첫 장 > 정보 뉴스 > CFTC, 전 보이저 디지털 CEO 상대로 소송 제기

U.S CFTC Launches Lawsuit Against Former Voyager Digital CEO

CFTC, 전 보이저 디지털 CEO 상대로 소송 제기

풀어 주다: 2023/10/13 08:15 읽다: 924


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/652873631d5aae766dd797ba

  • Stephen Ehrlich, in reaction to these accusations, has categorically refuted them.
  • 이러한 비난에 대해 스티븐 에를리히(Stephen Ehrlich)는 이를 단호하게 반박했습니다.

  • The former CEO claims that he is being made the scapegoat for the acts of others.

The U.S CFTC has launched a lawsuit against former Voyager Digital Ltd. CEO Stephen Ehrlich, bringing the cryptocurrency business back into the limelight.

미국 CFTC가 전 보이저 디지털(Voyager Digital Ltd.) CEO 스티븐 에를리히(Stephen Ehrlich)를 상대로 소송을 제기해 암호화폐 사업이 다시 주목을 받고 있다.

Stephen Ehrlich allegedly broke derivatives laws and misled clients about the security of their digital assets. This has been detailed in a recent report by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). The agency has taken a major step towards enforcing crypto rules by filing a case in a U.S. federal court in New York.

Violation of Agency Regulations

During Ehrlich’s time as CEO, the CFTC claims he broke laws meant to promote openness and honesty in the derivatives market. The lawsuit also alleges that Ehrlich and Voyager Digital misrepresented the platform as a “safe haven” for users’ digital assets. Thereby enticing unwary investors into a risky scenario.

Bloomberg News said that CFTC investigators had already found that Ehrlich had violated agency regulations prior to the filing of the complaint. A decision on whether to pursue enforcement measures against the former CEO was thereafter being discussed by the regulatory body’s commissioners.

Bloomberg News는 CFTC 조사관이 이미 Ehrlich가 고소장을 제출하기 전에 기관 규정을 위반했다는 사실을 발견했다고 말했습니다. 전 CEO에 대한 집행 조치를 취할 것인지에 대한 결정은 이후 규제 기관의 위원들에 의해 논의되었습니다.

Moreover, Stephen Ehrlich, in reaction to these accusations, has categorically refuted them. He has made a point of highlighting the fact that he has never had any problems throughout his lengthy and spotless career in regulated markets at public firms. Ehrlich claims that he is being made the scapegoat for the acts of others inside several corporations.

게다가 스티븐 에를리히(Stephen Ehrlich)는 이러한 비난에 대해 단호히 반박했습니다. 그는 공기업의 규제 시장에서 길고 흠잡을 데 없는 경력을 쌓는 동안 어떤 문제도 겪은 적이 없다는 사실을 강조했습니다. Ehrlich는 자신이 여러 기업 내에서 다른 사람들의 행위에 대한 희생양이 되고 있다고 주장합니다.

The claims against Ehrlich follow the collapse of Voyager Digital in July of last year. The firm failed as a result of the severe market collapse that hit the cryptocurrency industry.

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