5%。當SPCT上漲至0.08美元時,將登陸頂級中心化和去中心化交易平台。


>>立即購買 SPCT 代幣

Open Futures on Dogecoin Soars to $600 Million

狗狗幣未平倉合約飆升至 6 億美元

The dollar value locked in active futures and perpetual futures tied to Dogecoin (DOGE) soared to $625 million in a week. Furthermore, this was the highest value Dogecoin Open Futures had reached since November 2022.

與狗狗幣(DOGE)相關的活躍期貨和永續期貨鎖定的美元價值在一周內飆升至 6.25 億美元。此外,這是狗狗幣開放期貨自 2022 年 11 月以來達到的最高價值。

The increase comes amid Dogecoin’s recent bullish performance that started in November. DOGE was trading at $0.06884 on November 1. By November 25, DOGE had surged by 14.6% to $0.07895. Due to the soaring bullishness in the crypto market, DOGE’s value increased further, rising by 21.4% to $0.09592 by December 7.

此次上漲是在狗狗幣從 11 月開始近期表現強勁之際發生的。 11 月 1 日,DOGE 的交易價格為 0.06884 美元。到 11 月 25 日,DOGE 已飆升 14.6% 至 0.07895 美元。由於加密貨幣市場看漲情緒飆升,DOGE 的價值進一步上漲,截至 12 月 7 日上漲 21.4% 至 0.09592 美元。

More investors have opted to buy Dogecoin (DOGE) due to growing market bullishness caused by anticipation of spot ETF approvals. This caused Dogecoin to recover from its 2023 losses. Like several top altcoins, Dogecoin’s (DOGE) market capitalization has risen since mid-October, growing by over $3 billion.

由於現貨 ETF 核准的預期導致市場看漲情緒日益高漲,越來越多的投資者選擇購買狗狗幣 (DOGE)。這使得狗狗幣從 2023 年的損失中恢復過來。與幾種頂級山寨幣一樣,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的市值自 10 月中旬以來一直在上升,增長了超過 30 億美元。

Analysts expect the current market bullishness to remain. This could further increase Dogecoin prediction due to increased DOGE trading activity. Furthermore, DOGE could end the year trading at $0.11592, rising by 20.8%. If Dogecoin prediction goes up again, it could be one of the top investments of 2023.

分析師預期當前市場看漲情緒仍將持續。由於 DOGE 交易活動的增加,這可能會進一步增加狗狗幣的預測。此外,DOGE 年底交易價格可能為 0.11592 美元,上漲 20.8%。如果狗狗幣預測再次上升,它可能會成為 2023 年的最佳投資之一。

Learn more about the VC Spectra presale here:

了解有關 VC Spectra 預售的更多資訊:

Presale | Website | Telegram | Twitter

預售|網站 |電報 |推特

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The post Battle for Attention: New Cryptocurrency’s Presale Versus Dogecoin’s Anticipated Surge appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

《注意力之戰:新加密貨幣的預售與狗狗幣的預期激增》一文首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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