첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Coinbase는 Memecoin을 상장하고 BONK는 52% 급등하여 사상 최고치를 기록했습니다.

BONK Rockets Up 52% To New All-Time High As Coinbase Lists Memecoin

Coinbase는 Memecoin을 상장하고 BONK는 52% 급등하여 사상 최고치를 기록했습니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/12/15 06:00 읽다: 871


원본 소스:https://bitcoinist.com/bonk-rockets-up-45-as-coinbase-lists-memecoin/

The Solana-based memecoin BONK has shot up more than 52% in the past day following Coinbase’s announcement about the memecoin’s listing.

Cryptocurrency Exchange Coinbase Has Revealed Listing For BONK

암호화폐 거래소 코인베이스, BONK 상장 공개

Coinbase, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, December 13 announced on X that the platform would be adding support for a new coin: BONK.

세계 최대 암호화폐 거래소 중 하나인 Coinbase는 12월 13일 X에서 플랫폼이 새로운 코인인 BONK에 대한 지원을 추가할 것이라고 발표했습니다.

BONK is a dog-themed meme coin built on the Solana blockchain that was launched only at the end of last year. The asset is similar to Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) and has recently gained some rapid popularity.

BONK는 작년 말에 출시된 솔라나 블록체인을 기반으로 구축된 개 테마의 밈 코인입니다. 이 자산은 Dogecoin(DOGE) 및 Shiba Inu(SHIB)와 유사하며 최근 빠른 인기를 얻었습니다.

It would appear that the coin has now gained enough steam that it has caught the eye of a major platform like Coinbase. “Trading will begin on or after 9 AM PT on 14 December 2023, if liquidity conditions are met,” said the exchange in an X post on December 13.

“Once sufficient supply of this asset is established trading on our BONK-USD trading pairs will launch in phases,” revealed the platform. “Support for BONK may be restricted in some supported jurisdictions.”

“이 자산의 충분한 공급이 이루어지면 BONK-USD 거래 쌍에 대한 거래가 단계적으로 시작될 것입니다.”라고 플랫폼이 밝혔습니다. “BONK에 대한 지원은 일부 지원 관할권에서 제한될 수 있습니다.”

Coinbase has added the memecoin under the “Experimental” label, as a warning for its users to exercise caution when trading the coin. The risks associated with assets like these can include price swings and canceled orders due to lower volume and availability.

코인베이스는 사용자들이 코인을 거래할 때 주의를 기울이도록 경고하기 위해 "실험적" 라벨 아래에 밈코인을 추가했습니다. 이러한 자산과 관련된 위험에는 가격 변동 및 수량 및 가용성 감소로 인한 주문 취소가 포함될 수 있습니다.

Other than serving as a warning, though, the label doesn’t do anything, so BONK would still be functionally the same as any other asset on the exchange in terms of trading.

Meme Boin Smashes Through New All-Time High

Meme Boin이 새로운 사상 최고치를 경신했습니다.

BONK had kicked off the month with a very sharp rally, but the surge had come to a halt just short of the $0.000150 level a few days back, and what followed was some lengthy pullback for the meme coin towards $0.0000093.

With the Coinbase announcement, though, life has returned back to the cryptocurrency, as it has registered a surge of more than 52% during the past 24 hours. The below chart shows how the asset has performed over the past month.

With this surge, not only has the asset fully recovered from its drawdown, but it has also surpassed the previous peak and has set a new all-time high beyond the $0.0000156 level. Unsurprisingly, the coin is the best performer among the top 100 cryptocurrencies by market cap during the past day.

이러한 급등으로 자산은 하락세에서 완전히 회복되었을 뿐만 아니라 이전 최고점을 넘어섰고 $0.0000156 수준을 넘어 새로운 사상 최고치를 경신했습니다. 당연히 이 코인은 지난 하루 동안 시가총액 기준 상위 100개 암호화폐 중 최고의 성과를 거두었습니다.

The below table shows how BONK compares against its fellow meme coins right now:

While the other meme coins haven’t performed poorly today, BONK’s rally has clearly still vastly outshined them. With a market cap of over $930 million, the asset now has some significant distance over the next-largest meme-based cryptocurrency, PEPE.

The coin is still far from touching the market cap of Shiba Inu, though, which is the second-largest meme coin by market cap. BONK will have to do close to a 6.5x jump from here if its market cap is to surpass that of SHIB.

하지만 이 코인은 시가총액 기준으로 두 번째로 큰 밈 코인인 Shiba Inu의 시가총액을 아직 만지지는 못했습니다. BONK의 시가총액이 SHIB의 시가총액을 넘어서려면 여기서 6.5배 가까이 점프해야 합니다.

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