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Top 5 Tokens Under $1 That Can Skyrocket In 2024

2024 年 1 美元以下可能飙升的 5 个代币

发布: 2023/12/14 21:32 阅读: 681

原文作者:Crypto Daily™


2024 年 1 美元以下可能飙升的 5 个代币

The cryptocurrency market is witnessing a significant shift as Bitcoin's dominance fades, making way for altcoins to shine. The global cryptocurrency market cap grew by $210 billion in early December 2023, with altcoins attracting $64 billion in capital inflows. This trend indicates the onset of another altseason – a period when investors are diversifying their portfolios and seeking amplified gains in alternative cryptocurrencies. Among these promising altcoins are Stellar (XLM), VeChain (VET), Algorand (ALGO), Fantom (FTM), IOTA (IOTA) and the emerging ScapesMania, each uniquely positioned for potential growth in 2024.

随着比特币的主导地位逐渐消失,加密货币市场正在经历重大转变,为山寨币的光芒让路。 2023 年 12 月上旬,全球加密货币市值增长了 2100 亿美元,其中山寨币吸引了 640 亿美元的资本流入。这一趋势表明另一个山寨币季节的开始——投资者正在多元化其投资组合并寻求替代加密货币的放大收益的时期。这些有前景的山寨币包括 Stellar (XLM)、VeChain (VET)、Algorand (ALGO)、Fantom (FTM)、IOTA (IOTA) 和新兴的 ScapesMania,每种货币都具有独特的优势,有望在 2024 年实现潜在增长。

Ride The Wave Of Innovation With ScapesMania

While some are facing an uncertain future, the trajectory of a presale project is far easier to predict. ScapesMania (MANIA) is a well-balanced, meticulously designed project that acts as a gaming ecosystem. Through DAO governance, backers will be able to influence and benefit from a multi-billion-dollar industry. A wide range of features paired with the best technology, a professional team, and a long-term, highly ambitious vision can make ScapesMania the next big thing in crypto. Presale discounts and stage bonuses only add to the project's appeal.

与 ScapesMania 一起驾驭创新浪潮虽然有些人面临着不确定的未来,但预售项目的轨迹却更容易预测。 ScapesMania (MANIA) 是一个平衡良好、精心设计的项目,充当游戏生态系统。通过 DAO 治理,支持者将能够影响价值数十亿美元的行业并从中受益。广泛的功能与最好的技术、专业的团队以及长期、雄心勃勃的愿景相结合,可以使 ScapesMania 成为加密领域的下一个重大事件。预售折扣和阶段奖金只会增加项目的吸引力。

Presale is Live Now – Join Now for a Chance to Benefit with MANIA

Backed by an award-winning developer crew, ScapesMania stands for transparency: every member’s social media profile is public. The project can achieve this not just by bringing big innovation to the game, but by putting its community front and center. Driving customer engagement and making sure that everyone benefits through great tokenomics and generous rewards is what makes ScapesMania the project with a bright future ahead.

预售现已开始 – 立即加入,即有机会受益于 MANIA 在屡获殊荣的开发人员团队的支持下,ScapesMania 代表着透明度:每个成员的社交媒体资料都是公开的。该项目不仅可以通过为游戏带来重大创新来实现这一目标,还可以通过将社区放在首位和中心来实现。推动客户参与并确保每个人都通过出色的代币经济和丰厚的奖励受益,这使得 ScapesMania 成为一个拥有光明未来的项目。

Presale is Live, Learn More About Major Benefits


Stellar (XLM): Navigating The Future With Protocol 20 Upgrade

Stellar (XLM) is gearing up for its most significant upgrade yet, with the introduction of Protocol 20. It will bring 12 new Core Advancement Proposals (CAPs) to the network, enabling smart contract functionalities and potentially revolutionizing DeFi and NFTinnovations.

Stellar (XLM):通过协议 20 升级引领未来随着协议 20 的引入,Stellar (XLM) 正准备进行迄今为止最重大的升级。它将为网络带来 12 项新的核心进展提案 (CAP),从而支持智能合约功能并可能彻底改变 DeFi 和 NFT 创新。

The XLM price range currently fluctuates between $0.108 and $0.132. The 10-day moving average stands at $0.126, while the 100-day moving average is at $0.117. Key support levels are found at $0.073 and $0.097, with resistance levels sitting at $0.147 and $0.172.

XLM 价格范围目前在 0.108 美元至 0.132 美元之间波动。 10 日移动平均线为 0.126 美元,100 日移动平均线为 0.117 美元。关键支撑位为 0.073 美元和 0.097 美元,阻力位为 0.147 美元和 0.172 美元。

The impending Protocol 20 upgrade positions Stellar (XLM) for substantial expansion. New projects and investments may surge the price, if smart contract capabilities are introduced, potentially luring them in. However, the success of these new features in driving the XLM price growth will largely depend on their adoption rate within the DeFi and NFT sectors, as well as broader market dynamics.

即将到来的 Protocol 20 升级使 Stellar (XLM) 能够实现大幅扩张。如果引入智能合约功能,新项目和投资可能会推高价格,从而吸引他们加入。然而,这些新功能能否成功推动 XLM 价格增长将在很大程度上取决于它们在 DeFi 和 NFT 领域的采用率,因为以及更广泛的市场动态。

VeChain (VET): On The Verge Of A Breakthrough

VeChain (VET) hovers on the cusp of exceeding 900,000 holders, which signals a substantial surge in user adoption. Since October, within merely two months, the token accrued an impressive 56%, a clear reflection of burgeoning investor confidence and its expanding market presence.

唯链 (VET):即将突破 唯链 (VET) 持有者数量即将突破 90 万,这标志着用户采用率大幅飙升。自 10 月份以来,在短短两个月内,该代币的涨幅达到了令人印象深刻的 56%,这清楚地反映了投资者信心的不断增强及其市场影响力的扩大。

The VeChain (VET) price range is currently between $0.0185 and $0.0239. The 10-day moving average is at $0.0253, and the 100-day moving average is at $0.0191. Support levels are at $0.0101 and $0.0156, with resistance levels being at $0.0265 and $0.032.

VeChain (VET) 的价格范围目前在 0.0185 美元至 0.0239 美元之间。 10日移动平均线为0.0253美元,100日移动平均线为0.0191美元。支撑位为 0.0101 美元和 0.0156 美元,阻力位为 0.0265 美元和 0.032 美元。

A promising outlook for VeChain (VET) manifests as the number of holders rises, and the recent price surge bolsters this sentiment; yet, the enduring success of VeChain (VET) relies on maintaining this momentum amid potential market fluctuations.


Algorand (ALGO): Pioneering With Python Integration

The integration of Algorand (ALGO) with Python is poised to revolutionize blockchain application development – this transformative step significantly streamlines processes taking place in the Algorand (ALGO) network and enhances accessibility for a wider spectrum of developers.

Algorand (ALGO):Python 集成的先驱Algorand (ALGO) 与 Python 的集成有望彻底改变区块链应用程序开发——这一变革性步骤显着简化了 Algorand (ALGO) 网络中发生的流程,并增强了更广泛开发人员的可访问性。

The Algorand (ALGO) price range is between $0.11 and $0.153. The 10-day moving average is at $0.169, with the 100-day moving average lounging at $0.114. Support levels are at $0.042 and $0.086, while resistance levels are at $0.174 and $0.217.

Algorand (ALGO) 的价格范围在 0.11 美元到 0.153 美元之间。 10 日移动平均线为 0.169 美元,100 日移动平均线为 0.114 美元。支撑位为 0.042 美元和 0.086 美元,阻力位为 0.174 美元和 0.217 美元。

Significantly boosting the appeal of Algorand (ALGO) to developers, the Python integration potentially ushers in a wave of innovative projects on the platform. This progress may directly impact the ALGO price, but whether or not these new features translate into the platform’s success remains contingent upon their adoption rate and prevailing market conditions.

Python 集成显着提高了 Algorand (ALGO) 对开发人员的吸引力,有可能在该平台上引发一波创新项目。这一进展可能会直接影响 ALGO 的价格,但这些新功能是否转化为平台的成功仍然取决于它们的采用率和当前的市场状况。

Fantom (FTM): Empowering Visionaries With Sonic Labs

With the launch of the Sonic Labs startup accelerator program, Fantom Foundation has significantly advanced – this initiative aims to drive innovation within the Fantom (FTM) Sonic technology stack, thus empowering Web3's upcoming wave of founders.

Fantom (FTM):通过 Sonic Labs 为有远见者提供支持随着 Sonic Labs 初创加速器计划的推出,Fantom 基金会取得了显着进展 - 该计划旨在推动 Fantom (FTM) Sonic 技术堆栈内的创新,从而为 Web3 即将到来的创始人浪潮提供支持。

The Fantom (FTM) price range is currently between $0.229 and $0.378. The 10-day moving average is at $0.351, and the 100-day moving average is at $0.244. Support levels are at $0.007 and $0.155, with resistance levels at $0.453 and $0.601.

Fantom (FTM) 的价格范围目前在 0.229 美元到 0.378 美元之间。 10日移动平均线为0.351美元,100日移动平均线为0.244美元。支撑位为 0.007 美元和 0.155 美元,阻力位为 0.453 美元和 0.601 美元。

Coupled with the current price dynamics of Fantom (FTM), Sonic Labs' strategic developments hint at a potential upward trajectory, yet their success in attracting quality projects and overall market sentiment will play decisive roles in determining the Fantom (FTM) price’s movement.

结合 Fantom (FTM) 当前的价格动态,Sonic Labs 的战略发展暗示着潜在的上升轨迹,但他们在吸引优质项目和整体市场情绪方面的成功将在决定 Fantom (FTM) 价格走势方面发挥决定性作用。

IOTA (IOTA): Gaining Momentum In The Middle East

The recent 70% price surge of IOTA (IOTA), following the registration of a $100M DLT Foundation in Abu Dhabi, signals a renewed interest in the project and its potential applications.

IOTA (IOTA):在中东获得动力随着价值 1 亿美元的 DLT 基金会在阿布扎比注册,IOTA (IOTA) 的价格最近飙升了 70%,这表明人们对该项目及其潜在应用重新产生了兴趣。

The IOTA (IOTA) price range is between $0.162 and $0.298. The 10-day moving average is $0.301, and the 100-day moving average is $0.178. Support and resistance levels are at $0.09, $0.361, and $0.497, respectively.

IOTA(IOTA)价格范围在0.162美元到0.298美元之间。 10日移动平均线为0.301美元,100日移动平均线为0.178美元。支撑位和阻力位分别为 0.09 美元、0.361 美元和 0.497 美元。

The establishment of the IOTA Ecosystem DLT Foundation and the significant investment involved could propel the token’s growth, however, the sustainability of this uptrend depends on the successful implementation of the foundation's initiatives and broader market trends.



Approaching 2024, a significant shift occurs in the cryptocurrency landscape: altcoins such as Stellar (XLM), VeChain (VET), Algorand (ALGO), Fantom(FTM) and IOTA (IOTA) rise to prominence – each priced under $1.

结论临近 2024 年,加密货币格局将发生重大转变:Stellar (XLM)、VeChain (VET)、Algorand (ALGO)、Fantom (FTM) 和 IOTA (IOTA) 等山寨币崛起——每种价格均低于 1 美元。

ScapesMania's innovative approach in gaming, Stellar (XLM) Protocol 20 upgrade enhancing its network, and VeChain (VET) expanding user base reflect the growing utility and adoption of blockchain; Python integration of Algorand (ALGO) opens new avenues for developers, while Fantom (FTM) Sonic Labs accelerator underscores the importance of nurturing new projects; the expansion of IOTA (IOTA) in the Middle East through the IOTA Ecosystem DLT Foundation highlights its global impact.

ScapesMania 在游戏方面的创新方法、Stellar (XLM) 协议 20 升级增强了其网络,以及 VeChain (VET) 不断扩大的用户群反映了区块链不断增长的实用性和采用率; Algorand (ALGO) 的 Python 集成为开发人员开辟了新途径,而 Fantom (FTM) Sonic Labs 加速器则强调了培育新项目的重要性; IOTA(IOTA)通过IOTA生态系统DLT基金会在中东的扩张凸显了其全球影响力。

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored article and is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect the views of Crypto Daily, nor is it intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.

免责声明:这是一篇赞助文章,仅供参考。它不反映 Crypto Daily 的观点,也不打算用作法律、税务、投资或财务建议。




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