첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Meme Wars: 현명한 투자자들은 Dogecoin과 Pepe를 무시하고 새로운 P2E Memecoin을 선택합니다

The Battle of Memes: Savvy Investors Overlook Dogecoin and Pepe for this New P2E Memecoin

Meme Wars: 현명한 투자자들은 Dogecoin과 Pepe를 무시하고 새로운 P2E Memecoin을 선택합니다

풀어 주다: 2023/12/01 06:05 읽다: 542

원저자:Captain Altcoin

원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/6568a49665f92e7a47baf5b7

Meme Wars: 현명한 투자자들은 Dogecoin과 Pepe를 무시하고 새로운 P2E Memecoin을 선택합니다



  • Dogecoin’s and Pepe’s high market caps make them less appealing to investors.
  • Dogecoin과 Pepe의 높은 시가총액은 투자자들에게 덜 매력적입니다.

  • They also have less growth potential compared to NuggetRush.
  • According to experts, NuggetRush’s value will rise by 50x after launch.
  • 전문가들에 따르면, NuggetRush의 가치는 출시 후 50배 증가할 것입니다.

If you are a crypto enthusiast, chances are that you hold some memecoins or did at some point. Dogecoin (DOGE) and Pepe (PEPE) are currently the most popular memecoins. However, because of their popularity, these cryptocurrencies are being overlooked for this new P2E memecoin, NuggetRush (NUGX).

As a top ICO, NuggetRush represents a more promising investment than Dogecoin or Pepe. Hence, investors have been swarming the ongoing presale, resulting in the battle of memes.

In this article, we will explore the appeals of these memecoins and why seasoned investors are opting for NuggetRush. Let’s begin.

이 기사에서는 이러한 밈코인의 매력과 노련한 투자자들이 NuggetRush를 선택하는 이유를 살펴보겠습니다. 의 시작하자.

>> Buy NuggetRush Now <<

>> 지금 NuggetRush 구매

NuggetRush (NUGX): A Promising P2E Memecoin

NuggetRush(NUGX): 유망한 P2E Memecoin

NuggetRush (NUGX) has emerged as a popular choice among investors. In contrast to DOGE and PEPE, it has a low market cap, which means substantial room for growth. According to analysts, it is the best new crypto to invest in, as its price will likely rise by 50x after launch.

It further differentiates itself from other memecoins because of its utility-backed token. It stands at the intersection of play-to-earn (P2E), GameFI, and meme. This means that there will be actual demand, as it will be used to power the ecosystem.

As a P2E gaming platform, players will participate in and enjoy a thrilling gold-mining game. They will also earn rewards, which can be traded on the marketplace.

Given the above, the massive surge in interest in the ongoing presale isn’t surprising. This ICO is in its third round, and more than $700,000 has been raised. A token costs only $0.013, and it holds more growth potential than prominent memecoins.

위의 내용을 고려하면 진행중인 사전 판매에 대한 관심이 크게 급증하는 것은 놀라운 일이 아닙니다. 이번 ICO는 세 번째 라운드에 속하며 $700,000 이상이 모금되었습니다. 토큰 가격은 0.013달러에 불과하며 유명한 밈코인보다 더 많은 성장 잠재력을 가지고 있습니다.

>> Buy NuggetRush Now << 

Dogecoin (DOGE): Little Room for Growth

도지코인(DOGE): 성장의 여지가 거의 없음

Dogecoin (DOGE) is likely investors’ favorite memecoin. Evidently, it is the first meme-inspired token and the most dominant on the market. Therefore, it is the most obvious choice for investors, particularly newbies.

However, for savvy investors, Dogecoin isn’t the best crypto to invest in—if you are looking for massive gains, that is. This is because of its large market cap, which leaves little room for growth. 

In addition, if you are seeking to ride the full volatility wave of memecoins, Dogecoin might not be the best choice.

또한 Memecoin의 완전한 변동성을 타고 싶다면 Dogecoin이 최선의 선택이 아닐 수도 있습니다.

Nevertheless, DOGE remains a good crypto to buy, maybe not for staggering gains. Instead, investing in emerging tokens and riding their early bullish wave is a great way to position for huge profits.

그럼에도 불구하고 DOGE는 여전히 구매하기에 좋은 암호화폐로 남아 있지만, 아마도 엄청난 이익을 얻을 수는 없을 것입니다. 대신, 신흥 토큰에 투자하고 초기 상승세를 타는 것은 막대한 이익을 얻을 수 있는 좋은 방법입니다.

Pepe (PEPE): Impending Dump?

Early Pepe (PEPE) investors saw astounding profits, considering its current ROI stands at over 11 million percent. This further emphasizes the importance of being early in the crypto space instead of investing in projects at their peaks. You may be wondering, “Has Pepe peaked?”

초기 Pepe(PEPE) 투자자들은 현재 ROI가 1,100만%가 넘는다는 점을 고려하면 놀라운 수익을 얻었습니다. 이는 정점에 있는 프로젝트에 투자하는 대신 암호화폐 공간에 초기에 참여하는 것이 중요함을 더욱 강조합니다. “페페가 정점에 도달했나요?”라고 궁금해하실 수도 있습니다.

At the moment, Pepe is a top 100 cryptocurrency and one of the most popular in the meme ecosystem. It has a large market cap, which limits future growth. According to some, Pepe will likely decline further before experiencing any significant growth.

현재 Pepe는 상위 100대 암호화폐이자 밈 생태계에서 가장 인기 있는 암호화폐 중 하나입니다. 시가총액이 커서 향후 성장이 제한됩니다. 일부에 따르면 Pepe는 상당한 성장을 경험하기 전에 더 하락할 가능성이 높습니다.

Despite this, it is still one of the most dominant and top altcoins on the market. It has a dedicated community, which might propel its growth in the future.



In the battle of memes, savvy investors have been overlooking peaked and popular memecoins like Pepe and Dogecoin for NuggetRush. This new memecoin has a higher growth ceiling, making it a more attractive investment and a top crypto to buy. You can choose to participate in the ongoing presale by following the link below.

밈 전쟁에서 현명한 투자자들은 NuggetRush의 Pepe 및 Dogecoin과 같은 정점에 도달하고 인기 있는 밈코인을 간과해 왔습니다. 이 새로운 밈코인은 성장 상한선이 더 높기 때문에 더 매력적인 투자이자 구매하기에 가장 좋은 암호화폐입니다. 아래 링크를 통해 현재 진행 중인 프리세일에 참여하실 수 있습니다.

Visit NuggetRush Presale Website

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The post The Battle of Memes: Savvy Investors Overlook Dogecoin and Pepe for this New P2E Memecoin appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

The Battle of Memes: Savvy Investors Overlook Dogecoin 및 Pepe에 대한 이 새로운 P2E Memecoin 게시물이 CaptainAltcoin에 처음 등장했습니다.

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