首页 > 资讯新闻 > Meme 之战:精明的投资者忽视了狗狗币和 Pepe,选择了新的 P2E Memecoin

The Battle of Memes: Savvy Investors Overlook Dogecoin and Pepe for this New P2E Memecoin

Meme 之战:精明的投资者忽视了狗狗币和 Pepe,选择了新的 P2E Memecoin

发布: 2023/12/01 06:05 阅读: 542

原文作者:Captain Altcoin


Meme 之战:精明的投资者忽视了狗狗币和 Pepe,选择了新的 P2E Memecoin



  • Dogecoin’s and Pepe’s high market caps make them less appealing to investors.
  • 狗狗币和佩佩的高市值使其对投资者的吸引力降低。

  • They also have less growth potential compared to NuggetRush.
  • 与 NuggetRush 相比,它们的增长潜力也较小。

  • According to experts, NuggetRush’s value will rise by 50x after launch.
  • 据专家预测,NuggetRush 推出后价值将上涨 50 倍。

If you are a crypto enthusiast, chances are that you hold some memecoins or did at some point. Dogecoin (DOGE) and Pepe (PEPE) are currently the most popular memecoins. However, because of their popularity, these cryptocurrencies are being overlooked for this new P2E memecoin, NuggetRush (NUGX).

如果您是加密货币爱好者,您很可能持有或曾经持有过一些模因币。狗狗币(DOGE)和佩佩(PEPE)是目前最受欢迎的模因币。然而,由于它们的受欢迎程度,这些加密货币在这种新的 P2E memecoin NuggetRush (NUGX) 中被忽视了。

As a top ICO, NuggetRush represents a more promising investment than Dogecoin or Pepe. Hence, investors have been swarming the ongoing presale, resulting in the battle of memes.

作为顶级 ICO,NuggetRush 代表着比狗狗币或 Pepe 更有前景的投资。因此,投资者蜂拥而至正在进行的预售,导致了表情包之战。

In this article, we will explore the appeals of these memecoins and why seasoned investors are opting for NuggetRush. Let’s begin.

在本文中,我们将探讨这些模因币的吸引力以及经验丰富的投资者选择 NuggetRush 的原因。让我们开始。

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NuggetRush (NUGX): A Promising P2E Memecoin

NuggetRush (NUGX):一种有前途的 P2E Memecoin

NuggetRush (NUGX) has emerged as a popular choice among investors. In contrast to DOGE and PEPE, it has a low market cap, which means substantial room for growth. According to analysts, it is the best new crypto to invest in, as its price will likely rise by 50x after launch.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 已成为投资者的热门选择。与 DOGE 和 PEPE 相比,它的市值较低,这意味着巨大的增长空间。分析师表示,它是最值得投资的新加密货币,因为其价格在推出后可能会上涨 50 倍。

It further differentiates itself from other memecoins because of its utility-backed token. It stands at the intersection of play-to-earn (P2E), GameFI, and meme. This means that there will be actual demand, as it will be used to power the ecosystem.

由于其由实用程序支持的代币,它进一步将自己与其他模因币区分开来。它处于边玩边赚 (P2E)、GameFI 和 meme 的交叉点。这意味着将会有实际需求,因为它将被用来为生态系统提供动力。

As a P2E gaming platform, players will participate in and enjoy a thrilling gold-mining game. They will also earn rewards, which can be traded on the marketplace.


Given the above, the massive surge in interest in the ongoing presale isn’t surprising. This ICO is in its third round, and more than $700,000 has been raised. A token costs only $0.013, and it holds more growth potential than prominent memecoins.

考虑到上述情况,人们对正在进行的预售的兴趣大幅飙升并不奇怪。本次 ICO 已进入第三轮,已筹集超过 70 万美元。一个代币的成本仅为 0.013 美元,并且比著名的 memecoin 具有更大的增长潜力。

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Dogecoin (DOGE): Little Room for Growth


Dogecoin (DOGE) is likely investors’ favorite memecoin. Evidently, it is the first meme-inspired token and the most dominant on the market. Therefore, it is the most obvious choice for investors, particularly newbies.


However, for savvy investors, Dogecoin isn’t the best crypto to invest in—if you are looking for massive gains, that is. This is because of its large market cap, which leaves little room for growth. 


In addition, if you are seeking to ride the full volatility wave of memecoins, Dogecoin might not be the best choice.


Nevertheless, DOGE remains a good crypto to buy, maybe not for staggering gains. Instead, investing in emerging tokens and riding their early bullish wave is a great way to position for huge profits.

尽管如此,DOGE 仍然是一个值得购买的好加密货币,但可能不会带来惊人的收益。相反,投资新兴代币并利用其早期看涨浪潮是获得巨额利润的好方法。

Pepe (PEPE): Impending Dump?


Early Pepe (PEPE) investors saw astounding profits, considering its current ROI stands at over 11 million percent. This further emphasizes the importance of being early in the crypto space instead of investing in projects at their peaks. You may be wondering, “Has Pepe peaked?”

考虑到其目前的投资回报率超过 1100 万%,早期的 Pepe (PEPE) 投资者获得了惊人的利润。这进一步强调了尽早进入加密货币领域而不是在项目高峰期进行投资的重要性。你可能想知道,“佩佩已经达到顶峰了吗?”

At the moment, Pepe is a top 100 cryptocurrency and one of the most popular in the meme ecosystem. It has a large market cap, which limits future growth. According to some, Pepe will likely decline further before experiencing any significant growth.

目前,Pepe 是排名前 100 的加密货币,也是 meme 生态系统中最受欢迎的加密货币之一。它的市值很大,限制了未来的增长。一些人认为,佩佩在经历任何显着增长之前可能会进一步下滑。

Despite this, it is still one of the most dominant and top altcoins on the market. It has a dedicated community, which might propel its growth in the future.




In the battle of memes, savvy investors have been overlooking peaked and popular memecoins like Pepe and Dogecoin for NuggetRush. This new memecoin has a higher growth ceiling, making it a more attractive investment and a top crypto to buy. You can choose to participate in the ongoing presale by following the link below.

在 meme 之战中,精明的投资者一直忽视了 Pepe 和 Dogecoin 等高峰流行的 memecoin,而选择了 NuggetRush。这种新的 memecoin 具有更高的增长上限,使其成为更具吸引力的投资和最值得购买的加密货币。您可以通过以下链接选择参与正在进行的预售。

Visit NuggetRush Presale Website

访问 NuggetRush 预售网站

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The post The Battle of Memes: Savvy Investors Overlook Dogecoin and Pepe for this New P2E Memecoin appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

模因之战:精明的投资者忽视狗狗币和佩佩这个新的 P2E 模因币的帖子首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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