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Bonk Emerges as the Third-Largest Meme Coin, Surpasses PEPE

Bonk 超越 PEPE,成为第三大 Meme 代币

发布: 2023/12/14 21:27 阅读: 766



  • Bonk, a dog-themed meme coin on the Solana blockchain, is now the third-largest meme coin by market capitalization.
  • Bonk 是 Solana 区块链上的一种以狗为主题的模因币,目前是市值第三大模因币。

  • Over the last month, the meme coin has surged by an impressive 363%, reaching a market cap of $707 million.
  • 过去一个月,Meme 币飙升了 363%,市值达到 7.07 亿美元。

  • BONK currently holds the third position among meme coins, trailing behind Dogecoin and Shiba Inu.
  • BONK 目前在 meme 币中排名第三,落后于狗狗币和柴犬。

The Solana blockchain is witnessing the meteoric rise of Bonk, a dog-themed meme coin, which has swiftly climbed the ranks to become the third-largest meme coin by market capitalization. According to recent CoinGecko data, Bonk has surged past the market cap of its counterpart, Pepe, marking an impressive milestone in the world of meme coins.

Solana 区块链见证了以狗为主题的 meme 币 Bonk 的迅速崛起,它已迅速跻身市值第三大 meme 币。根据 CoinGecko 最近的数据,Bonk 的市值已超过其竞争对手 Pepe,标志着模因币世界的一个令人印象深刻的里程碑。

Over the last month, Bonk has experienced an astonishing 363% increase in its price, propelling its market cap to an impressive $707 million.

上个月,Bonk 的价格惊人地上涨了 363%,使其市值达到令人印象深刻的 7.07 亿美元。

BONK now ranks behind Dogecoin and Shiba Inu

BONK 现在排名落后于狗狗币和柴犬

Bonk’s current market cap places it just behind the behemoths of the meme coin realm—DOGE and SHIB—with market caps of $5.66 billion and $13.64.4 billion, respectively.

Bonk 目前的市值仅落后于 meme 币领域的巨头 DOGE 和 SHIB,市值分别为 56.6 亿美元和 136.44 亿美元。

The meme coin, which made its debut on Dec. 29, 2022, faced an impressive 3,766% surge in its first week of trading despite the challenging conditions of the bear market.

这款 Meme 代币于 2022 年 12 月 29 日首次亮相,尽管熊市条件充满挑战,但在其交易的第一周就实现了令人印象深刻的 3,766% 的飙升。

Subsequently, from Jan. 5 onwards, Bonk experienced a decline, hovering around its all-time lows for the better part of a year. However, a turning point emerged on Oct. 21, 2023, when Bonk initiated a remarkable upward trajectory. Since then, it has achieved an outstanding 6215% gain, solidifying its position as the most high-performing mid-cap meme coin over the last three months.

随后,从 1 月 5 日起,Bonk 经历了下跌,在一年的大部分时间里徘徊在历史低点附近。然而,转折点出现在 2023 年 10 月 21 日,当时 Bonk 开始了显着的上升轨迹。此后,它实现了 6215% 的惊人涨幅,巩固了其作为过去三个月表现最好的中盘模因币的地位。

As Bonk continues to ride this wave of success, the cryptocurrency community remains captivated by its unprecedented ascent and the evolving dynamics within the meme coin landscape.

随着 Bonk 继续乘着这股成功浪潮,加密货币社区仍然对其前所未有的崛起和模因硬币领域不断变化的动态着迷。


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