首頁 > 資訊新聞 > GameStop Memes 預售超過狗狗幣和柴犬,達到 400 萬美元

GameStop Memes Presale Overtakes Dogecoin and Shiba Inu with a $4 Million Mastery

GameStop Memes 預售超過狗狗幣和柴犬,達到 400 萬美元

發布: 2023/12/12 06:22 閱讀: 385

原文作者:The Coin Republic


As Bitcoin struts its stuff on the market stage, the altcoin realm has its own party, and meme coins steal the spotlight. From the iconic Dogecoin (DOGE) to the trendy Shiba Inu (SHIB), these quirky digital assets have seen substantial gains, riding high on increased trading volumes and a surge in liquidity. Yet, in this carnival of crypto laughter, a new meme coin is not just riding the wave – it’s creating ripples. Meet GameStop Memes (GSM), the unconventional player that has already amassed a jaw-dropping $4 million during its ongoing presale. So, is GameStop Memes the ultimate pick for the best meme coin in town?

隨著比特幣在市場舞台上大展身手,山寨幣領域也有了自己的政黨,迷因幣也成為了關注的焦點。從標誌性的狗狗幣 (DOGE) 到時尚的柴犬 (SHIB),這些奇特的數位資產隨著交易量的增加和流動性的激增而大幅上漲。然而,在這場加密貨幣歡笑的狂歡節中,一種新的迷因幣不僅順勢而為,也引發了漣漪。 GameStop Memes (GSM) 是一款非常規的播放器,在預售期間已經籌集了令人瞠目結舌的 400 萬美元。那麼,GameStop Memes 是城裡最好的 Meme 硬幣的最終選擇嗎?

Dogecoin: The OG Meme Coin with a New Bounce

狗狗幣:OG Meme 幣的新反彈

Dogecoin, the original meme coin, recently confirmed its move above the supply barrier, marking a significant milestone exactly a decade after its creation in December 2013. With the recent foray above $0.094, DOGE enthusiasts are eyeing a potential 6% gain to touch the enviable $0.100 milestone. However, the bullish party could be dampened with a decisive daily close below $0.092. Now, while Dogecoin has been the OG of the meme coin world, there’s a new contender shaking things up.

狗狗幣(Dogecoin),最初的meme 幣,最近確認其突破了供應壁壘,標誌著自2013 年12 月創建以來整整十年的一個重要里程碑。隨著最近突破0.094 美元,DOGE 愛好者們正在關注潛在的6% 漲幅,以達到令人羨慕的水平。0.100 美元 里程碑。然而,當日收盤價決定性地低於 0.092 美元時,看漲情緒可能會受到抑制。現在,雖然狗狗幣已經成為迷因幣世界的元老,但有一個新的競爭者正在撼動一切。

Hold your Doge treats for a moment because GameStop Memes is flipping the script on meme coin success. It’s not your average digital currency; it’s a revolution in motion, promising a game-changing approach in the crypto world. Get ready for a journey where GameStop Memes isn’t just rewriting the rules; it’s crafting a brand-new playbook.

請暫時保留您的 Doge 款待,因為 GameStop Memes 正在顛覆 meme 硬幣的成功。這不是普通的數位貨幣;這是一場運動革命,有望在加密世界中帶來改變遊戲規則的方法。準備好迎接 GameStop Memes 的旅程吧,GameStop Memes 不僅會改寫規則,還會改寫規則。它正在製定一本全新的劇本。

Shiba Inu: Making Waves in the Crypto Kennel


The meme coin community is on high alert as the Shiba Inu price experienced a marginal jump of 1.91%, reaching $0.000009799. With a substantial surge of 19.08% over the week and a monthly rise of 17.38%, Shiba Inu is proving itself more than just a cute face in the crypto kennel. Surpassing the likes of LTC and DAI in global rankings, Shiba Inu is gearing up for a potential bull run. It is drawing attention from crypto traders and investors worldwide.

隨著 Shiba Inu 價格小幅上漲 1.91%,達到 0.000009799 美元,meme 幣社區處於高度戒備狀態。本週大幅上漲 19.08%,月度上漲 17.38%,柴犬正在證明自己不僅僅是加密狗窩裡的可愛的臉。 Shiba Inu 在全球排名中超越了 LTC 和 DAI 等公司,正在為潛在的牛市做好準備。它正在引起全球加密貨幣交易者和投資者的注意。

But wait, there’s a new howl in the crypto forest. With its $4 million presale success, GameStop Memes is challenging the established meme coin hierarchy. It’s not just a coin; it’s a movement that combines financial savvy with the power of memes, promising a unique and potentially more rewarding investment opportunity.

但是等等,加密森林裡又傳來了新的嚎叫聲。 GameStop Memes 預售成功 400 萬美元,正在挑戰既定的 Meme 幣等級體系。它不僅僅是一枚硬幣;它也是一枚硬幣。這是一場將金融頭腦與迷因力量結合的運動,有望帶來獨特且可能更有價值的投資機會。

GameStop Memes Presale: Laughing Loot

GameStop Memes 預售:笑的戰利品

GameStop Memes has stolen the show with a whopping $4 million amassed during its presale. This triumph isn’t just a testament to its charm but an indicator of the community’s belief in its potential. While other meme coins are navigating their paths, GameStop Memes is steering towards a broader horizon, offering a better investment opportunity with a community-driven approach. The presale success is a bold statement – a rallying cry for investors to be part of a financial revolution that goes beyond the memes.

GameStop Memes 搶盡風頭,在預售期間籌集了高達 400 萬美元的資金。這場勝利不僅證明了它的魅力,而且表明了社區對其潛力的信心。當其他 Meme 幣正在探索自己的道路時,GameStop Memes 正在走向更廣闊的視野,透過社區驅動的方法提供更好的投資機會。預售的成功是一個大膽的聲明——號召投資者參與一場超越迷因的金融革命。

GameStop Memes isn’t your typical meme coin; it’s a revolutionary movement challenging norms, promoting unity, and offering a journey beyond mere financial gains. It’s about reshaping the crypto landscape with a community-driven spirit, creating a space where innovation, empowerment, and a dash of humor thrive.

GameStop Memes 並不是典型的 Meme 硬幣;這是一場革命性的運動,挑戰規範、促進團結,並提供超越單純經濟利益的旅程。它旨在以社區驅動的精神重塑加密貨幣格局,創造一個創新、賦權和幽默蓬勃發展的空間。

Why Does GameStop Memes Presale Take the Crown?

為什麼 GameStop Memes 預售奪冠?

GameStop Memes stands out as the new star in the ever-evolving crypto carnival, where meme coins are jostling for attention. As Dogecoin and Shiba Inu continue to capture hearts, GameStop Memes takes the stage with a $4 million presale triumph, showcasing its potential as a better investment opportunity.

GameStop Memes 成為不斷發展的加密貨幣嘉年華中的新星,其中 Meme 硬幣正在爭奪人們的注意力。隨著狗狗幣和柴犬繼續擄獲人們的心,GameStop Memes 以 400 萬美元的預售勝利登上舞台,展現了其作為更好的投資機會的潛力。

It’s not just about gains; it’s about being part of a movement that empowers, unites, and adds a dash of humor to the financial landscape. So, as you navigate the meme coin maze, consider GameStop Memes – the best meme coin that’s rewriting the rules and inviting you to join the revolution.

這不僅關乎收益;也關乎收益。這是一場為金融領域賦權、團結並增添幽默的運動的一部分。因此,當您在模因硬幣迷宮中航行時,請考慮 GameStop Memes——這是重寫規則並邀請您加入革命的最佳模因硬幣。

Join GameStop Memes Presale Now:

立即加入 GameStop Memes 預售:

Website: https://gamestopmemes.com/  


Twitter: https://twitter.com/GameStopMemes 


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