첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 미국인의 47%가 BTC가 5년 내에 $69,000를 넘어설 것으로 예상함에 따라 비트코인 ​​신뢰도가 급상승했습니다.

Bitcoin confidence skyrockets as 47% of Americans expect BTC to surpass $69,000 within five years

미국인의 47%가 BTC가 5년 내에 $69,000를 넘어설 것으로 예상함에 따라 비트코인 ​​신뢰도가 급상승했습니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/07/19 22:14 읽다: 331

원저자:Todayq News

원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/64b714bb92f50570d6a75919

As Bitcoin hovers around the $30,000 mark, the confidence among Americans is palpable, with a staggering 78% anticipating a new all-time high for the flagship cryptocurrency. The CryptoVantage survey, which polled 1,000 cryptocurrency investors aged over 16 years, paints a hopeful picture, with 23% of respondents expecting Bitcoin to reach new highs within the year.

비트코인이 30,000달러 선을 맴돌면서 미국인들의 자신감은 눈에 띄게 나타났으며, 무려 78%가 주력 암호화폐의 사상 최고치를 예상했습니다. 16세 이상의 암호화폐 투자자 1,000명을 대상으로 실시한 CryptoVantage 설문조사에서는 희망적인 그림이 그려져 있으며, 응답자의 23%는 비트코인이 올해 안에 최고치를 경신할 것으로 예상했습니다.

Meanwhile, a more optimistic 47% foresee Bitcoin surpassing the $69,000 milestone (its previous all time high) in the next five years, setting the stage for a potential bull run triggered by the upcoming Bitcoin halving.

Source: CryptoVantage

한편, 보다 낙관적인 47%는 비트코인이 향후 5년 내에 $69,000 마일스톤(이전 최고치)을 넘어 다가오는 비트코인 ​​반감기로 인해 촉발될 잠재적 강세장을 위한 발판을 마련할 것으로 예상합니다. 출처: CryptoVantage

However, amid this optimism, the survey also highlights growing concerns surrounding regulatory scrutiny from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Recent legal actions against major exchanges like Binance and Coinbase have left 21% of respondents apprehensive about the impact of such developments on the cryptocurrency market’s future value.

“Regulatory actions are shaping the sentiment of investors,” says John Smith, a cryptocurrency analyst. “People want a clear and stable regulatory environment that fosters innovation while protecting investors.”

암호화폐 분석가인 John Smith는 “규제 조치가 투자자들의 정서를 형성하고 있습니다.”라고 말합니다. “사람들은 투자자를 보호하면서 혁신을 촉진하는 명확하고 안정적인 규제 환경을 원합니다.”

Interestingly, a significant 43% of participants believe that “positive developments around regulation” would make them more likely to invest in cryptocurrencies. The regulatory environment has been a mixed bag in 2023, with some negative developments clouding the market’s growth. The SEC’s actions have played a pivotal role in shaping investor sentiment, leading to a cautious approach towards the sector.

Although a majority of respondents believe that the current inflation levels will drive investors towards cryptocurrencies, a crucial takeaway is that global financial trends must become more bullish before people feel confident enough to invest more substantially in digital assets.

대다수의 응답자들은 현재 인플레이션 수준이 투자자들을 암호화폐로 이끌 것이라고 믿고 있지만, 중요한 점은 사람들이 디지털 자산에 더 많이 투자할 만큼 자신감을 갖기 전에 글로벌 금융 추세가 더욱 낙관적이어야 한다는 것입니다.

In terms of market competition, the

survey unveils an intriguing perception. A surprising 46.4% of respondents believe that Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency, will eventually surpass Bitcoin in market capitalization. With Ethereum’s continued developments and widespread adoption, it seems the competition between these two giants is getting fiercer.

Furthermore, a noteworthy 20.8% of Americans view Dogecoin as a potential contender to flip Bitcoin’s market capitalization. While it might seem like a distant possibility, the enthusiastic support for meme-based tokens cannot be underestimated. But as expected most Americans believe that only Ethereum can take over Bitcoin.

Source: CryptoVantage

또한 미국인의 20.8%는 도지코인을 비트코인의 시가총액을 뒤집을 잠재적 경쟁자로 보고 있습니다. 먼 가능성처럼 보일 수도 있지만, 밈 기반 토큰에 대한 열정적인 지원은 과소평가될 수 없습니다. 그러나 예상대로 대부분의 미국인들은 이더리움만이 비트코인을 장악할 수 있다고 믿습니다. 출처: CryptoVantage

Looking at the future investment landscape, 54% of participants expressed interest in investing if the market were to increase by at least 25%. This sentiment aligns with the 37% of people who expect the market to be much higher in the next five years and another 38% predicting similar or higher prices. The data implies that Americans are likely to increase their crypto investments as they anticipate growth in the sector.

미래 투자 환경을 살펴보면 참가자의 54%가 시장이 최소 25% 성장할 경우 투자에 관심을 표명했습니다. 이러한 정서는 향후 5년 동안 시장이 훨씬 더 높아질 것으로 예상하는 37%의 사람들과 유사하거나 더 높은 가격을 예측하는 38%의 사람들과 일치합니다. 데이터는 미국인들이 암호화폐 부문의 성장을 예상하면서 암호화폐 투자를 늘릴 가능성이 있음을 암시합니다.

Nonetheless, the SEC’s ongoing regulatory scrutiny remains a significant obstacle. The fear of market volatility and crashes, combined with apprehension towards regulatory actions, suggests that the average investor might be temporarily deterred from crypto until a stable regulatory environment emerges.

“Clarity on regulations will bring in institutional investors, boosting the market’s credibility and value,” asserts Lisa Johnson, a financial consultant.

금융 컨설턴트인 Lisa Johnson은 “규제의 명확성은 기관 투자자를 끌어들여 시장의 신뢰성과 가치를 높일 것”이라고 주장합니다.

It indicates a positive outlook on Bitcoin’s future, with the majority of Americans confident in a new all-time high for the cryptocurrency. However, regulatory scrutiny by the SEC casts a shadow of uncertainty over the crypto sector’s growth. It highlights the crucial need for transparent regulations to foster investor confidence and attract more substantial investments. As the crypto market continues to evolve, finding a balance between innovation and regulatory compliance will be essential for its sustainable growth and widespread acceptance.

The American crypto sector stands at a critical juncture, market trends and regulatory decisions will play a pivotal role in shaping its future trajectory. Investors and enthusiasts alike await a stable and favorable regulatory environment that can unlock the true potential of cryptocurrencies as a revolutionary financial asset.

미국 암호화폐 부문은 중요한 시점에 서 있으며, 시장 동향과 규제 결정은 미래 궤도를 형성하는 데 중추적인 역할을 할 것입니다. 투자자와 매니아 모두 혁신적인 금융 자산으로서 암호화폐의 진정한 잠재력을 발휘할 수 있는 안정적이고 유리한 규제 환경을 기다리고 있습니다.

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