첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Bonk는 PEPE를 능가하여 세 번째로 큰 Meme 토큰이 되었습니다.

Bonk Emerges as the Third-Largest Meme Coin, Surpasses PEPE

Bonk는 PEPE를 능가하여 세 번째로 큰 Meme 토큰이 되었습니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/12/14 21:27 읽다: 766


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/65774bc4eec6ef25477fbc17

  • Bonk, a dog-themed meme coin on the Solana blockchain, is now the third-largest meme coin by market capitalization.
  • 솔라나 블록체인의 개 테마 밈 코인인 Bonk는 현재 시가총액 기준으로 세 번째로 큰 밈 코인입니다.

  • Over the last month, the meme coin has surged by an impressive 363%, reaching a market cap of $707 million.
  • BONK currently holds the third position among meme coins, trailing behind Dogecoin and Shiba Inu.
  • BONK는 현재 밈 코인 중에서 Dogecoin과 Shiba Inu에 이어 3위를 차지하고 있습니다.

The Solana blockchain is witnessing the meteoric rise of Bonk, a dog-themed meme coin, which has swiftly climbed the ranks to become the third-largest meme coin by market capitalization. According to recent CoinGecko data, Bonk has surged past the market cap of its counterpart, Pepe, marking an impressive milestone in the world of meme coins.

Over the last month, Bonk has experienced an astonishing 363% increase in its price, propelling its market cap to an impressive $707 million.

지난 한 달 동안 Bonk의 가격은 무려 363%나 상승해 시가총액이 7억 700만 달러로 늘어났습니다.

BONK now ranks behind Dogecoin and Shiba Inu

Bonk’s current market cap places it just behind the behemoths of the meme coin realm—DOGE and SHIB—with market caps of $5.66 billion and $13.64.4 billion, respectively.

Bonk의 현재 시가총액은 각각 56억 6천만 달러와 136억 4400만 달러로 밈 코인 영역의 거대 기업인 DOGE와 SHIB 바로 뒤에 위치합니다.

The meme coin, which made its debut on Dec. 29, 2022, faced an impressive 3,766% surge in its first week of trading despite the challenging conditions of the bear market.

Subsequently, from Jan. 5 onwards, Bonk experienced a decline, hovering around its all-time lows for the better part of a year. However, a turning point emerged on Oct. 21, 2023, when Bonk initiated a remarkable upward trajectory. Since then, it has achieved an outstanding 6215% gain, solidifying its position as the most high-performing mid-cap meme coin over the last three months.

As Bonk continues to ride this wave of success, the cryptocurrency community remains captivated by its unprecedented ascent and the evolving dynamics within the meme coin landscape.

Bonk가 이러한 성공의 물결을 계속 타면서 암호화폐 커뮤니티는 전례 없는 상승과 밈 코인 환경 내에서 진화하는 역학에 여전히 매료되어 있습니다.

주요 주제

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    도지코인 채굴
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  • 스페이스엑스 우주선 발사
    스페이스엑스 우주선 발사
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  • 밈의 왕: Dogecoin
    밈의 왕: Dogecoin
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