첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Bonk와 NuggetRush는 Eclipse Dogecoins를 얻습니다. DOGE는 여전히 밈의 왕인가요?

Bonk and NuggetRush Gains Eclipse Dogecoin. Is DOGE Still King of The Memes?

Bonk와 NuggetRush는 Eclipse Dogecoins를 얻습니다. DOGE는 여전히 밈의 왕인가요?

풀어 주다: 2023/12/15 06:06 읽다: 622


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/657b1ac735de122dcb823f10

Bonk와 NuggetRush는 Eclipse Dogecoins를 얻습니다. DOGE는 여전히 밈의 왕인가요?


  • Bonk and NuggetRush experienced massive gains in the crypto and ICO markets, respectively.
  • Bonk와 NuggetRush는 각각 암호화폐 및 ICO 시장에서 엄청난 이익을 얻었습니다.

  • Dogecoin has become less appealing due to its low growth potential.
  • Dogecoin은 낮은 성장 잠재력으로 인해 매력이 떨어졌습니다.

  • NuggeRush is tipped for a 5,000% rise after its launch.



The crypto market is a never-ending source of excitement, with traders constantly riding different waves. While Bonk (BONK) and NuggetRush (NUGX) are registering massive gains, Dogecoin’s (DOGE) growth pales in comparison. This has led some to wonder: Is Dogecoin still king of the memes? With newer and more exciting memecoins constantly entering the market, like NuggetRush, DOGE’s dominance is often under threat.

This post will cover the rise of Bonk and NuggeRush, explaining why Dogecoin has become unappealing. Let’s begin.

이 게시물은 Bonk와 NuggeRush의 부상을 다루고 Dogecoin이 매력적이지 않은 이유를 설명합니다. 의 시작하자.

>> Buy NuggetRush Now <<

NuggetRush (NUGX): A New and Promising Contender

NuggetRush(NUGX): 새롭고 유망한 경쟁자

The crypto landscape is a breeding ground for innovations, and NuggetRush (NUGX) stands at the intersection of both growth and innovation. This top ICO stands out for its blend of memes, play-to-earn (P2E), and GameFi. Further, according to experts, it will outperform popular memecoins. In light of this, its presale has been selling out fast, with investors aiming to position themselves for profit.

As a memecoin, it will utilize the internet and build a strong community, which will be integral to its growth. Its dedication to the community is further emphasized by the token’s governance feature, giving holders a say in the future direction of the ecosystem. Further, its integration of play-to-earn and GameFi features into the ecosystem introduces tangible utility, which many memecoins lack.

밈코인으로서 인터넷을 활용하고 성장에 필수적인 강력한 커뮤니티를 구축할 것입니다. 커뮤니티에 대한 헌신은 토큰의 거버넌스 기능을 통해 더욱 강조되어 보유자에게 생태계의 미래 방향에 대한 발언권을 제공합니다. 또한, Play-to-Earn 및 GameFi 기능을 생태계에 통합하면 많은 밈코인이 부족한 실질적인 유용성을 도입합니다.

The upcoming game will be centered on gold mining. It promises a thrilling gameplay experience and opportunities to earn rewards while going on adventures and quests. More importantly, collected rewards can be traded on the marketplace for cash or gold. 

At the center of this gaming platform will be NuggetRush, the utility token within the ecosystem and one of the best cryptos to buy now.

이 게임 플랫폼의 중심에는 생태계 내의 유틸리티 토큰이자 지금 구매할 수 있는 최고의 암호화폐 중 하나인 NuggetRush가 있습니다.

The presale is in its third round currently, and a token costs just $0.013. According to top experts, its price will rise by 5,000% after launch, which positions it as the best new crypto to invest in today.

>> Buy NuggetRush Now << 

Bonk (BONK): Rising to the Top

봉크(BONK): 정상에 오르다

In a development that has stirred up excitement within the crypto community, particularly Solana, Bonk’s (BONK) value skyrocketed. The Solana-based memecoin recently became a top 100 cryptocurrency after its explosive growth. In the past 3 months, its price has increased by over 5,000%. With its momentum showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon, it is one of the best coins to invest in.

As the first dog-themed token on Solana, Bonk has a strong following. This makes it primed for even more growth in the future. Given its massive upside potential, Bonk might flip popular memecoins, positioning it as one of the best cryptos to invest in.

솔라나의 첫 번째 개 테마 토큰인 Bonk는 강력한 추종자를 보유하고 있습니다. 이를 통해 앞으로 더욱 성장할 수 있는 기반을 마련했습니다. 막대한 상승 잠재력을 감안할 때 Bonk는 인기 있는 밈코인을 뒤집어 투자하기에 가장 좋은 암호화폐 중 하나로 자리매김할 수 있습니다.

Dogecoin (DOGE): Losing Appeal

Dogecoin (DOGE): 매력 상실

Dogecoin (DOGE) has always been the memecoin to beat, and the reason is clear. It was the first of its kind, launching in 2013. Its success led to a wave of new cryptocurrencies—memecoins—aiming to ride its popularity wave. While some have gotten close to surpassing it, Dogecoin remains the most popular memecoin.

However, while it is an OG in the meme sector, many wonder how long its reign will last. It has shown underwhelming movement of late and become less appealing, with investors opting for newer and more promising cryptocurrencies. Given Dogecoin’s large market cap, it has little growth potential, prompting traders to choose more profitable ventures. Nevertheless, Dogecoin is still a good crypto to buy, even though it doesn’t promise explosive growth.

그러나 밈 분야의 OG임에도 불구하고 그 통치 기간이 얼마나 지속될지 궁금해하는 사람들이 많습니다. 투자자들이 더 새롭고 유망한 암호화폐를 선택함에 따라 최근에는 압도적인 움직임을 보였으며 매력도가 떨어졌습니다. Dogecoin의 시가총액이 크다는 점을 감안할 때 성장 잠재력이 거의 없어 거래자들이 더 수익성 있는 벤처를 선택하게 됩니다. 그럼에도 불구하고, Dogecoin은 폭발적인 성장을 약속하지는 않지만 여전히 구매하기에 좋은 암호화폐입니다.



The crypto landscape is constantly changing; hence, Bonk’s and NuggetRush’s gains eclipsing Dogecoin come as little surprise. These newer cryptocurrencies are set to challenge DOGE’s dominance, making them tokens to be on the lookout for.

Visit NuggetRush Presale Website

NuggetRush 사전 판매 웹사이트 방문



Keywords: good crypto to buy, best cryptos to invest in, best coins to invest in, best new crypto to invest in, best cryptos to buy now, and top ICO.

키워드: 구매하기에 좋은 암호화폐, 투자하기에 가장 좋은 암호화폐, 투자하기에 가장 좋은 코인, 투자하기에 가장 좋은 신규 암호화폐, 지금 구매할 수 있는 최고의 암호화폐, 최고의 ICO.

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